去年被拒3次。1000美男,去年的水车,过程中给了很多机会,但是可能是因为太紧张了,都没有把握住。2000又排到美男的窗口,被回避到墨西哥人那里,那天墨西哥人非常严格,我们这一队全都被拒,包括一个去cornell学化学、发过n篇paper的大牛,我当然也不例外。3000居然再次神奇的排在美男的窗口,那时真的是为第一次没有把握机会而后悔万分,这次被回避到XTT的窗口,跟XTT唇枪舌战十几分钟,然后被拒。给出的理由是:You have no strong tie in China and your future plan is not credible. 当时I-20已经过期了,没法再签了。
VO:(做出4的手势)You were rejected 4 times!!!
ME:(心里一沉,您不是水车么,咋这么不友好呢?)Yes, I was rejected 3 times last year. The consulate officer told me that I don't have any work experience and they suggested me to work for sometime and apply again.
ME:(看他没反应,5秒钟之后继续说)Last time the consulate officer may have a misunderstanding about my I-20 form, she told me that the living expense is not enough for my living there and ......(被打断)
VO: Do you have assistantship letter?
ME:(没听明白)Pardon, what letter?
VO: Do you have any letter to explain your assistantship?
ME: Yes, of course.(掏出offer letter,递入的时候同时说)You know, I have a stipend of XXX US dollars per month. I think...(还没说完就被打断)
VO: Wait a moment, I will read it. (开始看,然后推出)
VO: Have you applied for other universities?
ME: You mean in the U.S. or outside the U.S.?
VO: In the U.S.
ME: Well, I didn't apply for anyone in the U.S. this year, but I applied for some others last year.
VO: Why not apply this year?
VO: Why not apply for any school this year?
ME:(还是没想好怎么说,只能说实话了)Because I got the deferral of the offer letter last year, and my future advisor hopes that I could join his research this year.
VO:(点点头)Have you applied for any school outside the U.S.?
ME:(异常坚定的)No, I didn't.
VO:(伸手去拿小蓝条)Go to window 10. (Must be the sweetes