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[i习作temp] issue151:第一篇,求拍:) [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-2-13 12:50:30 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
"Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators."





There are various approaches to education; not a single of them, is perfect, or is far super than others. Every approach has its advantages, along with its disadvantages. Education with only one approach, such as leaving it solely to professional educators, tend to overlook its drawbacks, which could have a negative impact on education quality. Therefore, to assure high-quality education, different approaches should be adopted and different participants, such as parents, communities, and professional educators, should be involved, so that they can compensate for the shortcomings of each other and collaborate together for a better education.

Educators, such as teachers and tutors, with their long-established positions in schools, always play an important part in education. They are more professional than parents and community members, for their expertise and insights in education, and therefore, usually, too much expectations have been put on them - they are assumed to perform all the tasks in developing students well. However, such an assumption over-emphasized the importance of professional educators. A fact is overlooked, that they often confront with many students and can not pay enough attention to everyone to find their interests and study habits. Therefore, they are too busy to work out poper study and teaching plans that fulfill all students' needs.

Identifying the needs of each individual should be left to parents, for that they know their children much better than anyone else. Moreover, the encouragement from parents are more effective to children than that from other people, whether teachers or tutors. Parents can also cultivate the interests of their children, motivate them to perform better in academic works, and inspire their passion toward career goals. Besides, parents themselves are the most motivated in children education. Many of them work hard in laborious jobs to earn money for the living costs and tuitions of their children. They far too often take much effort to allow their children to get better education opportunities and to have a brighter future than they have. Therefore, such motivations should not be neglected, rather, parents should be actively involved in children education.
[8:00 + 9:00]

While parents can contribute much to children education, the limitations can not be ignored. In many families, especially those with family violence, poverty, and disease, parents themselves are suffered from various problems and they have neither enough quality and ability, nor time for children education. Under some situations, parents, as bad role models, may have a negative impact on their children. Thus, education should not rely too heavily on parent's. The same assertion applys to communities, since they also have their own problems, such as block gang, drug transactions, youth violence, etc, and they suffer, too. To improve such situations that education is facing, schools and professional educators do help.

If parents and communities are involved into local schools, they have a chance to express their needs and requirements. They can also provide feedbacks and advices to school administrations and teachers. By communications among all participants in education, all the needs, requirements, and drawbacks of them can be identified, and this will help a lot in improving education quality, make education more efficient and effective, and allow all people involved to better cooperate with each other and work toward common goals.
However, common problems of communications among multiple parties, are communicating efficiency and the difficulties to achieve consensus. One possible solution to this problem is to follow the majority rule. Different needs and opinions from parents, communities, and professional educators should be considered all together by school administrations before important decisions are made.
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Another benefit of collaboration is that professional educators in schools can communicate their ideas to parents and communities much more easily. Based on bi-directional communication, mutual-understanding will be enhanced, and educational principle can be reinforced in families and communities. This broadens the sense of education - that is, not matter where children are, they can always learn and grow.
Further, children who grow up in such collaborative environments will have the sense of collaboration, which is must today, since they should work together with many other people, who are from different regions, nations and hold different opinions with them, so as to solve today's complex and challenging social and scientific problems.
[8:00 + 5:00]

Only through collaborations and effective communications among parents, communities and professional educators, school education can be truly effective. All participants have their strength and weakness, without the involvement of all of them and compensations to each other, the quality of education will be at the stake.
GPA = 2.06

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