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[活动] 云涛云涛的作文贴 请多指教!【本人0821威海考场】 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-7-24 15:12:44 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sports teach people lessons about life

According to a report, in 2008, Beijing attracted more than 7 million people to buy tickets to watch the Olympic Games, breaking the records of audience hold by previous host cities. Why people show such a enthusiasm towards sports? In my opinion, the reasons lie not only on the fierce competition and exciting atmosphere but also on the lessons that people acquire from sports.

In the first place, sports demonstrate the charm of unity. As we all know, among the most popular sports are football, baseball, basketball, ice hockey and other so-called "team sports", which all require cooperation to have a good performance. I'd like to take Lionel Andrés Messi, the most gifted football player in the world, and his Argentina football team as an example. Before the 2010 World Cup, Argentina was considered most likely to win the golden cup with the help of Messi. Surprisingly, they were defeated and eliminated by German football team and contrary to Argentine focus on personal talents and skills is German emphasis on team-work.

Also, we are inspired by the perseverance displayed through sports. History is filled with instances of successes after countless practices. Michael Phelps, for example, was diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in his youth. However, instead of giving up swimming, Michael chooses to practice harder and harder and so amazing is his training intensity that he swims as long as 12 miles every day! By training hard and enough confidence, Phelps conquers top of the Olympic stage. Just as he said," Records are always made to be broken no matter what they are and anybody can do anything that he sets his mind to.”

Another point that sports teach us is to have an active attitude and enjoy lives. Nowadays, people often complain about the too much pressure on their shoulder but what they failed to realize is the fact that they can simply relax themselves by sports. Why not leave the city on the weekends and play golf with friends? Remember the name "golf" derives from Green, Oxygen, Light and friendship!

To sum up, sports show us the significance of unity, lead us to have a brave heart and guide us to regain the beauty of lives.

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Rank: 1

发表于 2010-7-27 16:52:57 |只看该作者
IS AD the most important factor to cause unhealthy eating habits?

Nowadays there is a heated discussion over eating habits and one of the questions under debate is whether advertising is the most significant factor to cause unhealthy diets. People differ in attitudes toward to the question. From my point of view, although advertisement plays an important role in the promotion of some junk food, it should not be regarded as the most vital reason.

Admittedly, Advertisements have a negative impact on people's diet and TV commercials have long been criticized for pushing people toward products that are high in fat and sugar but low in vitamins. The recent study points out those skewed messages contribute directly to obesity, heart disease and more. However, we should not ascribe unhealthy eating habits to advertising only, because many other factors also exacerbate the situation.

The quick tempo of modern lifestyle results in unwholesome diet directly. Along with the fierce competition in job market, people seem reluctant to set aside several minutes to make a phone call to their family members, let alone spending an hour preparing a so-called healthy dinner. At the same time, most junk foods, such as KFC and Burger King, are extremely accessible and thus satisfying the needs of modern people.

Another point attributing to improper eating habit is people's unawareness of its side effects. I'd like to take myself as an example. Lacking in common sense about the negative affects fast food brings about, I naively thought that those food are high-quality in nutrients and therefore healthy to eat. Until recently I decided to quit approaching junk food because my doctor told me that excessive fat and sugar contribute to heart disease.

To sum up, the unhealthy eating habits are resulted from many different factors and although advertising indeed help cause people to eat improperly, it should not be blamed as the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-28 15:59:16 |只看该作者
2# 云涛云涛

  Nowadays there is a heated discussion over eating habits and one of the questions under debate is whether advertising is the most significant factor to cause unhealthy diets. People differ in attitudes toward to the question. From my point (of view), although advertisement plays an important role in the promotion of some junk food, it should not be regarded as the most vital reason.- B1 g3 ^! [$ C  K. j/ m0 }

   Admittedly, Advertisements have a negative impact on people's diet and TV commercials have long been criticized for pushing people toward products that are high in fat and sugar but low in vitamins. The recent study points out those skewed messages contribute directly to obesity, heart disease and more. However, we should not ascribe unhealthy eating habits to advertising only, because many other factors also exacerbate the situation.. j. f; C% o. J( ^; P
4 T' G$ {' O  t* g. Y% N( P8 h
The quick tempo of modern lifestyle results in unwholesome diet directly. Along with the fierce competition in job market, people are seem reluctant to set aside several minutes to make a phone call to their family members, let alone spending an hour preparing a so-called healthy dinner. At the same time, most junk foods, such as KFC and Burger King, are extremely accessible and thus satisfying the needs of modern people.

Another point attributing to improper eating habit is people's unawareness of its side effects. I'd like to take myself as an example. Lacking in common sense about the negative affects fast food brings about, I naively thought that those food are high-quality in nutrient(s) and therefore healthy to eat. Until recently I decided to quit approaching junk food because my doctor told me that excessive fat and sugar contribute to heart disease.

    To sum up, the unhealthy eating habits are resulted from many different factors and although advertising indeed make (help) cause people to eat improperly, it should not be blamed as the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits.
      最后一段 最好能够写足3~5句话。

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-29 12:08:32 |只看该作者
Nowadays there is a heated discussion over eating habits and one of the questions under debate is whether advertising is the most significant factor to cause unhealthy diets. People differ in attitudes toward to the question. From my point of view, although advertisement plays an important role in the promotion of some junk food, it should not be regarded as the most vital reason.. \, ?* {" P; A2 p, ?$ W6 a: o
: W+ U) f- [& L& N+ B2 \. v& |6 `

Admittedly, Advertisements have a negative impact on people's diet and TV commercials have long been criticized for pushing people toward products that are high in fat and sugar but low in vitamins. The recent study points out those skewed messages contribute directly to obesity, heart disease and more. However, we should not ascribe unhealthy eating habits to advertising only, because many other factors also exacerbate the situation.

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The quick tempo of modern lifestyle results in unwholesome diet directly. Along with the fierce competition in job market, people seem reluctant to set aside several minutes to make a phone call to their family members, let alone spending an hour preparing a so-called healthy dinner. At the same time, most junk foods, such as KFC and Burger King, are extremely accessible and thus satisfying the needs of modern people.

Another point attributing to improper eating habit is people's unawareness of its side effects. I'd like to take myself as an example. Lacking in common sense about the negative affects fast food brings about, I naively thought that those food are high-quality in nutrients and therefore healthy to eat. Until recently I decided to quit approaching junk food because my doctor told me that excessive fat and sugar contribute to heart disease./ s( x0 W9 }: N$ q8 F* p
: s# t# D# }0 J& ~* ]2 R5 Q% u7 I

To sum up, the unhealthy eating habits are resulted from many different factors and although advertising indeed help cause people to eat improperly, it should not be blamed as the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits.

这个文章是我批改以来写得 最好的文章,我能力有限,看不出什么错误。文章结构清晰,思路明确,确实太棒了!

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