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发表于 2012-4-16 14:44:43 |只看该作者


This page contains the Issue topics for theAnalytical Writing section of the GRE® revised General Test. When you take thetest, you will be presented with one
Issue topic from this pool.

EachIssue topic consists of an issue statement or statements followed by specifictask instructions that tell you how to respond to the issue. The wording
ofsome topics in the test might vary slightly from what is presented here. Also,because there may be multiple versions of some topics with similar or
identicalwording but with different task instructions, it isvery important to read your test topic and its specific task directionscarefully and respond to
the wording as it appears in the actual test.


Write a response in which you discuss theextent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoningfor the position you take. In
developing and supporting your position, youshould consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true andexplain how these considerations
shape your position.

1.       As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, theability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.随着人们越来越依

2.       To understand the mostimportant characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities.要想理解一个社会最为重要的特点,就必须研究这个社会的各

3.       In any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significantcontribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievementswithin that

4.       People's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their ownmaking.人们的行为在很大程度上是取决于外力而非其自己所做出的选择。

5.       Formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than setthem free.正规教育倾向于限制我们的想法和精神而不是使他们得到解放。

6.       The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people questionauthority.当一个社会的大多数人们都质疑权威时,这个社会的福利安康就得到了提升

7.       Laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances,times, and places.法律应该是足够灵活的,可以考虑各种不同的情形和时空。灵活的

8.       The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negativeones.教育/训练的最佳方式就是鼓励积极的行为,忽视消极的行为。

9.       The luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life prevent people fromdeveloping into truly strong and independent individuals.当代生活的奢侈与便利

10.   In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert tomake important contributions.在任何探索未知的领域,初学者比专家更有可能做出重要

11.   The surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by theachievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but by the general welfareof its

12.   As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible,but more complex and mysterious.随着我们掌握的知识日益增多,事情并非变得更易理解

13.   In any situation, progress requires discussion among people who havecontrasting points of view.在任何情形下,想要取得进步,要求持有互相冲突观点的人们进

14.   It is primarily through our identification with social groups that wedefine ourselves.我们主要是通过对于社会群体的认同,才得以定义我们自己。

15.   The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live afterthem, not by their contemporaries.一个人是否伟大只能由生活于其后的人们而非其同

16.   Students should always questionwhat they are taught instead of accepting it passively.学生应该始终质疑自己所学到的知识而不是被动的接受它们。

17.   The increasingly rapid pace of life today causes more problems than itsolves.当今日益增快的生活节奏引发的问题超过了它所解决的问题。

18.   Competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning atall levels of education.为获得高分而竞争严重的限制了所有水平教育的学习质量。

19.   If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it are justifiable.如果一个目标是值得的,那么任何用以实现这一目标的途径/手段都是合理的。

20.   In order for any work of art—for example, a film,a novel, a poem, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people.对任何一门艺术(

21.   Many important discoveries or creations are accidental: it is usuallywhile seeking the answer to one question that we come across the answer toanother.

22.   The main benefit of the study of history is to dispel the illusion thatpeople living now are significantly different from people who lived in earlier

23.   Learning is primarily a matter of personal discipline; students cannotbe motivated by school or college alone.学习主要是个体的自觉自律的事儿,学生们无

24.   Leaders are created by the demands that are placed on them.领导者是由其所处位置的要求所创造的。

25.   There is little justification for society to make extraordinary efforts—especiallyat a great cost in money and jobs—to save endangered animal or
plant species.对整个社会而言,没有什么道义上的理由来付出巨大的努力——尤其是以众多金钱和劳力为代价——来拯救那些濒危的动物或植物。

26.   The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines areonly tools of human minds.人的大脑总是优于机器,因为机器只是人脑的工具。

27.   People who are the most deeply committed to an idea or policy are alsothe most critical of it.那些深深投入到一个想法或一项政策中的人往往也对其最具评判

28.   Young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term, realistic goalsrather than seek immediate fame and recognition.年轻人应该被鼓励追求长远的,可实

29.   Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisionstoday.通晓过去无法帮助人们在当代做出重要的决策。

30.   In this age of intensive media coverage, it is no longer possible for asociety to regard any living man or woman as a hero.在这个媒体覆盖面日益深广的时

31.   We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share thanfrom people whose views contradict our own.与那些与我们观点相悖的人们相比,我们通常

32.   The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyzethe trends of its youth.理解当代文化最为有效的方式是分析这一文化下年轻人的趋势。

33.   People's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation orsurroundings than by society as a whole.人们的态度取决于他们当下的情形或环境而不

34.   The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increasepeople's efficiency so that they have more leisure time.技术进步最为主要的目标是增加

35.   Unfortunately, in contemporary society, creating an appealing image hasbecome more important than the reality or truth behind that image.不幸的是,在当

36.   Although innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet seem tooffer schools improved methods for instructing students, these technologies
alltoo often distract from real learning.尽管视频录像、电脑以及网络等创新似乎为学校提供了用以指导学生的方法,这些技术全部都过于使学生从真正的学习中分心了。

37.   The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things.最好的想法源于对于常见事物产生富有激情的兴趣。

38.   In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more importantthan knowledge.在大多数专业或者学术领域,想象力比知识更为重要。

39.   To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highestethical and moral standards.想要成为一个有效的领导者,一个公共的官员必须要持有最

40.   Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless itcomes from someone who is an expert in that field.在任何既定领域,对于工作的关键

41.   Requiring university students to take a variety of courses outside theirmajor fields of study is the best way to ensure that students become

42.   Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popularopinion will accomplish little.那些迅速、轻易就受到群众/大众观点的变动所影响的领导

43.   Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather thanunquestioningly carry out the will of the people whom they serve.政府官员应该依赖自身

44.   A nation should require all of its students to study the same nationalcurriculum until they enter college.一个国家应该要求它的全体学生学习相同的全国性

45.   It is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions aregenerated and preserved.主要是在城市中,一个国家的文化传统得以产生和保存。

46.   We can learn much more from people whose views we share than from peoplewhose views contradict our own.与那些和我们观点冲突的人相比,我们可以从那些和我

47.   When old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could bebetter used for modern purposes, modern development should be given precedenceover
the preservation of historic buildings.当旧的建筑物所在的场地被当代的计划者认为可以更好的用于当代的目的时,当代的发展应该优先于对历史建筑的保存。

48.   All college and university students would benefit from spending at leastone semester studying in a foreign country.所有的大学生都会从在一个海外国家学习

49.   Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students frompursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.教育机构有责任劝

50.   It is more harmful to compromise one's own beliefs than to adhere tothem.与坚持自己的信念相比,对信念予以妥协更加的有害。

51.   No field of study can advance significantly unless it incorporatesknowledge and experience from outside that field.没有一个学习领域能够取得显著的进步除

52.   True success can be measured primarily in terms of the goals one setsfor oneself.真正的成功只能从个体自己所设立的目标的角度来予以衡量。

53.   The best test of an argument is the argument's ability to convincesomeone with an opposing viewpoint.检验一个argument的最好办法是看其对于持有相反观点的

54.    The effectiveness of a country's leaders isbest measured by examining the well-being of that country's citizens.检测一个国家的领导者的有效性的最好指标


Write a response in which you discuss theextent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing andsupporting your position, be sure to address
the most compelling reasons and/orexamples that could be used to challenge your position.


1.       Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students frompursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed. 教育机构有责

2.       Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in waysthat no speaker or reformer ever could.丑闻是有用的,因为它可以以一种任何发

3.       Universities should require every student to take a variety of coursesoutside the student's field of study.大学应该要求每名学生都在自己所学的领域之

4.       Educational institutions should actively encourage their students tochoose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers.教育机构应该

5.       The best way to teach—whether as an educator, employer, or parent—is to praisepositive actions and ignore negative ones.最好的训导方式——无论是作

6.       Teachers' salaries should be based on their students' academicperformance.教师的工资应该基于他所负责的学生的学业成绩表现。

7.       College students should base their choice of a field of study on theavailability of jobs in that field.大学生应该将学习领域的选择基于在那个领域获得

8.       Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws andto disobey and resist unjust laws.社会中的每个个体的责任是遵守公正的法律以及

9.       It is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or womanas a hero.一个社会已经不可能将其尚在人世的男人或女人视作英雄。

10.   The effectiveness of a country's leaders is best measured by examiningthe well-being of that country's citizens.衡量一个国家领导者的有效性的最佳方式就

11.   All parents should be required to volunteer time to their children'sschools.所有的父母都应该被要求自愿提供时间给他们孩子所在的学校。

12.   A nation should require all of its students to study the same nationalcurriculum until they enter college.一个国家应该要求它所有的学生学习相同的全国课

13.   Colleges and universities should require their students to spend atleast one semester studying in a foreign country.学院或大学应该要求学生在一个海外国

14.   People's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their ownmaking.人们的行为在很大程度上取决于外在的强力而非自己所做的决定。

15.   To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highestethical and moral standards.成为一个有效的领导者,公共官员应该维持最高的伦理和道

16.   Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless itcomes from someone who is an expert in that field.在任何既定的领域,对作品的评断

17.   In any profession—business, politics, education, government—those inpower should step down after five years.在任何领域——商业、政治、教育、政府管理

18.   The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine thecharacter of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or itsrole

19.   The best way for a society to prepare its young people for leadership ingovernment, industry, or other fields is by instilling in them a sense
ofcooperation, not competition.一个社会装备其年轻人在政府、工业或者其他领域的领导力的最佳方式就是向他们灌输合作感,而非竞争精神。

20.   In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more importantthan knowledge.在大多数职业和学业领域,想象力比知识更为重要。

21.   The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of itsrulers, artists, or scientists, but the general well-being of all its people.一个

22.   Educational institutions should actively encourage their students tochoose fields of study in which jobs are plentiful.教育机构应该主动的鼓励他们的学生

23.   The general welfare of a nation's people is a better indication of thatnation's greatness than are the achievements of its rulers, artists,
orscientists. 一个伟大国家最为适切的指标不是他的统治者、艺术家或者科学家所取得的成就,而是它的全体国民的整体幸福安康程度。

24.    Nations should pass laws to preserve anyremaining wilderness areas in their natural state.国家应该通过法律来保存任何尚存的荒野地区使其保持自然状态。


Write a response in which you discuss theextent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain yourreasoning for the position you take.
In developing and supporting yourposition, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendationwould or would not be advantageous and explain
how these examples shape yourposition.

1.       A nation should require all of its students to study the same nationalcurriculum until they enter college.一个国家应该要求其所有学生学习相同的全国课
2.       Governments should focus on solving the immediate problems of todayrather than on trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future.政府应该重
3.       Governments should place few, if any, restrictions on scientificresearch and development.政府应该对于科学研究和发展施以最低限度的限制。
4.       Governments should offer college and university education free of chargeto all students.政府应该提供给所有学生免费的学院和大学教育。
5.       Governments should not fund anyscientific research whose consequences are unclear.政府不该资助任何其后果不明朗的研究。
6.       Society should identify those children who have special talents andprovide training for them at an early age to develop their talents.政府应该挑选/
7.       College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interestthem rather than the courses that seem most likely to lead to jobs.大学生应该
8.       Universities should require every student to take a variety of coursesoutside the student's field of study.大学应该要求学生们在所学领域之外修读广泛
9.       Educators should find out what students want included in the curriculumand then offer it to them.教育者应该探寻学生们在课程中想要什么然后提供给他们

10.   Educators should teach facts only after their students have studied theideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts.只有在学生们已经学习了

11.   Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather thanunquestioningly carry out the will of the people they serve.政府官员应该依赖自身的决
12.   Young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term, realistic goalsrather than seek immediate fame and recognition.年轻人应该被鼓励追求长远的、现实
13.   The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negativeones.传授的最佳方式是赞赏积极的行为而忽略那些消极的行为。
14.   In order to become well-rounded individuals, all college students shouldbe required to take courses in which they read poetry, novels, mythology,
andother types of imaginative literature.为了成为全面发展的个体,所有的大学生都应该被要求参加一些课程,在其中,他们可以阅读诗歌、小说、神话以及其他类型的富有
15.   Scientists and other researchers should focus their research on areasthat are likely to benefit the greatest number of people.科学家和其他研究者应该将
16.   Politicians should pursue common ground and reasonable consensus ratherthan elusive ideals.政治家应该寻求共同的立场和合理的一致意见,而不是那些晦涩难描
17.   People should undertake risky action only after they have carefullyconsidered its consequences.人们只有在充分的考虑危险行动的后果之后才应该从事这些行为

18.   Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significantnumbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed.当一个国家的众多国民还处于饥
19.   All parents should be required to volunteer time to their children'sschools.所有的父母都应该被要求为子女所在的学校贡献一些时间。
20.   Colleges and universities should require their students to spend atleast one semester studying in a foreign country.学院和大学应该要求其学生在一个海外
21.   Teachers' salaries should be based on the academic performance of theirstudents.教师的薪水应该基于他们教授的学生的学业表现。
22.   Educators should take students' interests into account when planning thecontent of the courses they teach.在设计所教授课程的内容时,教育者应该将学生的
23.   Educators should base their assessment of students' learning not onstudents' grasp of facts but on the ability to explain the ideas, trends,
andconcepts that those facts illustrate.教育者对于学生学习的评估不该基于学生掌握了多少事实,而应该是学生解释这些事实所阐释的想法、趋势以及概念的能力。
24.    College students should base their choiceof a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field.大学生对于学习领域的选择应该基于那个领域当中工
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发表于 2012-4-16 14:46:45 |只看该作者
Write a response in which you discuss theextent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on whichthat claim is based.

1.       Claim: Governments must ensure that their major cities receive thefinancial support they need in order to thrive.论点:政府必须确保其主要城市获取发
Reason: It is primarily in cities that anation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated.理由:主要是在城市,一个国家的文化传统得以保存和产生。
2.       Claim: In any field—business, politics, education, government—those inpower should step down after five years.在任何领域——商业,政治,教育,政府
Reason: The surest path to success for anyenterprise is revitalization through new leadership.对任何事业而言,最可靠地获取成功的路径就是通过新的领导来获取新
3.       Claim: The best way to understand the character of a society is toexamine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as itsheroes
or its role models.理解一个社会特点的最好的方式就是检视这个社会所选定的英雄或者角色典范。
Reason: Heroes and role models reveal asociety's highest ideals.英雄和角色典范解释了一个社会的最高的理想。
4.       Claim: When planning courses, educators should take into account theinterests and suggestions of their students.在设计课程时,教育者应该考虑他们学生
Reason: Students are more motivated tolearn when they are interested in what they are studying.当学生对所学内容深感兴趣时,他们更容易受到激励去学习
5.       Claim: It is no longer possible for a society to regard any living manor woman as a hero.一个社会不再可能将尚存人士的男人或女人视作英雄。
Reason: The reputation of anyone who issubjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished.任何受到媒体检视的人的声誉终将受损而减少。
6.       Claim: We can usually learn much more from people whose views we sharethan from those whose views contradict our own.与那些与我们意见相左的人相比,
Reason: Disagreement can cause stress andinhibit learning.意见不同可以引起压力并抑制学习。
7.       Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety ofcourses outside the student's major field of study.大学应该要求每个学生在所学专
Reason: Acquiring knowledge of variousacademic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.获取多种不同学科的知识是真正受到教育的最佳途径。
8.       Claim: The best test of an argument is its ability to convince someonewith an opposing viewpoint.检测一个argument的最好方式是看其说服持有相反观点的
Reason: Only by being forced to defend anidea against the doubts and contrasting views of others does one reallydiscover the value of that idea.
9.       Claim: Any piece of information referred to as a fact should bemistrusted, since it may well be proven false in the future.任何被指称为事实的信息都
Reason: Much of the information that peopleassume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate.大多数被人们认为是事实的信息实际上都被证明是错误的。
10.   Claim: Nations should suspend government funding for the arts whensignificant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed.当国家的众多国民处于饥
Reason: It is inappropriate—and,perhaps, even cruel—to use public resources to fund the arts when people's basic needsare not being met.这是不适宜的——甚
11.   Claim: Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and thelegal system.许多当代社会的问题无法通过法律和司法系统加以解决。
Reason: Laws cannot change what is inpeople's hearts or minds.法律无法改变人们的内心想法和观念。
12.   Claim: Imagination is a more valuable asset than experience.想象力是一种比实际经验更为有价值的资源/资产。
Reason: People who lack experience are freeto imagine what is possible without the constraints of established habits andattitudes.缺少经验的人可以自由的想象
13.   Claim: The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements ofits rulers, artists, or scientists.一个伟大国家最为适切的指标不是它的统治者、艺
Reason: The surest indicator of a greatnation is actually the welfare of all its people. 一个伟大国家最为适切的指标实际上是这个国家全体人民的整体福利。
14.   Claim: The surest indicator of a great nation must be the achievementsof its rulers, artists, or scientists. 一个伟大国家最为适切的指标必然是它的统治者
Reason: Great achievements by a nation'srulers, artists, or scientists will ensure a good life for the majority of thatnation's people. 一个国家的统治者、艺
15.   Claim: Researchers should not limit their investigations to only thoseareas in which they expect to discover something that has an immediate,practical
Reason: It is impossible to predict theoutcome of a line of research with any certainty.人们无法确定无疑的预测研究路线的结果。
16.   Claim: Knowing about the past cannot help people to make importantdecisions today. 了解过去无法帮助当下的人们做出重要决策。
Reason: The world today is significantlymore complex than it was even in the relatively recent past.今日的世界相比哪怕稍微之前的那个世界已经变得日益复杂。
17.   Claim: Knowing about the past cannot help people to make importantdecisions today.了解过去无法帮助当下的人们做出重要决策。
Reason: We are not able to make connectionsbetween current events and past events until we have some distance from both.我们无法在当下的事件和过去的事件中找
18.   Claim: Major policy decisions should always be left to politicians andother government experts.重要的政策决定应该总是留给政治家和政府管理专家来决定。
Reason: Politicians and other governmentexperts are more informed and thus have better judgment and perspective than domembers of the general public.政治家和
19.   Claim: Colleges and universities should specify all required courses andeliminate elective courses in order to provide clear guidance for students.学院
Reason:College students—like people in general—prefer to follow directions rather than maketheir own decisions.大学生——大众也是这样——更喜欢遵照指导而非


Write a response in which you discuss whichview more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning forthe position you take. In developing
and supporting your position, you shouldaddress both of the views presented.

1.       Some people believe that government funding of the arts is necessary toensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people.
Othersbelieve that government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of thearts.有些人相信政府资助艺术是必要的——确保艺术可以繁荣并为全体人民所得。另一
2.       Some people believe that inorder to be effective, political leaders must yield to public opinion andabandon principle for the sake of compromise.
Others believe that the mostessential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistentlycommitted to particular principles and objectives.
3.       Some people believe that college students should consider only their owntalents and interests when choosing a field of study. Others believe
thatcollege students should base their choice of a field of study on theavailability of jobs in that field.有人认为大学生在选择学习领域时应该只考虑其自己的才
4.       Some people believe that society should try to save every plant andanimal species, despite the expense to humans in effort, time, and financialwell
-being. Others believe that society need not make extraordinary efforts,especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species.有人认为社会
5.       Some people believe that the purpose of education is to free the mindand the spirit. Others believe that formal education tends to restrain ourminds
and spirits rather than set them free.有人认为教育的目的是为了解放观念和精神。其他人则认为正式的教育倾向于限制我们的观念和精神而不是使其得到解放。
6.       Some people believe it is often necessary, even desirable, for politicalleaders to withhold information from the public. Others believe that the
publichas a right to be fully informed.有人认为对于政治领导者而言,不想公众透露信息时常是必要的,甚至是值得做的。另一些人认为公众有权利充分的知情。
7.       Some people believe that in order to thrive, a society must put its ownoverall success before the well-being of its individual citizens.
Othersbelieve that the well-being of a society can only be measured by the generalwelfare of all its people.有人认为社会要想繁荣,就该把这个社会的整体的成功
8.       Some people believe that government officials must carry out the will ofthe people they serve. Others believe that officials should base
theirdecisions on their own judgment.有人相信政府官员必须执行其所服务的选民的意志。另一些人则认为,官员们应该给予自己的决断来做出定夺。
9.       Some people believe that scientific discoveries have given us a muchbetter understanding of the world around us. Others believe that science
hasrevealed to us that the world is infinitely more complex than we ever realized.有人认为科学发现已经使得我们对于周遭的世界有了更好的了解。另一些人则认为科
10.   Some people claim that you can tell whether a nation is great by lookingat the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists. Others argue thatthe
surest indicator of a great nation is, in fact, the general welfare of allits people.有人声称人们可以通过观察一个国家的统治者、艺术家和科学家所取得的成就来辨
11.   Some people claim that a nation's government should preserve itswilderness areas in their natural state. Others argue that these areas shouldbe
developed for potential economic gain.有人声称,一个国家的政府应该保护它的野生荒地使其保持自然状态。另一些人则声称这些区域应该予以开发以取得潜在的经济获益。
12.   Some people argue that successful leaders in government, industry, orother fields must be highly competitive. Other people claim that in order to
besuccessful, a leader must be willing and able to cooperate with others.有人声称在政府、商业或其他领域的成功的的领导者必定是具有高度的竞争性的。另一些人则声
13.   Some people believe that corporations have a responsibility to promotethe well-being of the societies and environments in which they operate.
Othersbelieve that the only responsibility of corporations, provided they operatewithin the law, is to make as much money as possible.有人认为公司有责任来增
14.   Some people believe that competition for high grades motivates studentsto excel in the classroom. Others believe that such competition seriouslylimits
the quality of real learning.有人认为出于对高分的竞争可以激励学生在课堂上胜出。其他人则认为这种竞争会严重限制学生真实的学习质量。
15.   Some people believe that universities should require every student totake a variety of courses outside the student's field of study. Others believethat
universities should not force students to take any courses other thanthose that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fields.有人认为大学应该要求学


Write a response in which you discuss yourviews on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. Indeveloping and supporting your
position, you should consider the possibleconsequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequencesshape your position.

1.       Nations should pass laws to preserve any remaining wilderness areas intheir natural state, even if these areas could be developed for economic gain.
2.       Governments should offer a free university education to any student whohas been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition.政府应该
3.       A nation should require all of its students to study the same nationalcurriculum until they enter college.国家应该要求她的学生学习相同的全国课程直至
4.       Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if thepotential extinction of those species is the result of human activities.社会应该做
5.       Educational institutions should dissuade students from pursuing fieldsof study in which they are unlikely to succeed.教育机构应该劝阻学生在那些他们
6.       Governments should not fund anyscientific research whose consequences are unclear.政府部分不该资助那些研究结构尚未明朗的科学研究。
7.       Educational institutions should actively encourage their students tochoose fields of study in which jobs are plentiful.教育机构应该主动鼓励学生选择
8.       Colleges and universities should require all faculty to spend timeworking outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses
9.       Colleges and universities should require their students to spend atleast one semester studying in a foreign country.学院和大学应该要求他们的学生在一
10.   Universities should require every student to take a variety of coursesoutside the student's field of study.大学应该要求学生在所学领域之外修读一系列广泛
11.   Educational institutions should actively encourage their students tochoose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers.教育机构应该主
12.   In any field—business, politics, education, government—those inpower should be required to step down after five years.在任何领域——商业、政治、教育
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