V: why a graduate degree will benefit you?
I: Because I am right now an undergraduate student, I could not find a well-paid job, but with a Harvard LLM degree…
V: I say why the LLM program will benefit you. What will you study at Harvard?
I: Securities. I want to help Chinese companies to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
V: what will you do after you graduate?
I: I want to come back and work for a Chinese law firm.
V: But you can also work in a New York Law firm.
I: Not exactly. I have to conduct due diligence with the companies, and I have to cooperate with the investment bank, other law firms on drafting prospectus… so I have to base in China.
Moreover, I have a better career in China. I can become partner or even start my own law firm in China. But in the US, I can hardly become a partner…
V: No, you can be a partner even in the States.
I: But as a foreign lawyer…
V: I said you can.
I: Oh, really? (愣了一秒钟,回答得暴傻)
I: Well, business connection is very important for a lawyer, but I don’t have such advantage than those US law students, my connections are in China…
V: but I think your connection is in Singapore (我的简历中有在新加坡学习和在新加坡律师事务所实习的经历)
I: Well I think for a female, family is more important than her career. My fiancé (听从朋友的建议,称之为fiance, 而不是boyfriend, 并且特意戴了个戒指在手上,也不知dtt看到没有,呵呵), who will become my husband this July, has his own business in China, he won’t go to the States…
V: what’s his business?
I: Car Repairing(呵呵,居然蹦出了这么土的单词,比如说个automobile service什么的应该漂亮的多). And this is his business certificate.
V: No need. Do you have any photos of your fiancé and you?
I: 给他看相片。我男朋友照相显得很成熟,还是满象有business的样子的,呵呵。
V: what is his annual profit?
I: Sorry he didn’t tell me the specific figure. (这个可不敢胡诹,万一他再接着问成本什么的我就完了。但是也不好说I don’t know, 就模糊的说不知道specific figure吧)
V: (电脑上敲了半天)ok, you can go to the Number ten window.