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[主题活动] 【1010G精英组】ISSUE43 F组回收站 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-5-14 21:18:42 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 lynnuana 于 2010-5-14 21:28 编辑


43"To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards."

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附:关于限时的一些思考 by 银落
如切如磋 如琢如磨

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-5-15 13:59:53 |只看该作者
The speaker asserts that an effective leader must maintain high standard ethic and morality. In my point of view, the speaker unfairly generalized. Although I agree that preeminent ethic and morality is crucial to a leader, the statement fails to take the issue more objectively.

First of all, I must agree that ethic and morality are important factors when people judge a leader. A leader who has preeminent ethic and morality must be a charming leader. As we all know, ethic and morality are the basic elements to everyone appraise each other, so a person could not be welcomed if the one has defect in ethic and morality, no matter the individual is a leader or just an ordinary person as us.
People love a leader with preeminent ethic and morality, for they could always be trusted. Those kind of leaders are more likely to assure people that they would not waste the taxpayer's money and would fulfill the precede promises he or her promised to public. Thus, a leader, who wants to keep his name among public, must have a high standard of ethic and morality.

Secondly, a leader with preeminent ethic and morality could be more likely bring the public peace and comfortable life. Consider the public's welfare first, attempt all him could do to improve life level of the public, treat everyone equally, and care the public as his family members. All of this could make a leader a great one in the public's eyes and all the leader has done for public could be remembered by history of the country. Refer to an example, Premier Wen in China played a key role in rescuing in Sichuan Earthquake which claimed more than seventy thousands lives in 2008. Face such a horrible disaster, the Premier never says give up. His brave, mercy and intelligence in leadership moved millions of people in China. Thereby, we can say leaders all around the world could be different in thousands of ways, but the kind of high standard ethic and morality could not leave out.

While there is no denying that the preeminent ethic and morality are so important to a leader, query whether that is all a leader should have? I do not think so. One thing should be understood by everyone, that is a leader must share his political achievement with the public, for the main role of a leader is lead a country to progress and develop. In this case, the leadership ability becomes a key factor to judge a leader's greatness. Take Bill Clinton as an example, even though the sexual scandal is affected significantly to the American President, we cannot deny the leader bring the whole America a prosperous economy condition. Thus the scandal is negligible commensurate with President Clinton's achievement on leadership.

In addition, mostly a leader could be an effective leader if he meets the ethical and moral standards set by the public. For example, Stalin and Hitler could still be called good leaders due to they can meet the basic standards of ethic and morality set by the public, even though they are not so welcomed by some people.

In sum, I agree that high standard on ethic and morality could help leaders to be great ones in many cases. Understandably, we ordinary could not leave ethic and morality on our life, yet they are leaders as public figures and representative a country. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore other important elements when we judge a leader. After all, the key role of a leader is leading a better life for our public.
Hey America~~~

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-5-15 17:13:07 |只看该作者
The utopian assertion shows the glorious envision of author, however, the fact is someone can be an effective leader without maintaining the highest ethical and moral standards, especially considering business leader. In the area of political or, maintaining high ethical and moral standards usually can help the leader arrive the goals, but in some cases, the political leader has to give up the standard. Without doubt, a social-spiritual leader must maintain their ethical and moral standards.

First of all, in the business area, a successful leader should be defined as someone who can maximize the profits subject to conditions, such as local laws and the limited resource. And the highest ethical and moral standards work little in making profits; even lead someone to sacrifice self-profits to help others. Thus, an effective leader in business usually not maintains the ethical and moral standards. The managements of Goldman Sachs are splendid, since they make the Goldman Sachs becoming one of the most profitable companies in the world. Apparently, not everyone in the leadership of Goldman Sachs is moral or ethical ideal model; even probably none of the leader of Goldman Sachs maintains the moral standards, which can be proved by that the Goldman Sachs' managements enjoyed the high-salaries during the time of American subprime mortgage crisis.

Consider the politics, George Bush, should be viewed as a successful leader since he was elected to be the American president twice. But clearly the one who launches an attack to Iraq does not maintain the highest ethical and moral standards. So the leaders sometimes must choose their countries benefic rather than the moral. The trade protectionism is also an example. We could not say the leader who support for the trade protectionism is not an effective leader, but it actual destroy the fair of world trade, which contravenes the moral.

What's more, the highest ethical moral standards include the honesty. But in some conditions, the business leader and politic should not tell all what they have known so as to protect the privacy of their companies or countries. A leader answer all the reporter's questions honestly, must not be a great leader, even sometime politician may break the law of safety of country.

At last, consider a third type of leadership: social-spiritual. The notable figures, such as Gandhi, Confucius, and Martin Lurther King, are all successful in leading others to practice the high ethical and moral standards which they advocated. Obviously, a successful social-spiritual leader must maintain the highest ethical and moral standard. Since if the leader cannot insist the standards he have advocated, how could others believe in his spirit?

In a nutshell, history informs us that only the social-spiritual leaders require adherence to high standards of public morality. Although adherence to high standards of morality can help businessmen and politicians winning the respects of others, it is not the prerequisite for successful business or politic leadership. Individual's knowledge and aptitude can work more significant to achieve the success.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-5-15 23:31:51 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lynnuana 于 2010-5-16 02:33 编辑

What qualities make an effective leader? This is a lasting question for many years. Admittedly, some relative high ethical and moral standards are essential for a successful public official; however, to some extent, the speaker overstates the importance of personal morality and ethics for an effective leadership.

First of all, relative high ethical and moral standards are the basic requirement for effective official leaders, the elites in a society. The official who possesses excellent moral sentiment would concern more about the whole community and his people when making policies, rather than himself or certain private interest groups. Only thus can the leaders bring about a better society for the people. In contrast, if a leader has low morality and ethics, at the risk of sounding cold,he would set back the progress of a community and even lead the people into disaster. A striking example is Adolf Hitler, the German dominator who led to the outbreak of the Second World War. In his philosophy, the Jews are inferior race that must be wiped out. Therefore, he made the policy of Holocaust which directly resulted in millions of people murdered inhumanly. Maybe this example would be a whit exaggerative---after all, only minority of people could become Hitler. But, to say the least, low ethical and moral standards of a common official in the modern society would also bring about disadvantage for the whole community, for example, environment pollution, riots, corruption and so forth. Thereby, indisputably, high ethical and moral standards are definitely necessary for a public official, let along an effective leader.

Nonetheless, personal morality---although it is necessary--- is a little bit less significant for a political leader to be effective. In other words, leadership is a mix art involves many personal qualities such as passion, vision, organization, determination, creativity, integrity, honesty, sensitivity, wisdom, a sense of humor and even more important, personal charisma. Consider Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton, both of them are former presidents of United States and what is interesting is that they both have involved in scandals--- The Watergate Affair of the former and Lewinsky Sex Scandal of the latter. However, no one would deny they were effective leaders during their administration. For example,both of them were elected twice to the presidency in American history; and, during their political period, American economy had been seen a remarkable steady increasing. From this point, the scandals—which maybe called moral defectiveness--- did not hinder them both to be effective country leaders while other leadership qualities are indeed highlighted through their political life.

In addition, what needs to be pointed out is that the moral defectiveness could be forgiven to some degree as mentioned above, yet flaws in personal morality and ethics should not regarded as anecdotes to be praised and followed by the other officials. Or this kind of behavior would not only influent the atmosphere of official circles but also eventually affect the ethic and morality of the whole community.

To sum up, high ethical and moral standards should not be overstated for a leader to be effective while other necessities contributed to successful leaders ought not to be neglected.
如切如磋 如琢如磨

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-5-15 23:43:46 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lynnuana 于 2010-5-16 01:02 编辑

The utopian assertion shows the glorious envision of author, however, the fact is someone can be an effective leader without maintaining the highest ethical and moral standards, especially considering business leader. In the area of political or, maintaining high ethical and moral standards(用的有点多~换词~) usually can help the leader arrive the goals, but in some cases, the political leader has to give up the standard. Without doubt, a social-spiritual leader must maintain their ethical and moral standards.

First of all, in the business area, a successful leader should be defined as someone who can maximize the profits subject to conditions, such as local laws and the limited resource. And the highest ethical and moral standards work little in making profits; even(分号连接独立句子,这句缺主语) lead someone to sacrifice self-profits to help others. Thus, an effective leader in business usually not maintains the ethical and moral standards. The managements of Goldman Sachs are splendid, since they make the Goldman Sachs becoming one of the most profitable companies in the world. Apparently, not everyone in the leadership of Goldman Sachs is moral or ethical ideal model; even probably none of the leader of Goldman Sachs maintains the moral standards, which can be proved by that the Goldman Sachs' managements enjoyed the high-salaries during the time of American subprime mortgage crisis.

Consider the politics, George Bush, should be viewed as a successful leader since he was elected to be the American president twice. But clearly the one who launches an attack to Iraq does not maintain the highest ethical and moral standards. So the leaders sometimes must choose their countries benefic rather than the moral. The trade protectionism is also an example. We could not say the leader who support for the trade protectionism is not an effective leader, but it actual destroy the fair of world trade, which contravenes the moral.

What's more, the highest ethical moral standards include the honesty. But in some conditions, the business leader and politic should not tell all what they have known so as to protect the privacy of their companies or countries. A leader answer all the reporter's questions honestly, must not be a great leader, even sometime politician may break the law of safety of country.

At last, consider a third type of leadership: social-spiritual. The notable figures, such as Gandhi, Confucius, and Martin Lurther King, are all successful in leading others to practice the high ethical and moral standards which they advocated. Obviously, a successful social-spiritual leader must maintain the highest ethical and moral standard. Since if the leader cannot insist the standards he have advocated, how could others believe in his spirit?

In a nutshell, history informs us that only the social-spiritual leaders require adherence to high standards of public morality. Although adherence to high standards of morality can help businessmen and politicians winning(win) the respects of others, it is not the prerequisite for successful business or politic leadership. Individual's knowledge and aptitude can work more significant to achieve the success.

Outstanding essay~ 观点明确,例子丰富,句式variety~
有一个问题:a public official 是否可以兼谈 business leader?
如切如磋 如琢如磨

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-5-18 06:19:52 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 lxin333 于 2010-5-18 06:22 编辑

The speaker asserts that an effective leader mustmaintain high standard ethic and morality. In my point of view, the speakerunfairly generalized. Although I agree that preeminentethic and morality is crucial to a leader, the statement fails to take theissue more objectively.

First of all, I mustagree that ethic and morality are important factors when people judge a leader.A leader who has preeminent
重复啦ethic and morality must be a charming(推荐stunningleader. As we all know, ethic and morality are the basic elements tofor?)everyone
加个(toappraise each other, so a person could not be welcomed if the onehe orshe has defect in ethic and morality, no matter theindividual is a leader or just an ordinary person as us.(这个观点好片面的感觉)

People love a leaderwith preeminent ethic and morality, for they could always be trusted. Thosekind of leaders are more likely to assure people that they would not waste thetaxpayer's money and would fulfill the precede promises he or her promised topublic. Thus, a leader, who wants to keep his name among public, must have ahigh standard of ethic and morality.

Secondly, a leaderwith preeminent ethic and morality could be more likely bring the public peaceand comfortable life. Consider the public's welfare first, attempt all him could do to improve life level of the public
standardof living, treat everyone equally, and care the public as hisfamily members. All of this could make a leader a great one in the public'seyes and all the leader has done for public could be remembered by history ofthe country. Refer to an example, Premier Wen in China played a key role inrescuing in Sichuan Earthquake which claimed more than seventy thousands livesin 2008. Face such a horrible disaster, the Premier never says give up. Hisbrave, mercy and intelligence in leadership moved millions of people in China.Thereby, we can say leaders all around the world could be different in thousandsof ways, but the kind of high standard ethic and morality could not leave out.

While there is nodenying that the preeminent ethic and morality are so important to a leader,query whether that is all a leader should have? I do not think so. One thingshould be understood by everyone, that is a leader must share his politicalachievement with the public, for the main role of a leader is
少了to?? lead acountry to progress and develop. In this case, the leadership ability becomes akey factor to judge a leader's greatness. Take Bill Clinton as an example, e uratewith President Clinton's achievement on leadership.

In addition, mostly aleader could be an effective leader if he meets the ethical and moral standardsset by the public. For example, Stalin and Hitler could still be called goodleaders due to they can meet the basic standards of ethic and morality set bythe public, even though they are not so welcomed by some people.

In sum, I agree thathigh standard on ethic and morality could help leaders to be great ones in manycases. Understandably, we ordinary could not leave ethic and morality on ourlife, yet they are leaders as public figures andrepresentative a country
????.Nevertheless, we cannot ignore other important elements when we judge a leader.After all, the key role of a leader is leading a better life for our public.


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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-5-19 07:14:23 |只看该作者
Whether the highest ethical and moralstandards is indeed necessary for a public official to be an effective leaderis a controversial issue. It is undeniable that a successful social-spiritualleader must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards in order to guidepeople correctly. However, ethical and moral standards are not essential to allthe public official who are keen to become successful because other requirementof qualities are more necessary to enable them to create dramaticeffectiveness. In my viewpoint, the speaker overstates the importance ofpersonal ethics and morality.

In the political realm, morality andethics and successful leadership are closely connected. A public official whois the potential successful leader, can gain popular support because that thestandards drive him to concern more about the whole community and people fromall classes when crucial policies are made or actions or measures are taken.For instance, Mahatma Gandhi, who is bestowed the title of Father of Nation, isthe preeminent political and spiritual leader of india during the Indianindependence movement. He was the pioneer of satyagraha--- resistance totyranny through mass civil disobedience, a philosophy firmly founded uponahimsa or total nonvionlence--- which led India to independence and inspiredmovements for civil rights and freedom across the world. It is obviously thatGandhi's unprecedented proposition of nonviolent is regarded as a greatphilosophy stem from his high ethic and moral standards. Such kind of examplescan be seen through the long river of history. Successful leaders with highethic and moral standards often attract more adherents and have great influenceon the whole society.

However, the highest ethic and moralstandards are not requested, a politician who has brilliant statesmanship canreach his goal as well. In retrospect, It is the extraordinary ability toformulate appropriate strategy so that Roosevelt had managed to pulled theState out of a swamp of financial crisis. Another example is Churchill, a manwho betrayed his party membership twice, called out troops to suppress the strikeswith no mercy, led Great Britain to the victory of World War II. Clinton, whichis involved in the Sexual Scandal, is still treated as a great leader anddeserves our highest honor because of his contribution of bringing America to ahighly-booming economy.

Nevertheless, high ethical and moralstandards are not sufficient for them to become effective leader. A publicofficial holds ambition of being an effective leader it is his faculties---involving outstanding leadership, acute perception, and eloquence, forinstance--- that lay the foundation of their successful in politic. The examplecan also be Churchill for his excellent leadership, tactful, diplomaticmaneuvering, and talented eloquence. On the contrary, Confucious who is regardedas a symbol of the highest ethical and moral standards of the ancient China,his lacking of the precondition of leadership made him unable to be asuccessful leader.

In sum, although higher ethical andmoral standards help a good leader more successful, they are necessary to besaints because other indispensable factors contributed to successful leaders isimportant as well.

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