V: bubble
B: Morning sir, my card.
V: Duke Univ.?
B: to study for my phd degree.
V: major?
B: psy.
V:what do u want to do with your phd?(这里紧张了一下。本来要解释我学的东西,
B;I will come back to do research on Chinese reading dev and Chinese dyslexi
a.that is specialty in duke, do u know dyslexia?
V: yeah(居然知道!),it is *—¥%¥…(*)*(大致说对了,555没面子)
B: yes, it is *(&*(^^%^%(硬着头皮了,都让他说了555,不能冷场了把),顺便吧这个
V:u do chinese resarch, chinese character is complex.
V: u do research on Chinese, why go to usa?
B: I go to us just to learn the techonology and method, China has no advanced
techonology in the field of reading dev and dyslexia, the research has just
begun in China.
V:any advisor (忘了原话)能保证你回来找的到工作吗,(意思要我的sl)
V: where will u want to find the position?
B; the top school in China, Pku or beijing normal univ……
V:(打断)beijing normal univ? why?
B: coz it is good at dev psy
V;(这时候,问了至今我想不明白的话)has chinese character changed?
B: sorry, what do u mean by that?
V: 原话
B: 快速思考中,啥意思?是不是说繁体字变成简体,跟我有什么关系。
V:has 汉字changed?(用我们那边的话叫两个声,差电翻白眼了,不知道它的change指的
B: (决定放弃)I dont know.
V: (也不纠缠)so why u r sure you can find a position in China?
B: China has the largest no of children with dyslexia, 说严重性
V: but us also have dyslexia children
B; 原来准备好的句是全打乱了,忘了原话,意思说,美国的专家多,中国的少,更需要
B; 但是美国的position是more competitive.
V: no(第二个,心里一沉),一点都不competitive,好找工作的(诡异的笑no2)
V:any document u want to show me?
B: maybe u would like to see my offer letter.
V: 好吧,稍微看了一下,开始化圈,找东西,斯绿条,第出来看着我也不说话
V:还愣着干吗,快去window 10
B: 愣了1秒钟,thank u very much sir.