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[未归类] 【不留退路小组】2011-2-18提纲 蛋总 [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-2-18 22:40:35 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Argu127 1.同时性混淆为因果性,有人抱怨水质差不代表这就是居民很少进行水上活动的原因。也许是因为天气冷,或者居民大都很忙,没有时间进行水上运动等等。 2.即使真的是因为水质有问题,政府的plan也未必会起作用。需要足够证据确保计划能够成功实施。 3.即使计划能够实施,也不能说明MC需要更多的公用土地。私人土地也可用于进行水上活动,甚至无主土地也可以。 Argu128 1.学生不坐公交未必是因为车的数量少,而可能是因为他们大都住校,用不着坐,或者家里有钱不屑坐。也可能是出于活动组织的原因,比如用于接送学生的车性能太差速度太慢收费过高,或者服务人员不热情等等。 2.学生不call in and pledged 不代表他们不支持这一活动,也许仅仅是懒得打或是觉得打电话这种行为很可笑,或是根本不听校广播站的节目。 Argu129 1.文中study是由谁做的、怎么做的、数据是如何处理的?样本是否能够代表全体一年级新生? 2.一面之词。只强调了home schooling的好处而未与其他教育方式作比较。 3.与孩子有利害关系的父母未必是最好的老师。合格的老师要有足够的专业水准和耐心,还有相应的师德,而这些未必所有家长都具备。 208"The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people." 1、人们的衣着反映他们的态度以及社会 Clothing performs a range of social and cultural functions, such as individual, occupational and sexual differentiation, and social status. In many societies, norms about clothing reflect standards of modesty, religion, gender, and social status. Clothing may also function as a form of adornment and an expression of personal taste or style. A.体现特征 Consider the Europeans. People from Europe prefer the sharp apparel such as woolen which represent personality and social status B.体现社会变迁中国 美国 2、人们的行为反映他们的态度及社会 English people behave in a genteel, respectful and courteous manner toward one another, values human dignity Japanese people tend to work long hours, diligence, will power and strong conviction 3、衣着与行为不完全代表一个社会的价值观,还需要history, the culture.人与人之间也有差异,不是所有的美国人都穿T恤牛仔裤,也不是所有的中国人都穿唐装。 It is necessary for us to get to know the history, the culture, the economy, and the politics of this society. 全球化背景下,人们的衣着与行为在趋同,不能完全体现社会价值 Chinese obedient conservative; American individuality open-minded 153"Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively." 1、skepticism可以深化和促进对世界的理解要对所学知识产生怀疑必然引发深入思考,即使怀疑最后是错的,也可以促进理解 The importance of skepticism in thought was unprecedently stressed by René Descartes, one of the most influential thinkers in Western philosophy. It was from the very fact that one thought of doubting the truth of other things that followed very evidently and very certainly that one existed.And that’s where his celebrated phrase “I think, therefore I am.”comes from. 2、低年级学生一味地质疑权威是自傲的表现:知识储备不够,还要积累;可以问why而不是challenge long establied principles taught by their teacher 3.在某些极端的情况下,过度的提问和批评时会导致动乱,甚至破坏整个社会的和谐。这一点在一些批评和质询严重影响到一部分人的利益时显得尤为突出。比如在美国政府以伊拉克隐藏有大规模杀伤性武器的理由发动了伊拉克战争,但却一直没有找到任何证据的时候,人们开始怀疑并质询政府提出的攻打伊拉克的理由,并因此怀疑政府是否有资格让他们怀疑。大量的示威和游行在全国各地爆发,不光影响了人们的正常生活,同时也引发了社会的不和谐。 4.在教育中应当强调的不应当是让学生对任何事都不加思索的批评和质询,而是教会他们对于事物的独立的判断能力。任何一个合格的学生应当会通过仔细的分析和调查之后决定是否应当反对或是支持,更或者是提出自己的观点。相比之下,学生进行判断的过程要比最后他做出的结果尽管结果可能是错误的更重要。 48"The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten." As Albert Einstein once said, “Man is, at one at the same time, a solitary being and a social being”. 1、普通人重要 Almost the whole of our actions and desires is bound up with the existence of other human beings. We eat food that others have produced, wear clothes that others have made, live in houses that others have built. The greater part of our knowledge and beliefs has been communicated to us by other people through the medium of a language which others have created. we have, therefore, to admit that we owe our principal advantage over the beasts to the fact of living in human society. The individual, if left alone from birth, would remain primitive and beastlike in his thoughts and 2、名人重要名人在某种程度上改变了历史,促成了“质变”let things change from quantitative change to qualitative change。例如邓小平。 Though the few elites only take a small numbers in the historical events, they are the only people who have further understanding of the contemporary social condition and possess the capability to lead the large scale action. Some of them received the good education and have a clear recognition of the entire situation, and most important, can use the newspaper and numerous ways of media to propagandize their views and awaken common people's resent about the current dominators or present living conditions. For most of the historians, only through the orientations and articles which is made by the famous figures can they find the complete cause and effect about one event. In addition, the elites also shares some features with the common people and also can be regarded as the presenters of the majority of contemporary people. For one thing, the leaders are after all human beings, people like the others, and only difference between these famous figures and common people is that the former have more conscience and courage than the latter. So, research the few elites can quickly catch the real essence of the events. 3、要分领域在政治和科学领域正确I concede that in political field, masses, not a few famous leaders, are part-and-parcel of any activities. 艺术需要个人天赋
Lifelong Suns fan.

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