I103"The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."
The study of history is important in that it serves as a magic mirror, because by making an analogy between the current and the past, we can come to reasonable predictions about where the current situations will lead us to based[basing]on what had been caused by past events in history. This magic mirror can be employed both by historians and sociologists for the benefits of the society and also by ordinary people for their personal use. In this sense, I agree with the statement in pointing out the value of history in our daily lives, but disagree with in in limiting the use of history studies to the daily life.
I do appreciate the attempt to call people's attention to the study of history and put historical experiences to practical daily use, because so many of us may feel that historical events sounds too ancient and that the history study is none of their business. [历史研究有用—让人们知晓历史的价值]Fortunately, great efforts have been made globally to help people realize the value of history. In France, governments have sponsored a series of events in museums to invite children to experience the history. In China, TVs have put on programs featured with
insightful lectures on history, which become immensely popular. Lecturers are mostly university professor on history and literature, and are carefully chosen so that they are both extremely knowledgeable in their fields of specializations, and also experts in presenting historical events in an interesting, story-telling manner[这些描述,画蛇添足,让人觉得跑题了]. Many audiences feel that these lecture are illuminating because the speakers have successfully dug out the significance of historical events and their close relation to our daily lives[能不能举出一个具体的例子呢]. As a result, there has been a trend (away from undue political propagandas and crazy rush for cash in markets)[括号里的内容似乎无关啊] among the Chinese to make use of China's rich historical resources to illuminate every decision in daily lives.
However, it is unjustifiable to reduce the value of history to its practical use for our daily lives, because history is formed by the cumulative action of the entire human race on earth, and concerns primarily the broad direction in the development of the human society. Many historical events, which sounds[sound] too far away from our daily lives, are relentless[adj.无情的、冷淡的,是不是用错词了?] studied by historians for a deeper understanding of the nature of human race and society. A study of the primitive society, for example, may not be useful for you to keep a happy family, but is absolutely useful for researchers to understand how our social system is formed, and in what respects have the basic human needs determined[determine] the social structure. Similarly, the details of the independence of American colonies from British rulers may be unfamiliar for many of us, but it is fundamentally important for everyone who wants to understand the political system of the US and the essence of the American social beliefs. The study of these historical events is largely conducted for the betterment of our society, rather than for personal use.
As a conclusion, although it is a good habit to connect history with our daily lives and learn from historical events to instruct our daily decision, the objectives with the study of history go far beyond the practical use in our daily lives. It is the development of our human race, and the maturation of a whole society, that are primarily concerned by historians[被关注的就是有价值的吗?这里应该换种说法The study of history has value to he development of our human race, and the maturation of a whole society]. [虽然主体的两段各有一个TS,但是却感觉不到明显的论证逻辑。例子很好,但是不能对其进行切中要害的展开,感觉是在泛泛的表面说理。另外,遣词造句很好。] |