19196| 14
[海外机考精华] 我到新加坡考G的经历介绍 |
A bird's pride comes not from the height he soars on,
but from the will and courage to fight storm alone. A bird's glory comes not from the claim of he can fly, but from the proof of he eventually teared the sky. |
回复 #10 solartorch 的帖子
Humility Honor Sacrifice Valor Compassion Spirituality Honesty Justice
God helps those who help themselves ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 寻找你的未来校友~09FALL飞友大征集~各校飞越群持续添加中 (更新至8.7) 寻找飞友,行前准备,尽在飞跃同期声 09FALL 各大航空公司行李政策咨询与讨论贴 (最近更新:8.7)--多变的达美... [2009版]入美物品携带大讨论~~122楼添加中国海关相关规定,153楼添加锂电池携带规定 |