w:微笑,上前递牌,nice to meet you, sir, my card.
vo: nice to meet you too, 将我简历放左边,i20放右侧;so.. you will go to xxx for international studies.
w: right.
vo: 看i20,
vo: what field then?
w: xxx studies.
vo: interesting.tell me some details.
w: blablabla
vo:no, i mean the current situation of the relationship btw these two countries.
w: blablabla
vo: excuse me,(to me), 和过来的一个戴眼镜vo说话;
w:想起学校的信件;拿信,等他们说完;my school faxed a letter to the embassy , but you did not receive it. would you like to see it right now?
vo: 点头,伸手拿信;看,点头;
w: your embassy has a favorable response, i attached it as the last page.
vo: 看,点头
vo:ok, now we have two things to get about. first is your plan after graduation, the other is this amount of money(i20上差的余额)
w: about money,,, my parents contribute to the rest. 拿银行证明和父母工资证明;
vo: 看,点头;now the plan?
w: blablabla
vo: 听我说完,点头;now you have no problem for the visa. 看我的护照;oh, you have been to xxx, which city?
w: yes,in 2001, yyy city.
vo: what do you think of it? 看我
w: blablabla
vo: i went there too。
w: great...how about it?(侃起来啦~)
vo: it's blablabla,微笑,一手迅速撕条;you do an interesting research and will have a good future for what...
w: 感动,拿着条,thank you so mcuh..
w:实在激动,听不进去了,再次thank you,赶紧下台阶。。
3,和vo有足够多的交流;尽量用短句子;我前面的一个学生在美男面前说个不停,没有交流;美男说:stop it, i will have my own judgement.