第二届环境与能源新材料国际学术会议(NMEE 2024) 2024年10月23-25日/中国昆明 www.icnmee.com Ø 会议介绍 2024年第二届环境与能源新材料国际学术会议将于 2024 年 10 月 23-25 日在中国昆明召开。会议包含主题演讲、特邀演讲、口头报告和海报展示等多个环节,主题涵盖用于节能环保的各类材料,面向广大专家学者,学生学者和企业研究人员,工程师开放。我们谨代表组委会诚挚地邀请来自学术界和工业界的专家学者相聚魅力昆明,参加NMEE 2024! Ø 会议历史 2023年首届环境与能源新材料国际学术会议已于2023年10月底顺利召开,诚挚感谢来自华中科技大学,中国石油大学,哈尔滨工程大学,中国计量大学,大连海事大学等70名国内外学者投稿/参会交流。 NMEE2023论文集于会后10周高效出版,并于出版后4周完成EI Compendex,Scopus收录。 Ø NMEE2024出版 出版物: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (IOP Publishing) 检索: Submit to Ei Compendex, Scopus, etc. Ø 征稿领域 NMEE欢迎用于能源收集、转换、储存、运输和利用,以及环境保护,清洁生产的材料类前沿研究和成果展示,特别鼓励跨领域研究和将基础研究与工程实践相结合的原创成果交流。 主题包括但不限于: 可持续材料和技术 节能减排材料 环境修复和污染控制材料 化石资源的新型环保替代材料 应用于环境问题的光催化材料 环境材料的迁移和转化 碳捕获、储存和利用材料 用于电池、燃料电池或超级电容器的材料 其他新能源材料,如太阳能、风能、地热能、海洋能、生物质能和核能材料,磁流体动力发电等。 Ø 昆明印象 走进昆明,直奔眼底的是漫山遍野的翠绿、艳丽绽放的鲜花、蔚蓝的天空、七彩的云霞、滇朴披“金”、四时鸟语不断、常年和风送凉、26个民族相汇集、文明有脉动、万物有灵犀…… 美景众彩纷呈,阳光温暖惬意,鲜花满城,人文荟萃,同时拥有诗和远方~ Ø 联系方式 PASE平台:http://www.pasanhu.cn NMEE官网:http://www.icnmee.com 会议秘书:Ms. Flora Zhang 邮箱:info@icnmee.com 电话:+86-13260692765 2nd International conferenceon New Materials for Environment and Energy (NMEE 2024) October 23-25, 2024 / Kunming, China www.icnmee.com Ø Welcometo NMEE2024 2024 the 2nd International conference on New Materials forEnvironment and Energy (NMEE 2024) will be held during October 23-25, 2024 inKunming, China. On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like tocordially invite experts and participants from academia and industry toparticipate in NMEE 2024! Ø ConferenceHistory NMEE 2023 was successfully held in October 2023, and we sincerelythank 70 scholars from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, ChinaUniversity of Petroleum, Harbin Engineering University, China JiliangUniversity and other universities at home and abroad for submitting theirpapers/participating in the conference and exchanging ideas. The proceedings were published 10 weeks after theconference, and indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus in 4 weeks after publishing. Ø NMEE2024Publication Publication:Journal of Physics: Conference Series (IOP Publishing) Index: Submit to Ei Compendex, Scopus, etc. Ø Callfor Papers NMEE2024 welcomes high-quality, cutting-edge research on materialsand technology for energy harvesting, conversion, storage, transport andutilization as well as cleaner environment, and particularly encouragesoriginal, novel fundamental, and engineering research of interdisciplinarynature across basic science and engineering disciplines in the areas of energyand environmental materials. Ø Impressionsof Kunming ² Kunming is known as 'the Spring City' as every season is likespring: changeable but not too extreme. It is a good place to escape a hotsummer or a frozen winter. ² Covered with blossoms and lush vegetation all year round, Kunming isnamed and famed as 'the Flower City'. ² Home to 25 ethnic minority groups, Kunming is the focal point ofYunnan’s minority culture. ² Blessed with karst landscapes, snowcapped mountains, and red landssurrounding it, Kunming is a heaven for photographers. ² It is convenient for travel from the large China cities withinternational flights as far as America (pandemic measures permitting) and toYunnan’s popular destinations. Ø 联系方式 PASE: http://www.pasanhu.cn NMEE: http://www.icnmee.com ConferenceSecretary: Ms. Flora Zhang Email: info@icnmee.com Tel: +86-13260692765