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[作文] Daily writing独立作文BY L.Z~求虐待 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-1-29 08:13:30 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 lz007523 于 2011-1-31 00:36 编辑

Do you agree with the following statement? Parents should give school-age children money for getting a high mark they
get in the school.

Parents always argues that their children don't pay many attention to the classes. It lead the school-age children always get
a low mark. The mark will change to a barren for the children development in the future. So, some people argue that giving shchool
children money for praising the high mark they get. In my views, I do agree with this opinion as the following reason.

First of all, giving schoo-age children money can stimulate the children to study hard. Many school-age children don't have a
aim. Most of them don't know what to do in the future even if parents tell them the important of the studying again and again.
However, they don't know why they have to get a high mark in the school. If parents praise children with money, they will get
short aim quickly. They will study hard for getting the money from the parents. It is normal the children at the school-age have
so many things that they want. The money will courage them to study hard for getting a high score.

The other reason why I agree with this idea is that it can make children understand how to manage they money when they was young.
Parents always control the money when children in the school-age. It causes a very big problem in the soceity now. When the children
grow up, they don't know how to manage the money. They spend money on everywhere such as buying a lot of clothes that they don't need.
When they grow up, they can't easy listen to the parents as they young. If the parents
keeping tell them what they can do or not, it would be worse. So, if the parents give the money to the children who get high
mark in the school, they can teach the children how to use the money at the same time. It will help the children to manage successful
when they growing up.Futher more, it can prevent the children waste the money, when the parents give their right education.

Last but not the least, most of the children will insist in high mark when the parents give them money as praising. There are many
way can stimulate the student to work for a hard work. But some ways just make children have one or several times stimulation, and they lost
their effect at last. For example, some parents give the children toy what they want to buy a long time as praising. However, when the children
reach their goal, they begin to lost the emotion on stuying unless there are other things that can attract them.Money is differnt because money can
be deposit. Children can save the money for the future using. So, children will easy to keep in studying hard for getting more money.

In sum, there are so many advantages that parents use money to praise their children.So, I quite agree with this opinion.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-1-29 09:34:23 |只看该作者


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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-1-30 01:16:33 |只看该作者

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Rank: 4

发表于 2011-1-30 11:16:50 |只看该作者
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Rank: 4

发表于 2011-1-30 13:43:35 |只看该作者
Parents always argues that their children don't pay many attention to the classes. It lead the school-age children always get $ H% ?/ C9 Y% j
a low mark. The mark will change to a barren for the children development in the future. So, some people argue that giving shchool5 W7 U7 P, C6 |4 @  u4 l% f
children money for praising the high mark they get. In my views, I do agree with this opinion as the following reason.

First of all, giving schoo-age children money can stimulate the children to study hard. Many school-age children don't have a : @5 c* [% l' ?% v, [
aim. Most of them don't know what to do in the future even if parents tell them the important of the studying again and again.
However, they don't know why they have to get a high mark in the school. If parents praise children with money, they will get % A- f1 v; B% ]; ~# V, |8 j+ m- l
short aim quickly. They will study hard for getting the money from the parents. It is normal the children at the school-age have% q# X1 a# u) b. E4 u; f
so many things that they want. The money will courage them to study hard for getting a high score.% {* n# p8 y/ X# M  ]% _* @

The other reason why I agree with this idea is that it can make children understand how to manage they money when they was young.) Z+ \% O7 L; b: z
Parents always control the money when children in the school-age. It causes a very big problem(有点口语化) in the soceity now. When the children
grow up, they don't know how to manage the money. They spend money on everywhere such as buying a lot of clothes that they don't need.
When they grow up, they can't easy listen to the parents as they young(easy listen to?我不知道对不对哟). If the parents
keeping tell them what they can do or not, it would be worse.(这句有点无关。) So, if the parents give the money to the children who get high
mark in the school, they can teach the children how to use the money at the same time. It will help the children to manage successful
when they growing up.Futher more, it can prevent the children waste the money, when the parents give their right education.(这一段逻辑稍稍有一点混乱了……前后关系不太明确,建议重新构思换个顺序。)

Last but not the least, most of the children will insist in high mark when the parents give them money as praising. There are many7 u0 m( B9 z" r8 ~* }* B" M
way can stimulate
the student to work for a hard work(错了吧语法). But some ways just make children have one or several times stimulation, and they lost 9 n: A/ O3 A, c
their effect at last. For example, some parents give the children toy what they want to buy a long time as praising. However, when the children3 I5 d" c4 a& S( _: B% \  O/ X
reach their goal, they begin to lost the emotion on stuying unless there are other things that can attract them.Money is different because money can
be deposit. Children can save the money for the future using. So, children will easy to keep in studying hard for getting more money.

In sum, there are so many advantages that parents use money to praise their children.So, I quite agree with this opinion.(最好不要用quite agree)


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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-1-31 03:10:01 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lz007523 于 2011-1-31 03:13 编辑

1月31 日作业

Inorder to be success, it is better to be like others than to be different fromeverybody else.

Many people is eager to be success in theworld. There is argument about which way leads to success, to be like others orto be different form everybody. Different people have different views. In myopinion, I think the way to be like others will much easier to success than theway to be different from everybody.

First, social network is significant forthe people to be success, and it is easier to make friends with other people ifthe people are similar to them. In other words, if people are like the othersin the society, they will be easy to be accepted by the other people in theworld. If ones can have a lot of friends, they won’t worry about being isolatedby society. For example, there are many genial scientists who have wired in character.Even though they have high IQ, and very special among people, a few of them canbe success at last. Most of them have difficult to get the support from theresearch institute and their colleagues. People are hard to understand them anddoubt of their invention, because these scientists’ characters are toodifferent to get their identity. In the other hand, the scientists who are likeothers are much easier to be accepted by their supervisors and coworkers. It isobviously people like to support the people who they think is looks like them.The more agree and help a person gets, the more successful a person makes.

Second, the people who are different fromothers usually are been under a lot of stress and misunderstand than the peoplewho are like others. There is a true example in my life. One of my professors,who is very talent and expertise, always argued he can't get the support fromthe university. He also despises other teachers for their ordinary as otherpeople. He confused why these common teachers can got the university funds fortheir research. One day, he told us the reason on the class. He found that themain reason is the people and supervisors can’t understand some behaviors andideas because he is too extraordinary. Now, he had to face the stress from thisproblem and he had to find a way to set free from this condition. He needed tolearn how to be like a common people. So, it is important to be like otherpeople for getting success.

Third, there is an argument about some peoplewho is extraordinary get a high successful in the world, such as Bill Gates,Steve Jobs. It is true, but it is hard to decide the different people easy toget success, because these examples are small probability events in the world.If we use the amounts that common people get success compare to the amountsthat extraordinary people get success, we can see the amount that common peoplegetting success is far more than the people who are different. Although peoplewho are different to other people can get success, the probability is lowerthan those who is like others.

In sum, we can conclude from the discussionabove, the people who are similar as others are easy to get success than thepeople who are different to others

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Rank: 4

发表于 2011-2-1 00:01:01 |只看该作者
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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-1 13:58:14 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? People who go outside are more successful and happier than peoplewho live in villages

If you have a chance to go outside, youwill find the beautiful world, which is totally different to the villages’lives. But some people argues that people who lives in villages are moresuccessful and happier than people who lives in villages, because the villagesoffer nature air and peace to people. In my view, I quite disagree with thestatement as the following reasons.

First, one, which is important connectingto the people's successful and happy, is that outside world supplies a lot ofcompetition and chances to people. People can get more successful and happierfrom these things. People will find the value of their selves when they won thecompetition. People will feel happy when they get appraise from thecompetition. For example, there are many young people who have greatinteresting in the business competition. They can earn the funds if they get thechampion for their projects. It is a very quick way to get successful if youhave the idea. Furthermore, they can get a lot of support from the audient whoappraise for him, yarning for him. From that, it is easy to see them so happythat crying in the TV show.

Second, going outside will make you learnall kinds of people, which is other way you can get the successful and happier.Communicates is the skill that god gives us. We can get a lot of fun formcommunication such as news, jokes. Going outside is a good chance that you canmake friends with a lot of people who you can never see in the villages, Inaddition, if you can get more information, you will much easier to getsuccessful. Making friends with a lot of people will make you accumulate anumber of information from all kinds of areas. If you find information which isfit for you to earn the money and create your business, the successful iscoming to you.

However, people argue that living invillages offer them peace and nature air. It is true. But the peace life andbeautiful nature will reduce the people emotion to keep moving. They will stopon what they get now. In china, there is a mortal, "Living on danger, dyingon peace life." It means people should have the idea to face the difficultnot just the peace life because the peace life can give us successful.

In sum, we can get the conclusion abovethat people go outside will more easy to successful and happier than peoplelives in villages.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2011-2-2 10:49:01 |只看该作者

Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? People who go outside are more successful and happier than peoplewho live in villages
- N' V3 q5 Z+ s9 o4 y( F  k
1 x( n" U% V; U5 o

3 j) K$ K% @5 G, ZIf you have a chance to go outside, you will find the beautiful world, which is totally different to the villages’lives. But some people argues that people who lives
live in villages are more successful and happier than people who liveslive in villages(改成who go outside, because the villages offer nature air and peace to people. In my view, I quite disagree with the statement as the following reasons.$ g# W; j& o" ~7 D& U

  `* @7 i) S  y
9 j  y' P; k" s
First, one, which is important connecting to
the people's successful and happy,
(这里应该为名词,改为success and happiness is that outside world supplies a lot of competitions and chances to people. People can get more successful and happierfrom these things. People will find the value of their selvesthemselves when they won thecompetition. People will feel happy when they get appraise from thecompetition. For example, there are many young people who have great interestinginterests in the business competition. They can earn the funds if they get thechampion for their projects. It is a very quick way to get successful if youhave the idea. Furthermore, they can get a lot of support from the audient (感觉用audient不太妥当,建议直接用those就好)whoappraise for him, yarning for him. From that, it is easy to see them so happythat crying in the TV show(这是从哪里来的??之前完全没有提到TV的事情啊)) e* X: H) h- H

' q! G2 u4 B2 D
* o( a& I4 W) N, D+ qSecond, going outside will make you
learnall kinds of people
all kinds of people, 太绝对了), which is other wayanother way you can get thebe successful and happier.Communicates (这里需要名词,改为communicationis the skill that god gives us. We can get a lot of fun formcommunication such as news, jokes. Going outside is a good chance that you canmake friends with a lot of people who you can never see in the villages, Inaddition, if you can get more information, you will much easier to getsuccessful. Making friends with a lot of people will make you accumulate anumber of information from all kinds of areas. If you find information which isfit for you to earn the money and create your business, the successful iscoming to you.
9 t# K2 I3 L, F, V
7 _1 [/ X7 {; _$ ~& T2 j/ _1 d

' i9 Q3 E7 I9 n' w1 _
However, people argue that living invillages offer them peace and nature air. It is true. But the peace life andbeautiful nature will reduce the people emotion to keep moving. They will stopon what they get now. In china, there is a mortal
(建议改为saying goes, "Living on danger, dyingon peace life." It means people should have the idea to face the difficultnot just the peace life because the peace life can not give us successful.8 {- D0 Q# v* Z' J0 P- ~) x+ L! `
9 H- N; K* G0 }; c- P" r+ p

0 o9 M, s) ]7 V" p& c. P1 m9 BIn sum, we can get the conclusion abovethat people go outside will more easy to successful and happier than peoplelives
live in villages.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-4 08:40:05 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? The government should support scientific researches even thoughthere's no practical use?

Generally, there are heated debates springingup at the mention whether the government should support the scientific researchesthat are not practice use. Many people are afraid that would depress the motionof the scientists. For my part, the information I have acknowledged over pastfew years makes me wholly disagree the government has the responsibility to theuseless scientific researches. Listed below are some concrete reasons.

First, it is obviously waste the publicresources, if the government keeps supporting the no practical researches. Thepublic resources such as human resource, money, time are limited. While thegovernment providing public resources to the practical use researches in steadof those that are not practical use, these significant research can be operatedmore successful as well as saving a lot of research time. There are manyexamples of necessary researches being postpone by lacking of money, such asgreen energy program, education research, since they have to share thegovernment funds with those no practice use researches. Furthermore, the governmentsometimes has to face the dilemma that they want to support the research, butthey don’t have the money. So, if the government stops providing resources onthe useless researches, it will highly help to solve this trouble.

Second, the government doesn’t need to beworried about depressing the motion and creatively of the scientists if theystop supporting those no practice using researches. I have to admit that someresearches are really creatively but not practical or just value to small grouppeople. Take an example of the toy function researches. This research is valueto the parents who can afford a lot cost on toy. Will these kinds of researcheswould be disappear in the future if they lack the support for the government?The answer is no because these researches can be supported by companies if themarket needs these researches. So government can focus on supporting practiceusing researches. In addition, It will bring a lot of advantages if someresearches that is no practice use supported by companies. Not only do thescientists can be encourage to produce more valuable products, but also theresources can be used more effectively.

Third, the government just supported thepractical using researches, which don't mean merely supporting the practicaluse researches that can be seen practical in the short future. The governmentalso considers the researches that contain potential practical use in the longfuture. For example, the government supports the NASA out-space exploration,maybe we can see its worthy now. However, in the long future it is a way tohelp us to find other plant to live for us. So, the government still insistssupport the researches which scientists can exhibit their practical future infront of us.

Base from what have been discussed above,we can safely draw a conclusion that it is definitely that the governmentshould not support the scientific researches that are no practice use.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-4 08:45:15 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-4 12:16:09 |只看该作者
Do you agree with the following statement?Some people think children should play and study, others think they should helpwith household chores.

Generally, there are always heated debatesspringing up in mention which way is better for children, playing and studyingor helping with household chores. For my part, the information I haveacknowledged over past a few years makes me agree that children should helpwith household chores. Listed below are some concrete reasons.

First, household chores are necessary tohelp parents to reduce the time on house works so that parents have extra timeto play with their children. In the modern day, children argue that theirparents don't have time to play with them. According to my younger brother whois eleven old said, "Mom always too busy to play with me, even she is athome." It is obvious that parents can have more time to play with theirchildren if the children help them to do some household. Furthermore, the moretime parents company with their children, the healthier growing the childrenwill be got, because they can learn many thing form their parents.

Second, the children who help withhousehold chores are more mature than the children who just play and study atthe same age. There is an example from one of my friends. Anne, one of myfriends, usually helps with her parents household chores, which make her maturein her age compare to my sister who has the same age as her. Anne not only canhandle the household chores, but also do well on her studying. She said thatshe learned a lot of thing when she helped with household. She know how to dealwith the complex household form those job, and household chores also give she amount of help in her daily life, since she understand that everything need tobe done carefully from the household. She also said that the household make sheknow to perseverance, because sometimes she also felt boring when she did thehousehold, but she told herself not to give up. So, these characters, such as chariness,perseverance, were learned by her household experiences.

In addition, the household chores are goodfor children that will live outside independent in the future. There is a funnyphenomenon in the society. Many students can't leave their parents when theyjust come into the university. Those students who may have a high score in thetesting don't know how to wash the clothes or how to cook a dinner when theirparents leave them. Some of them have to choose to postpone their universitystudy and go home to learn how to do the household for a semester. And we cansee more and more reports in the newspaper about this phenomenon. So, thehousehold chores are significant for the children to go outside.

Base from what we have discussed above, wecan get a conclusion that the helping with household chores are significant forthe children. Everyone who ignores that will pay for the heavy price forcorrecting their force.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2011-2-4 18:52:46 |只看该作者
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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-5 04:42:29 |只看该作者
Do you agree with the following statement?To solve problems present and future, is it necessary to understand the past.

Generally, thereare always heated debates whether it is necessary to understand the past whenwe solve the problems present and future. Many people argue it is waste time tounderstand the past. For my part, I wholly agree that we should understand thepast when we deal with the trouble. Listed below are some concrete reasons.

First, it isnecessary to understand the past for using the resource effectively when wehandle the present or future problems. There is an example that can explain itclearly. With the experience from the past, my country held the Olympicsuccessfully in 2008. At that time, the organization committee of Olympic 2008faced a lot of the problems in many areas such as the security measures,transport, and faculty arrangement, since they didn’t hold a so worldwidecompetition before. Fortunately, they got help form other countries which heldthis competition in the past. We learn a lot of experiments form them, whichmade my country hold the competition without wasting a number of resources. So,it is significant for the people to learn from past for the present and futureproblems.

Second, when we handlethe present and future problems, it is useful to help us to avoid missingdirection by understanding the past. Sometimes, we may doubt the decision thatwe made, while we are dealing with the problem. If we have the experience forthe past, we could have an example to detect out decision. For example, beforewe take a test, we usually go to BBS or ask the older person who has taken itbefore. We can find how they to review the test and what is the important pointin the test. We compare the problem we meet in the process with them, andsummary their experience, helping us to dispel the puzzle.

Third, understandingthe past will help us to avoid causing other problem by predicting and wellconsidering when we finish the current issue. I have faced a situation that Ijust finishes a current problems, while the other problem occur at the sametime, and I don’t have enough time to prepare the accident problem since I don’tconsider it and lacking of the experience about this problem. However, if Ihave gotten the experience from other example, I can predict what will happennext and have enough time to prepare the accident.

Based on what wehave discussed above, we can get the conclusion that it is very important tounderstand the past when we deal with the problem present and future.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-5 14:19:15 |只看该作者
The readingmaterial made the point that wood companies don't need to receiveecocertification. In contrast, the listening material insisted that it isimportant for the wood companies to receive the ecocertificaition.

First, the writerdiscussed that the American consumers would not pay attention to theecocertification label, since they are exposed to too much advertising. Thelecturer, however, held a different view that American consumers don't treatadvertising at the same way. They value the advertising which issued by the internationalorganization standards. They have the confident to the international organizaition.

Second, the authorstated that American consumers don't want to pay addition price for theecocertification label. On the contrary, the professor showed that theconsumers maybe can accept the one product in a high price, but they can acceptthe product less than 5% higher price than their peers. The American consumersdon't mind to support the environmental in an acceptable price.

Third, the speakerrefuted the viewpoint showed in the passage that it is not convincing to provethat the ecocertification can help American companies to keep up with developmentin the rest of world by saying that the best competition come form the foreigncompanies. If the American companies don't pay attention to theecocertification, they would loose a lot of consumers who will change to butthe foreign product that contain the ecocertification label.

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