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[i习作temp] Issue130<彼岸小组第二次作业>by melody-qu [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-12-10 20:28:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
I notice the speaker expresses dual claims on the issue. The first claim is that society’s destiny is relied on how children are socialized, and the second claim is that we have not yet find a good way to raise children who can create a better society. I disagree with the speaker’s opinion from these aspects as follows.

First, the speaker holds a limited attitude towards a qualified child who can take up the responsibility of the future society. Admittedly, the young generation is the hope of our society, the nursing and education of whom will play a significant role in leading the nation forward. Social ability, including how to get on well and cooperate with others, how to listen to different voices and exchange ideas, how to understand others from their respective and how to make friends in a new environment, etc, is an inevitable part of the education which will enable children to adapt to the society quickly and easily. However, we can’t assert that it is the only standard we judge a child, for many other personalities such as honesty, creativity, friendliness and accountability are also what we cherish. It is hard to imagine a child with only social skill but lack of the other fundamental qualities can make a contribution to the society. Only with an integral character can a child be a qualified person as successor of the future world. Over-emphasis on social ability will cause the imbalance in education and finally may hamper the comprehensive development of the children.

What’s more, the destiny of the society can’t be determined only by the young generation’s sociality. Human resource is a decisive factor influencing the direction of further development on condition that it take the history and traditions, the culture heritages, the political systems and the status quo into the consideration.

The speaker criticizes sharply that we have not a good way to cultivate children, which I think is groundless. Different as the education modes of every country might be, there are some common cultural essences regarding as the treasure of human wisdom lying in each mode. By absorbing these thoughts and spirits passing down from generation to generation, we human being come to today’s modern world. Denying the essence of the education is to neglect the progress and fruits of human being so far. We keep on looking for better ways to improve education, but never do we fail to educate our kids.

Last but not least, since the definition of “a better world” varies from person to person, it is unreasonable to claim that the next generation can’t do a good job. If our society is open and tolerant enough, we should encourage every child to grow up as he is and makes his specific contribution to the society. Considerfor instance, a child always thinks his own fancies and does the things he is interested in instead of playing with others. For such a child, can we say that he can’t make a contribution to a better world?
They may be a great thinker in the future and even change people’s mind! The examples of some scientists and psychologists like Einstein can aptly demonstrate my point. Another example is the so called 80’s and 90’s generations who have instinct personalities and quite strong self- awareness. In some people’s eyes, it is the failure of education that leads to an arrogant and assertive generation. However, different generations hold different attitude toward a better society. From another respective, they are confident, brave enough to pursue their dreams and never hesitate to try new ways. They may bring to us a brand new world which is hard to say no better than today’s.

In sum, I think the speaker come to the conclusion with little evidence. On one hand, we’d better educate the children with an integrated character and all-rounded skills, and on the other hand, we should encourage our children’s natural instincts and always have faith in them to build a better world.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-12-12 17:42:26 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 muzhihao1 于 2010-12-12 17:46 编辑

I notice  the speaker expresses dual claims on the issue. The first claim is that society’s destiny is relied on how children are socialized, and the second claim is that we have not yet find a good way to raise children who can create a better society. I disagree with the speaker’s opinion from these aspects as follows.(写成argument的开头了,北美的开头是列自己的观点)

First, the speaker holds(take好点) a limited attitude towards a qualified child who can take up the responsibility of the future society. Admittedly, the young generation is the hope of our society, the nursing and education of whom will play a significant role in leading the nation forward. Social ability, including how to get on well and cooperate with others, how to listen to different voices and exchange ideas, how to understand others from their respective and how to make friends in a new environment, etc, is an inevitable(感觉不是很对,我会用indispensable) part of the education which will enable children to adapt to the society quickly and easily. However, we can’t assert that it is the only standard(+ by which) we judge a child, for many other personalities such as honesty, creativity, friendliness and accountability are also what we cherish. It is hard to imagine a child with only social skill but lack of the other fundamental qualities can make a contribution to the society. Only with an integral character can a child be a qualified person as successor of the future world. Over-emphasis on social ability will cause the imbalance in education and finally may hamper the comprehensive development of the children.

What’s more, the destiny of the society can’t be determined only by the young generation’s sociality. Human resource is a decisive factor influencing the direction of further development on condition that(知识浅,看不懂这个从句。。) it take the history and traditions, the culture heritages, the political systems and the status quo into the consideration. 明白你的意思,但是感觉很human resource出现得很突兀,逻辑我不是很清楚

The speaker criticizes sharply that we have not a good way(怪) to cultivate children, which I think is groundless. Different as the education modes of every(different) country might be(感觉还是怪), there are some common cultural essences regarding (regarded)as the treasure of human wisdom lying in each mode. By absorbing these thoughts and spirits passing down from generation to generation, we human being come to today’s modern world. Denying the essence of the education is to neglect the progress and fruits of human being so far. We keep on looking for better ways to improve education, but never do we fail to educate our kids.

Last but not least, since the definition of “a better world” varies from person to person, it is unreasonable to claim that the next generation can’t do a good job. If our society is open and tolerant enough, we should encourage every child to grow up as he is and makes his specific contribution to the society. Consider,for instance, a child always thinks his own fancies and does the things he is interested in instead of playing with others. For such a child, can we say that he can’t make a contribution to a better world?(这里的逻辑是每个人对于一个好的世界的定义不同,所以任何人都能做一些对他们认为的好的世界有帮助的是,感觉牵强了。而且TS讲的是我们这一代人不能说下一代人不能做好,我认为按这个思路,应该论述每个时代对好的社会的理解不同,导致对一个对社会有帮助的小孩的理解也不同。)
They may be a great thinker in the future and even change people’s mind! The examples of some scientists and psychologists like Einstein can aptly demonstrate my point. Another example is the so called 80’s and 90’s generations who have instinct personalities and quite strong self- awareness. In some people’s eyes, it is the failure of education that leads to an arrogant and assertive generation. However, different generations hold different attitude toward a better society. From another respective, they are confident, brave enough to pursue their dreams and never hesitate to try new ways. They may bring to us a brand new world which is hard to say no better than today’s.(整篇下来,感觉写得太抒情了)

In sum, I think the speaker come to the conclusion with little evidence. (issue当然没有evidence啦=_=)On one hand, we’d better educate the children with an integrated character and all-rounded skills, and on the other hand, we should encourage our children’s natural instincts and always have faith in them to build a better world.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-12-12 17:55:54 |只看该作者
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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-12-12 18:47:43 |只看该作者
3# hanhongwei90 谢谢7号帮我修改啊,还有consider位于句首的用法我也不太确定,有时间群里讨论一下哈~

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RE: Issue130<彼岸小组第二次作业>by melody-qu [修改]
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Issue130<彼岸小组第二次作业>by melody-qu
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