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[选专业] 2006 Top 50 Engineering Schools (from USNews) [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2005-4-28 20:52:38 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology  
   2. Stanford University (CA)
   3. University of California–Berkeley
   4. Georgia Institute of Technology  
   5. University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign  
   6. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor  
   7. University of Southern California (Andrew and Erna Viterbi)  
   8. California Institute of Technology  
   9. Carnegie Mellon University (PA)
10. Purdue University–West Lafayette (IN)
11. University of California–San Diego (Jacobs)  
12. Cornell University (NY)
12. University of Texas–Austin  
14. Texas A&M University–College Station (Look)  
15. University of California–Los Angeles (Samueli)  
15. University of Wisconsin–Madison  
17. Princeton University (NJ)
17. University of Maryland–College Park (Clark)  
19. Pennsylvania State University–University Park  
20. Harvard University (MA)
21. Northwestern University (IL)
21. University of California–Santa Barbara  
23. Columbia University (Fu Foundation) (NY)
24. University of Washington  
25. University of Florida  
26. Johns Hopkins University (Whiting) (MD)
26. Ohio State University  
26. University of Minnesota–Twin Cities  
29. Rice University (Brown) (TX)
29. University of Pennsylvania  
31. Virginia Tech  
32. Duke University (NC)
33. University of Colorado–Boulder  
34. North Carolina State University  
34. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY)
34. University of Virginia  
34. Washington University in St. Louis (Sever)  
38. University of California–Davis  
39. Yale University (CT)
40. Case Western Reserve University (OH)
40. University of California–Irvine (Samueli)  
40. University of Rochester (NY)
43. Dartmouth College (Thayer) (NH)
43. Iowa State University  
43. Lehigh University (Rossin) (PA)
43. Rutgers State University–New Brunswick (NJ)
47. Arizona State University (Fulton)  
47. University of Delaware  
49. Brown University (RI)
49. University of Pittsburgh
1. 我找找....看看口袋里有变offer的机器没有.....来,每人发一个.....
2. 这世界并不会在意你的自尊。这世界指望你在自我感觉良好之前先要有所成就。
             ------ 某时某地在某处看到
3. 责任一荣誉一国家。这三个神圣的名词庄严地提醒你应该成为怎样的人,可能成为怎样的人,一定要成为怎样的人。它们将使你精神振奋,在你似乎丧失勇气时鼓起勇气,似乎没有理由相信时重建信念,几乎绝望时产生希望。
4. 在失败时要自尊,要不屈不挠;胜利时要谦和,不要以言语代替行动,不要贪图舒适;要面对重压和困难,勇敢地接受挑战;要学会巍然屹立于风浪之中,但对遇难者要寄予同情;要先律己而后律人;要有纯洁的心灵和崇高的目标;要学会笑,但不要忘记怎么哭;要向往未来,但不可忽略过去;要为人持重,但不可过于严肃;要谦虚,铭记真正伟大的纯朴,真正智慧的虚心,真正强大的温顺。
0 0


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Capricorn摩羯座 荣誉版主 挑战ETS奖章 QQ联合登录

发表于 2005-4-29 08:29:03 |只看该作者
谢谢!有没有前50 EE的排名?



Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2005-4-29 10:22:27 |只看该作者
我去我口袋里找找,你等下 :D
1. 我找找....看看口袋里有变offer的机器没有.....来,每人发一个.....
2. 这世界并不会在意你的自尊。这世界指望你在自我感觉良好之前先要有所成就。
             ------ 某时某地在某处看到
3. 责任一荣誉一国家。这三个神圣的名词庄严地提醒你应该成为怎样的人,可能成为怎样的人,一定要成为怎样的人。它们将使你精神振奋,在你似乎丧失勇气时鼓起勇气,似乎没有理由相信时重建信念,几乎绝望时产生希望。
4. 在失败时要自尊,要不屈不挠;胜利时要谦和,不要以言语代替行动,不要贪图舒适;要面对重压和困难,勇敢地接受挑战;要学会巍然屹立于风浪之中,但对遇难者要寄予同情;要先律己而后律人;要有纯洁的心灵和崇高的目标;要学会笑,但不要忘记怎么哭;要向往未来,但不可忽略过去;要为人持重,但不可过于严肃;要谦虚,铭记真正伟大的纯朴,真正智慧的虚心,真正强大的温顺。


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2005-4-29 17:12:19 |只看该作者
只有各个学校对usnews 2006排名的总结,不过也不错。

Rensselaer Polytech

Graduate Rankings
The Rensselaer's Graduate School of Engineering was ranked 34th in the U.S. News & World Report 2006 America's Best Graduate Schools.


Four of the engineering programs are ranked in the top 20 (materials science and engineering, nuclear engineering, industrial engineering and mechanical engineering),
eight of 11 are ranked in the top 25, and
all are ranked in the top 30 in the nation.  


Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Materials Engineering :: 14

Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering
Nuclear Engineering :: 16
Mechanical Engineering :: 20
Aerospace Engineering :: 26
Department of Decision Sciences & Engineering Systems

Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering :: 18
Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering
Electrical Engineering :: 24
Computer Engineering :: 23
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Civil Engineering :: 22
Environmental Engineering :: 30
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering :: 22
Howard P. Isermann Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Chemical Engineering :: 29
1. 我找找....看看口袋里有变offer的机器没有.....来,每人发一个.....
2. 这世界并不会在意你的自尊。这世界指望你在自我感觉良好之前先要有所成就。
             ------ 某时某地在某处看到
3. 责任一荣誉一国家。这三个神圣的名词庄严地提醒你应该成为怎样的人,可能成为怎样的人,一定要成为怎样的人。它们将使你精神振奋,在你似乎丧失勇气时鼓起勇气,似乎没有理由相信时重建信念,几乎绝望时产生希望。
4. 在失败时要自尊,要不屈不挠;胜利时要谦和,不要以言语代替行动,不要贪图舒适;要面对重压和困难,勇敢地接受挑战;要学会巍然屹立于风浪之中,但对遇难者要寄予同情;要先律己而后律人;要有纯洁的心灵和崇高的目标;要学会笑,但不要忘记怎么哭;要向往未来,但不可忽略过去;要为人持重,但不可过于严肃;要谦虚,铭记真正伟大的纯朴,真正智慧的虚心,真正强大的温顺。


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2005-4-29 17:13:53 |只看该作者

Five University of Colorado at Boulder graduate specialty programs were rated in the top 20 nationally in a new but limited U.S. News & World Report graduate school rankings report scheduled for release April 1.

CU-Boulder and other universities and colleges with doctoral programs in law, engineering, business, education, economics, psychology, history, English, political science, sociology, criminology, medicine and several health fields were ranked in 2005. Not ranked by the magazine this year were disciplines that include chemistry, biology, physics, music, journalism and public affairs.

The University of Colorado School of Law's environmental law program was ranked fourth best in the country in 2005, up from seventh last year and trailing only Oregon's Lewis and Clark College, the Vermont School of Law and New York's Pace University. Overall, the CU law school was ranked 48th in the nation, among all public and private law schools.

CU-Boulder's College of Engineering and Applied Science, which ranked 33rd overall, garnered three specialty rankings in the top 20. They include aerospace engineering (tied for 13th), chemical engineering (tied for 19th) and civil engineering (tied for 20th).

In addition, CU-Boulder's electrical engineering program tied for 29th, computer engineering tied for 35th and mechanical engineering tied for 41st.

CU-Boulder's Leeds School of Business was tied for 51st in the overall rankings and its entrepreneurship specialty program was ranked 14th best.

Other CU-Boulder graduate program rankings in the top 50 nationally include psychology (tied for 28th), education (tied for 42nd), English (tied for 46th) and economics (tied for 48th).

According to U.S. News, the rankings are based on "expert opinion about program quality and statistical indicators that measure the quality of a school's faculty, research and students." Magazine editors said they surveyed nearly 1,300 programs and almost 9,600 academics and professionals for the most recent rankings.
1. 我找找....看看口袋里有变offer的机器没有.....来,每人发一个.....
2. 这世界并不会在意你的自尊。这世界指望你在自我感觉良好之前先要有所成就。
             ------ 某时某地在某处看到
3. 责任一荣誉一国家。这三个神圣的名词庄严地提醒你应该成为怎样的人,可能成为怎样的人,一定要成为怎样的人。它们将使你精神振奋,在你似乎丧失勇气时鼓起勇气,似乎没有理由相信时重建信念,几乎绝望时产生希望。
4. 在失败时要自尊,要不屈不挠;胜利时要谦和,不要以言语代替行动,不要贪图舒适;要面对重压和困难,勇敢地接受挑战;要学会巍然屹立于风浪之中,但对遇难者要寄予同情;要先律己而后律人;要有纯洁的心灵和崇高的目标;要学会笑,但不要忘记怎么哭;要向往未来,但不可忽略过去;要为人持重,但不可过于严肃;要谦虚,铭记真正伟大的纯朴,真正智慧的虚心,真正强大的温顺。


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2005-4-29 17:15:53 |只看该作者

MADISON - A range of academic programs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are again near the head of the class in national graduate school rankings released today (April 1) by U.S. News and World Report.

As part of the 2006 edition of America's Best Graduate Schools, the magazine has provided new rankings on a large cross-section of disciplines, including business, education, engineering, law, medicine and the social sciences. Across the board, UW-Madison ranked in the upper echelon in those disciplines.

Highlights include UW-Madison's sociology department receiving the nation's No. 1 overall ranking. Other No. 1 specialty rankings this year went to curriculum and instruction and to women's history.

"I am very pleased to see this kind of consistently strong showing across so many different programs," says Martin Cadwallader, dean of the Graduate School. "We pride ourselves on a multidisciplinary approach to our teaching and research, and having across-the-board quality is a key to making those collaborations succeed."

Cadwallader cautions that rankings such as these are one measure of the graduate school experience and shouldn't be the only deciding factor for prospective students. He also notes that new rankings were not provided this year in some of UW-Madison's historic areas of strength, such as the biological and physical sciences.

Some programs went up or down in the rankings slightly compared to past years, but there were no substantial moves. Medicine, for example, went from sixth in the nation in primary care to fourth this year, and clinical research moved from 29th to 26th. Pharmacy schools were ranked by the magazine for the first time, and UW-Madison's program was ranked 11th.

The School of Education may have enjoyed the most far-reaching success in the rankings. Ranked ninth overall, its specialty degree programs all were among the nation's best. They include curriculum and instruction (first), educational psychology (second), elementary education (second), secondary education (second), education policy (third), education administration (third), counseling (fourth), vocational and technical education (seventh), special education (10th) and higher education administration (12th).

"Of course, I am pleased that U.S. News continues to rank our School of Education and our individual core programs among the best in the United States," says Charles Read, dean of the School of Education. "Such rankings, however, cannot provide a complete picture of any institution, so I prefer to focus attention on other, more significant indicators of excellence - for instance, the high quality of our graduates and our pre-eminent role in education research -- and how we serve the people of Wisconsin and beyond."

Pamela Oliver, chair of the Department of Sociology, says the department maintains its top national ranking by focusing on the intellectual environment.

"We don't have the highest salaries or the best graduate stipends," Oliver says, "but we attract and retain excellent people because they like being in an environment where quality is appreciated and people are well treated."

Other UW-Madison rankings in the 2006 edition include:
- Psychology ranked ninth overall and also received national recognition for specialty programs in behavioral neuroscience (seventh), experimental psychology (ninth), developmental psychology (12th), cognitive psychology (16th) and social psychology (16th).

- Sociology, in addition to being No. 1 overall, had specialty rankings in social stratification (first), sociology of population (first), economic sociology (third), sex and gender (third), social psychology (fifth) and historical sociology (13th).

- History ranked 11th overall, and had specialty programs recognized in women's history (first), African history (second), Latin American history (second), cultural history (seventh), modern U.S. history (seventh) and European history (10th).

- Economics ranked 11th overall, with specialties ranked in international economics (seventh), econometrics (10th), industrial organization (13th), labor economics (13th) and microeconomics (14th).

- English ranked 16th overall, with specialties ranked gender and literature (seventh), African-American literature (14th), American literature after 1865 (17th) and literary criticism and theory (17th).

- Political science ranked 16th overall, and its American politics and comparative politics specialties both were No. 12.

- The School of Business ranked 37th overall, while supply chain/logistics is 14th, marketing is 18th, production/operations is 20th, finance is 21st, executive MBA program is 22nd and accounting is ranked 23rd.

- The College of Engineering ranked 15th overall, with the program in nuclear engineering ranked second and chemical engineering fifth nationally. Also ranked are industrial engineering (11th), electrical engineering (15th), environmental engineering (15th), civil engineering (16th), materials science (17th), mechanical engineering (18th) and biomedical/bioengineering (27th).

- The School of Law ranked 32nd nationally.
1. 我找找....看看口袋里有变offer的机器没有.....来,每人发一个.....
2. 这世界并不会在意你的自尊。这世界指望你在自我感觉良好之前先要有所成就。
             ------ 某时某地在某处看到
3. 责任一荣誉一国家。这三个神圣的名词庄严地提醒你应该成为怎样的人,可能成为怎样的人,一定要成为怎样的人。它们将使你精神振奋,在你似乎丧失勇气时鼓起勇气,似乎没有理由相信时重建信念,几乎绝望时产生希望。
4. 在失败时要自尊,要不屈不挠;胜利时要谦和,不要以言语代替行动,不要贪图舒适;要面对重压和困难,勇敢地接受挑战;要学会巍然屹立于风浪之中,但对遇难者要寄予同情;要先律己而后律人;要有纯洁的心灵和崇高的目标;要学会笑,但不要忘记怎么哭;要向往未来,但不可忽略过去;要为人持重,但不可过于严肃;要谦虚,铭记真正伟大的纯朴,真正智慧的虚心,真正强大的温顺。


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2005-4-29 17:17:11 |只看该作者
Univ of Iowa

According to the latest rankings of graduate programs by U.S. News & World Report, the University of Iowa is making strides toward meeting a primary goal of its Strategic Plan: to become one of the 10 most distinguished public research universities in the nation.

Based on the magazine's rankings for the 2006 edition of its annual "America's Best Graduate Schools," the UI has seven top 10 graduate colleges and programs among public universities, and an additional 12 among the top 15 public universities.

Two UI colleges -- the UI College of Law and the UI Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine (in the area of primary care) -- are ranked among the top 10 publics (at No. 7 and No. 10, respectively), while the UI College of Education is ranked No. 15 among publics.

Leading the pack of UI graduate programs and specialties, when compared with other public universities, is the Sociology Specialty of Social Psychology (housed at the UI in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, or CLAS) in the No. 2 spot, the law specialty of International Law in the No. 6 spot, the medicine specialty of Rural Medicine in the No. 7 spot and the engineering specialty of Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering in the No. 10 spot.

All told, 33 UI graduate schools and programs were newly ranked this year as being among the nation's best.

"It is extremely gratifying to see how well our university measures up across the disciplines with other schools, both public and private," UI President David Skorton said. "That we continue to rank highly in so many areas is a credit to the dedicated faculty and staff who make it a priority to provide a quality education at a great value."

UI Executive Vice President and Provost Michael Hogan, who co-chaired the UI Strategic planning process with Senior Vice President and Treasurer Doug True, agreed.

"In light of our recent work on the new UI Strategic Plan and our goal to be among the Top 10 public universities in the nation, these new graduate and professional rankings give us important benchmark data," Hogan said. "We are particularly pleased to note that several of our graduate academic programs already are or are approaching Top 10 status among public universities. These rankings measure the effectiveness of our teaching and research missions. The higher the ranking, the better we do in serving our students and the people of the state."

Following are all newly ranked graduate schools, specialties and programs, beginning with the highest rankings. Rankings at the front end are as compared to other public universities. The overall ranking, comparing UI colleges and programs to all public and private universities, is listed subsequently.

Rankings with an asterisk (*) will be included in the print version of "America's Best Graduate Schools 2006." All other ranked programs will be included in an expanded rankings list that will be available online at www.usnews.com beginning Friday, with a paid subscription.

*2. Sociology Specialty of Social Psychology. At the UI the sociology program resides in the CLAS. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 3.)

6. Law Specialty of International Law, tied with the University of Georgia and the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 21, tied with the University of Georgia, the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities and Vanderbilt University.)

*7. Law school overall ranking. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 22, tied with Washington and Lee University)

*7. Medicine Specialty of Rural Medicine, tied with East Tennessee State University. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 7, tied with East Tennessee State University.)

10. Engineering Specialty of Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering, tied with Pennsylvania State University-University Park. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 17, tied with Pennsylvania State University-University Park and Rice University.)

*10. Medicine (Primary Care), tied with the University of Colorado-Denver and Health Sciences Center -- a single entity -- and the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 11, tied with Harvard University, the University of Colorado-Denver and Health Sciences Center -- a single entity -- and the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.)

10. Education Specialty of Higher Education Administration. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 15)

*12. Political Science, tied with Indiana University-Bloomington, the University of Texas-Austin and the University of Washington. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 25, tied with Indiana University-Bloomington, the University of Texas-Austin, and the University of Washington.) At the UI the Political Science Department resides in the CLAS.

*12. Medicine (Research). (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 28, tied with Boston University.)

12. Medicine Specialty of Family Medicine. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 14, tied with Baylor College of Medicine.)

13. Education Specialty of Counseling/Personnel Services, tied with Michigan State University and SUNY-Albany. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 13, tied with Michigan State University, SUNY-Albany and Columbia University's Teachers College.)

13. Education Specialty of Curriculum and Instruction, tied with Arizona State University's Main Campus and Harvard University. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 16)

13. Education Specialty of Educational Psychology. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 18)

14. Business Specialty of Accounting, tied with the University of Arizona and the University of Virginia. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 27, tied with the University of Arizona and the University of Virginia.)

14. Education Specialty of Secondary Education. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 17)

*15. Education school overall ranking, tied with the University of Florida. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 25)

15. Education Specialty of Elementary Education, tied with the University of Texas-Austin. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 17, tied with Boston College and the University of Texas-Austin)

15. Education Specialty of Special Education. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 18)

15. English (Ph.D.) program overall ranking, tied with Pennsylvania State-University Park and the University of California-Santa Barbara. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 28, tied Pennsylvania State-University Park, the University of California-Santa Barbara, Emory University and Vanderbilt University.)

16. Economics (Ph.D. program), tied with Michigan State University. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 34, tied with Michigan State University.) At the UI, the economics program resides in the Henry B. Tippie College of Business.

*16. Pharmacy (Pharm.D. program), tied with the University at Buffalo-SUNY, the University of Kansas and the University of Tennessee-Memphis. (Ranked among all public and private graduate programs: 17, tied with the University at Buffalo-SUNY, the University of Kansas and the University of Tennessee-Memphis.)

17. History (Ph.D.) program overall ranking, tied with the College of William and Mary, the University of California-Irvine, UC-San Diego, and UC-Santa Barbara. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 32, tied with College of William and Mary, the University of California-Irvine, UC-San Diego, UC-Santa Barbara, Georgetown University and the University of Notre Dame.)

*18. Business school overall ranking, tied with Penn State University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 37, tied with Penn State University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.)

19. Engineering Specialty of Biomedical/Bioengineering, tied with North Carolina State University, the University of Alabama-Birmingham, the University of California-Irvine and the University of California-Los Angeles. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 40, tied with North Carolina State University, the University of Alabama-Birmingham, the University of California-Irvine, the University of California-Los Angeles and Yale University.)

20. Education Specialty of Psychology (at the UI this resides in the College of Education Department of Psychological and Quantitative Foundations), tied with Ohio State University, Penn State-University Park, Penn State-University Park's Program in Human Development and Family Studies, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 36, tied with Ohio State University, Penn State-University Park, Penn State-University Park's Program in Human Development and Family Studies, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Brown University, Carnegie Mellon University, Duke University, New York University, Vanderbilt University and Washington University in St. Louis.)

25. Psychology (Ph.D. program, based at the UI in the CLAS), tied with Arizona State, University of California-Davis, UC-Irvine, UC-Santa Barbara and the University of Oregon. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 47, tied with Arizona State, University of California-Davis, UC-Irvine, UC-Santa Barbara, University of Oregon, Emory University and the University of Rochester.)

25. Engineering Specialty of Civil Engineering, tied with Arizona State University, the University of Arizona and the University of Virginia. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 39, tied with Arizona State University, the University of Arizona and the University of Virginia.)

28. Engineering Specialty of Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering, tied with the University of Central Florida, the University of Cincinnati and the University of Louisville. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 37, tied with the University of Central Florida, the University of Cincinnati and the University of Louisville.)

30. Engineering Specialty of Computer Engineering, tied with the University of Utah. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 49, tied with Case Western Reserve University and the University of Utah.)

30. Engineering Specialty of Electrical/Electronic/Communications, tied with Auburn University, Colorado State University, the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Utah and Washington State University. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 55, tied with Auburn University, Colorado State University, Lehigh University, Polytechnic University, Syracuse University, the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Utah and Washington State University.)

31. Engineering school overall ranking, tied with the University at Buffalo-SUNY. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 56, tied with the University at Buffalo-SUNY.)

32. Engineering Specialty of Mechanical Engineering, tied with Michigan Technological University, Naval Postgraduate School, University at Buffalo-SUNY and the University of Connecticut. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 52, tied with Dartmouth College, Drexel University, Michigan Technological University, Naval Postgraduate School, University at Buffalo-SUNY, University of Connecticut and Vanderbilt University.)

35. Engineering Specialty of Chemical Engineering, tied with Colorado State University, Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, the University of California-Irvine and the University of Illinois-Chicago. (Ranking among all public and private graduate programs: 55, tied with Auburn University, Colorado State University, Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, the University of California-Irvine and the University of Illinois-Chicago.)

Featured in the online edition of "America's Best Graduate Schools" only will be deeper rankings of schools and programs that didn't make it into the print edition of the guide.

The U.S.News website also carries an expanded rankings list that includes programs ranked in previous years. The UI programs, ranked against public and private schools, are:

1. Nursing Service Administration (2003 ranking)

1. Speech-Language Pathology (master's, 2003 ranking).

2. Audiology master's/doctorate (2003 ranking). At the UI, the audiology program resides in the CLAS.

2. Nursing Specialties-Gerontological/Geriatric (2003 ranking)

2. Printmaking (2003 ranking)

2. Physician Assistant (masters, 2003 ranking)

3. Rehabilitation Counseling (master's/doctorate, 2003 ranking)

5. Physical Therapy master's/doctorate (2003 ranking)) At the UI, the physical therapy program is part of the Division of Associated Medical Sciences in the UI Carver College of Medicine.

7. Paleontology (doctoral program, 2000 ranking)

8. Nursing (masters, 2003 ranking)

10. Health Services Administration (master's, 2003 ranking)

10. Fine Arts (master's, 2003 ranking)

11. Nursing Specialty of Nurse Practitioner: Pediatric (2003 ranking)

15. Clinical Psychology doctorate (2003 ranking). At the UI, the clinical psychology program resides in the department of psychology in the CLAS.

18. Fine Arts Specialties: Painting/Drawing (2003 ranking)

18. Public Health (master's/doctorate) (2003 ranking)

25. Nursing: Anesthesia (master's, 2003 ranking)

45. Biological Sciences (2002 ranking)

46. Social Work (master's, 2003 ranking)

55. Mathematics (2002 ranking)

58. Chemistry (2002 ranking)

59. Applied Mathematics (2002 ranking)

60. Computer Science (2002 ranking)

61. Physics (2002 ranking)

The full, print edition of the annual guide will be available at newsstands Monday, April 4, as will the April 11 edition of "U.S.News & World Report," which will carry excerpts from the full guide.

All of the information in the printed guide, plus deeper rankings that are available only online, can also be found at http://www.usnews.com. A subscription is required to access all of the data.

Each year, U.S.News ranks graduate programs in the areas of business, education, engineering, law and medicine. These rankings are based on two types of data: expert opinion about program quality and statistical indicators that measure the quality of a school's faculty, research, and students. For the rankings in all five areas, indicator and opinion data come from surveys of more than 1,000 programs and nearly 9,100 academics and other professionals.
1. 我找找....看看口袋里有变offer的机器没有.....来,每人发一个.....
2. 这世界并不会在意你的自尊。这世界指望你在自我感觉良好之前先要有所成就。
             ------ 某时某地在某处看到
3. 责任一荣誉一国家。这三个神圣的名词庄严地提醒你应该成为怎样的人,可能成为怎样的人,一定要成为怎样的人。它们将使你精神振奋,在你似乎丧失勇气时鼓起勇气,似乎没有理由相信时重建信念,几乎绝望时产生希望。
4. 在失败时要自尊,要不屈不挠;胜利时要谦和,不要以言语代替行动,不要贪图舒适;要面对重压和困难,勇敢地接受挑战;要学会巍然屹立于风浪之中,但对遇难者要寄予同情;要先律己而后律人;要有纯洁的心灵和崇高的目标;要学会笑,但不要忘记怎么哭;要向往未来,但不可忽略过去;要为人持重,但不可过于严肃;要谦虚,铭记真正伟大的纯朴,真正智慧的虚心,真正强大的温顺。


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2005-4-29 17:18:32 |只看该作者

MIT has once again earned top honors in U.S. News & World Report's annual ranking of American graduate school programs, with the School of Engineering, the Department of Economics and more than a dozen MIT departments or programs ranked No. 1 nationwide.

U.S. News & World Report magazine has published its well-regarded graduate school rankings for 17 years. The 2006 edition of its book, "America's Best Graduate Schools," hit the newsstands April 1.

MIT's School of Engineering was ranked No. 1 among U.S. graduate engineering schools, with Stanford University, the University of California at Berkeley and Georgia Institute of Technology taking 2nd, 3rd and 4th place, respectively.

MIT also placed first in seven of 12 engineering specialties--aeronautics and astronautics, chemical, computer, electrical, materials, mechanical and nuclear engineering--fifth in civil engineering and seventh in biomedical engineering.

The magazine's criteria for determining overall engineering rankings include peer assessment, recruiter assessment, research activity, student selectivity and doctoral student-to-faculty ratio. MIT scored 100--the top--overall.

MIT's Economics Department was ranked No. 1 overall among doctoral programs in economics. The Institute's programs in econometrics, macroeconomics and public finance also took No. 1 rankings, with programs in development economics, industrial organization, international economics and labor economics all ranking among the top five.

MIT's Political Science Department was ranked 10th in the nation, along with Columbia University and UCLA. The Institute's program in psychology ranked 12th, along with Stanford University and the University of Texas-Austin. The Institute's programs in behavioral neuroscience and cognitive psychology ranked fourth and sixth, respectively.

Department chairs and senior faculty ranked doctoral programs in social science and humanities based on academic excellence. MIT's Sloan School of Management tied for fourth place overall with Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management.

Business school deans and MBA program directors ranked business specialty programs on academic quality and placement success, among other categories. MIT's Sloan School's programs in information systems, production/operations and supply chain/logistics were ranked No. 1.
1. 我找找....看看口袋里有变offer的机器没有.....来,每人发一个.....
2. 这世界并不会在意你的自尊。这世界指望你在自我感觉良好之前先要有所成就。
             ------ 某时某地在某处看到
3. 责任一荣誉一国家。这三个神圣的名词庄严地提醒你应该成为怎样的人,可能成为怎样的人,一定要成为怎样的人。它们将使你精神振奋,在你似乎丧失勇气时鼓起勇气,似乎没有理由相信时重建信念,几乎绝望时产生希望。
4. 在失败时要自尊,要不屈不挠;胜利时要谦和,不要以言语代替行动,不要贪图舒适;要面对重压和困难,勇敢地接受挑战;要学会巍然屹立于风浪之中,但对遇难者要寄予同情;要先律己而后律人;要有纯洁的心灵和崇高的目标;要学会笑,但不要忘记怎么哭;要向往未来,但不可忽略过去;要为人持重,但不可过于严肃;要谦虚,铭记真正伟大的纯朴,真正智慧的虚心,真正强大的温顺。


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2005-4-29 17:22:23 |只看该作者
Carnegie Mellon

Carnegie Mellon's graduate program in engineering ranked 9th overall and this year's ratings marked the first time that four engineering specialty programs ranked in the top 10. Computer Engineering was 4th, Environmental Engineering 8th, Electrical Engineering 8th and Mechanical Engineering 10th.

Among graduate business programs, the Tepper School ranked 17th overall, 2nd in Production/Operations Management, 2nd in Information Systems and 7th in Supply Chain/Logistics.

Graduate programs in the humanities and social sciences were ranked this year as well. The university's psychology program ranked 9th overall, and in specialty areas was rated 2nd in Cognitive Psychology and 5th in Experimental Psychology.

Other programs, like those in the fine arts, public policy, science and computer science, are not ranked annually by U.S. News & World Report and were not included in its 2006 survey.
1. 我找找....看看口袋里有变offer的机器没有.....来,每人发一个.....
2. 这世界并不会在意你的自尊。这世界指望你在自我感觉良好之前先要有所成就。
             ------ 某时某地在某处看到
3. 责任一荣誉一国家。这三个神圣的名词庄严地提醒你应该成为怎样的人,可能成为怎样的人,一定要成为怎样的人。它们将使你精神振奋,在你似乎丧失勇气时鼓起勇气,似乎没有理由相信时重建信念,几乎绝望时产生希望。
4. 在失败时要自尊,要不屈不挠;胜利时要谦和,不要以言语代替行动,不要贪图舒适;要面对重压和困难,勇敢地接受挑战;要学会巍然屹立于风浪之中,但对遇难者要寄予同情;要先律己而后律人;要有纯洁的心灵和崇高的目标;要学会笑,但不要忘记怎么哭;要向往未来,但不可忽略过去;要为人持重,但不可过于严肃;要谦虚,铭记真正伟大的纯朴,真正智慧的虚心,真正强大的温顺。


Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


Leo狮子座 荣誉版主

发表于 2005-4-29 22:33:29 |只看该作者
Good job! thanks.
There is nothing lost

That may be found

If sought


Rank: 2

发表于 2005-4-30 01:46:28 |只看该作者
University of Maryland, College Park
Ranking in US news 2006 ( from university website: www.umd.edu)

Clark School of Engineering
Engineering ranked 17th in the nation
The aerospace engineering specialty ranked 9th
The computer engineering specialty ranked 17th
The chemical engineering specialty ranked 35th
The electrical engineering specialty ranked 16th
The civil engineering specialty ranked 26th
The materials engineering specialty ranked 30th
The mechanical engineering specialty ranked 20th

College of Computer, Mathematical and Physical Sciences (ranking in 2002, no update till now)
Computer Science ranked 12th in the nation.
The artificial intelligence specialty ranked 11th.
The systems specialty ranked 11th
Physics ranked 13th in the nation.
The atomic/molecular specialty ranked 11th
The condensed matter/solid state specialty ranked 10th
Mathematics ranked 16th in the nation
Applied mathematics ranked 11th

College of Arts & Humanities
English ranked 33rd
the African American literature specialty ranked 9th
the American Literature (pre-1865) ranked 18th
History ranked 25th
the Latin American specialty ranked 11th
the U.S. Colonial specialty ranked 17th

College of Behavioral & Social Sciences
Criminology ranked 1st
Economics ranked 21st
the international economics speciality ranked 14th
Political Science ranked 29th

Psychology ranked 55th

the industrial organization/psychology speciality ranked 9th
Sociology ranked 25th
the sex and gender specialty ranked 8th
the social psychology speciality ranked 16th
the sociology of population ranked 13th

Smith School of Business
Business ranked 27th
the entrepreneurship specialty ranked 18th
the information systems specialty ranked 5th
the part-time MBA ranked 10th
the supply chain/logistics speciality ranked 12th

College of Education
Education ranked 22nd
The administration/supervision specialty ranked 14th
The counseling and personnel services specialty ranked 1st
The education policy specialty ranked 9th
The curriculum and instruction specialty ranked 14th
The education psychology specialty ranked 9th
The elementary education specialty ranked 10th
The higher education administration specialty ranked 9th
The secondary education specialty ranked 12th
The special education specialty ranked 8th

School of Public Affairs
The economics-public finance specialty ranked 10th


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2006 Top 50 Engineering Schools (from USNews)
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