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[未归类] 【Daily Writing作文特训小组】kaddish作业帖 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2012-2-10 20:16:36 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

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Rank: 4

发表于 2012-2-11 14:48:07 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2012-2-11 22:17:56 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The main role of the university professor is to educate students rather than to do research.
There is no doubt that teachers’ main job is to teach students and offer help on their study, while in university the professions’ role are totally different from teachers. They are the experts in one or even two specific fields, which need a deeper understanding of their related subjects. So it is my belief that the university professors should focus more on their research. And my reasons are as follows.
First, it is a waste of time on teaching students the general knowledge both for students and professors. For one thing, university students own the ability to handle some basic learning process without professors’ help. The time they may need some suggestions from professions is when they are finishing some complex papers or doing a dangerous experiment in the lab. For another thing, professors will find it a low-efficient way to make a speech in front of hundreds of students in a huge classroom, which is the main teaching style in the university. Because barely few of students will pay attention to what the professor said and most just choose to sleep or chat. For example, my classmate and I always skip my art classes because we think there is no need to attend such a boring and useless class. With so many students in a single room, we have no chance to get interactive communication and personal attention from professor.
Second, in the university, doing research enables a professor to give a better education for students. And this academic ability includes that how many papers a professor has published on well-known magazines such as SCI, or what breakthroughs have the professor made in the related field. As most university students want to learn more specific knowledge and deeper understanding of their major, they need a guide who is really excellent and capable to solve their possible problems that they may face in their future studies. To better handle and improve their knowledge in their scholarship, professors should always do research, promising they can give a better education for students. Take myself as an example, last summer I was writing a paper about the development about communication. And my tutor was a famous linguistic professor, who offered me a lot help and corrected my paper time after time. At last, my paper was published on the school newspaper.
Third, if professors spend more time doing research, there will be more space for younger teachers who have little experiences on teaching to improve their skills. According to a survey from Chinese Academy of Social Science says that more than 240,000 students graduate from normal universities, and these new teachers need chances to practice. If given the opportunity to teach in a public not the professional class, these jackaroos may perform better than those more experienced professions because they have no gap with the university students.
In conclusion, I suppose the university professor should pay more attention on research instead of teaching for the sake of a better education quality and a more reasonable teaching system.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2012-2-12 16:24:52 |只看该作者
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Rank: 2

发表于 2012-2-14 01:53:57 |只看该作者

Every student must have encountered some certain problems at some courses in universities, seeking good solutions as much as possible from acquaitances around, say, friends or professional tutors. When my friends face problems on a subject which happens to be the one I am good at, I still recommend him to take suggestions from tutors who can offer more specific and complete answers .And here are my reasons.
First, professional tutors are better than students on handling different problems, because they are the experts on one subject and have a better understanding of related knowledge. Although I do perform excellent on this course, it only proves that I am better capable on acquiring knowledge from teachers but doesn’t imply I have the ability to solve any question that my friend will face in the homework. In addition to provide my friends more useful solutions, professional tutors can help students to deal with a problem in a more scientific way instead of rushing to a conclusion without detailed explanation. My classmate Lily used to ask me for help when she was confronted with difficulties on math homework, sometimes I just had no patience to explain to her step by step, which made it hard for her to fully understand it. Then she decided to ask her math teacher for tutoring who not only help her to solve a single problem but also to draw inferences about other cases from one instance. Soon her math’s performance gets better.
Second, tutoring my friends will occupy a lot of my spare time, disrupting my original plans, but teachers always have office hours particular for solving students' problems. After a hard day's of work, I just have no mood to explain a simple question that I already known over and over again. All I want to do is to make the best use of my time at home, maybe I just plan to relax myself to see a movie or listen to a concert .However, I am always stuck in my friend's endless and stupid math questions after classes per day, leaving no space for my private activities. Besides, with an increasing amount of homework, it is common for students to work hard till midnight otherwise they cannot finish their daily work on time .When my friends ask help from me, I have no courage to say 'no' instead help him or her first, and then continue my study, which delays my sleeping time and causes me absent-minded on class.
Last but not least, mutual communication can bring improvements not only on students but also on teachers. On one side, students can get what they want from their teachers and solve their study problems. On the other side, students may raise some challenging questions that urge teachers to improve their academic abilities .Because only through consistent learning can a teacher to catch up the latest knowledge in his field. Take my roommate Lucy for example. Whenever she faces a problem on physics which is my best subject, she will turn to the professional tutor for help instead of me. And most of her questions come from related extracurricular books, so the teacher has to make more effort to improve their scholarship by doing more deep research, which in turn improves his teaching level.
In conclusion, no one can deny that tutors can give students the best and most practical solution because they have more experiences. Besides, teachers normally welcome students to ask questions, which is a very important learning habit when you go abroad.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2012-2-14 03:05:54 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2012-2-14 22:03:05 |只看该作者
It is a fact that human activities bring a lot of benefits, but they also result in many side-effects. In today’s world, we face three main challenges---the environmental pollution, the education and health problems. Although these tasks seem so complicated we have the courage and ability to solve them within our lifetime. And my reasons are as follows.
First and foremost, advanced technology can help human beings to solve a lot of environmental issues, accelerating the efficiency of solving these concerns. With the improvements on recycling techniques and the new findings on other renewable resources, our resources shortage problems have been eased. Besides, technology has helped industries and individuals to use the available resources in a more efficient way. For example, my city locates in a huge plain where is rich in wind power. And the government realizes that the clean and renewable nature resource is beneficial for sustainable development which is friendlier to the environment. So they asked the native scientist to invent particular machines to take the advantage of the wind to produce electricity, offering the basic need for life and work. Meanwhile, more and more companies begin to apply more high technology into production. That helps minimize the exhaustion or even realize zero-emission, making less pollution than before.
Second, the rapid development of society promises that a government has plenty of funding for education. In the past, most people couldn’t afford for a regular education even in the city, or there was just not enough schools or human resources on education available .However, the widespread of compulsory education ensures more people can get basic education, and government will fund on building more schools for some certain groups in the society who still cannot pay for the fees. About the higher education, everyone has the chance to enter a university if they participate in a National Matriculation Test no matter weather you are a students or not. In addition, according to a survey from Chinese Academy of Social Science, it says that more than 240,000 students graduate from normal universities per year, so there are abundant good teachers can give us better education. All the changes in the society now can minimize the gap between developing countries and developed countries.
The last we concern about most is how to improve the sanitation system so that every citizen can benefit from the convenient service. On one hand, the government spends a lot of money on setting up hospitals per year; people who live in the remote areas now can get treatments instead of going to see a doctor in a big city far away. On the other hand, more and more people realize the importance of health so they organize many unprofitable groups which are particularly devoted to help people solve some basic physical problems. Like a group in my community, its members are all from medical colleges. In their spare time, they will send some free medicine to the old people who cannot take care of them selves.
In conclusion, with the effort of the government and we citizens, our society can get better .and in a few decade, all these problems will be solved.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2012-2-16 16:49:16 |只看该作者
Friendship is our most cherished human affection. It’s so empowering and invaluable that it reduces any calculation of loss and gain to the secondary importance compared with lifetime happiness. Financial disparity should never be an insurmountable hurdle to friendship given that it is based on equality and sincerity. And my reasons are as follows.
First, one may become attached to the other multiple factors and money is the last factor to consider .to have a fiend to share your joy and sorrow together you must choose someone who are compatible with you in personality and whom you could speak you mind to .Financial status is not the defining factor of one’s personality, nor can it build one’s character. Less well-off people may be upbeat and easy-going wile rich people can be tough and hard to deal with.
Second, rich friend can offer you help both mentally and physically. Last summer my father got an serious accident and he had to stay in hospital for several months. The hospital bills made a big hole in my family’s savings, and we couldn’t afford the extra medicine fees. At that time, my good friend, Lucy, who gave me a hand when I was in trouble. Lucy comes from a wealth family and she has a large amount of monthly pocket money that is equal to a total amount of salary of an ordinary family. She lent me her pocket money to pay for the medicine fee and said I didn’t need to return it ,because we were good friends and she think it couldn’t hurt to send such a small amount of money. In addition, she would always accompany my father in the hospital when I had no free time. Comparing to other normal friends, she not only gave me financial aid abut also mental support, which had deepen the friendship between us.

Thirdly ,it is unrealistic to forecast the durability of your friendship by merely considering who has more money than other, As we know, a very capable man can start from scratch and become a successful person after years of hard work and dedication while a less motivated man can become impoverished once all his wealth fails to meet his avarice. It is better to befriend someone with greater potential than those who have no aspiration for life. A worthwhile friend can serve as a role model for you to follow and allow you never go astray in your life. In a word, one can make friend with any one worthy of your trust and affection. Money is not and, and should not be a hindrance to your friendship. Jacky is one of my best friends and always donate some money to the charity to help the poor and the old. His elegant personality convinces me that he is a person worthy to meet and learn. Although i don’t have much money, I will go with him to the orphanage, bringing some little gifts to the children. I t is him that tech me the most meaning thing in the world id to help others.
In a word, we can be friends with different people, including the one who are richer than us. Wealthy people can help us more and teach us something we have no chance to experience, so it is not a bad thing to be friend of them.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2012-2-17 16:58:37 |只看该作者
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Rank: 2

发表于 2012-2-18 15:58:09 |只看该作者
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Rank: 2

发表于 2012-2-19 02:25:16 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We should never be impolite to another
We need to take many qualities into consideration when getting along with people. And there is no doubt that being polite is a very important one that we should not ignore. As for me, I think we should never be impolite to another for three reasons.
First, being polite to others can create a harmonious atmosphere among people. Nowadays ,the relationship between people become more and more impersonal ,so it is easy to come about some conflicts if people are not polite to each other. Last time, on a subway, an old woman dropped her handbag on the ground, and one of the passengers just picked it up and sent back to the old women. However, the old woman didn’t say a work to show her thanks to the passenger and took it as granted, which made the passenger very uncomfortable. Then the passenger complained to his friends next to him loudly on purpose. This aggressive action also made the old woman angry and she began to argue with the passenger. All the passengers on the subway witnessed the process and knew that it was the woman’s impoliteness caused this conflict. On contrast, the neighbors in my community are all very kind and polite persons and we just respect each other, which make our place a happy and harmonies group.
Second, being polite is an essential quality not only in school but also in the company. People all like to make friends with someone who is polite and behave well whenever and wherever they are, because they think are elegant and must receive good education. In my company, there is a man called Jack, who is very gentle to each person around him from the basic clerks to the supervisors. This easy going character made him popular in the company and final he became the vice president of the company through the votes by all the staff.
Last but not least, showing politeness proves a person is very modest .As group discussion is so popular among students, we can not deny the conflicts between team members. When there arises a discussion, some influential people are just trying their best to persuade others to take their advice ,ignoring others’ opinions, but there are some people who just sit their quietly and listen to everyone’s opinion and make detailed notes, not arguing with other people. At the end of the discussion, this kind of person will make a conclusion of the whole performance of the team and praised other members’ suggestions and admitted there are so many things they need to learn and make up. This modest attitude helps them to learn more and gain recognition from all the team members.
In conclusion, we should never be impolite to others for the sake of a more happy relationship and wider network, Vern for learning more useful things which will be beneficial for your future development.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2012-2-19 18:15:51 |只看该作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2012-2-19 20:37:42 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2012-2-21 03:18:52 |只看该作者

When we face a problem in life, some people prefer to ask others for advice, avoiding the unnecessary results, and others will use their own experiences to solve it even if they may be not good at it. I think children should to solve the problem themselves first, and if they make a mistake, they can learn from their mistakes. And my reasons are as follows.
First, making mistakes is good way of learning. Every one wants to be successful, but sometimes making mistakes can bring your benefits. For example, i was poor at math and usually got a low score on an exam, and my parents were worried about my performance and decided to tutor me on my homework but I refused. I began to spend much time to analyze the reasons why I couldn't learn the subject better. I tried many ways to improve my math and failed many times, but finally I found that the real reason for my poor math is the lack of time of practicing. During the process of making mistakes ,i learnt a lot and solved my problem in the end .Maybe I can make less mistakes on my homework but if i ask my parents to tutor me, but i can not perform good in an exam because i will make the same mistake again without my parents' help.
Second, learning from the mistakes can help children develop the sense of responsibility, while is a very important quality in the society. Children need to learn to be responsible for their decisions and suffer the results. And this process is beneficial for their growth. When i was a child, my parents rarely made decision for me and they thought it was my business to control my future, even sometimes means to sacrifice my profits, like i chose to learn painting and finally found it did not suit me at all .These experience taught that i should be careful of making decisions because it was related to my future.
Thirdly, making mistakes can help children develop a sense of independence. I f we rely too much on parents' suggestion, we can not grow up. Because some day, we will leave our parents and to do all the stuff by ourselves .I f we are always afraid to make mistakes and never try, we can not make progress. Like my sister, Lily, who obeyed to her parents so much that even which dress to take she would the opinion of her mother. During the study in the United Stales, when facing to choose courses, she could not even make a decision for herself and failed to achieve the needed credits in time.
In conclusion, parents should let their children make mistakes so that they can help their children develop better.

The passage mentions that the genetic technology can benefit the tress a lot, while the professor says the genetic modified trees can have some bad consequences.
First, on the contrary to the point in the passage that genetic modified tress are less vulnerable to harms ,the lecture claims that normal trees have more chance for survival because their genes are diverse so they can handle different threats ,while the genetic modified tress are only designed to a certain situation such as a particular insect ,so they can not deal with the other problems such as the change of climate, in such case ,they will all die because they are identical.
Second, as the passage says these genetic trees will bring great economical benefits to the local farmers .the professor also disagrees with the view, he says in contrast, the farmers need to invest more in the technology of planting this kind of tress because they need to pay the company who owes this technology every year, and can earn less or slower than expected.
Third, the professors mentions most of the genetic modified tress are more aggressively than normal tress, thus they are more likely to survive when competing the same resources such as water, sunlight with the native tress, while they passage says this new technology can slower the speed of the losing of vast of forests and making up for the cast ones soon,even can protect some rare species.In fact ,the aggressive characteristic will only accelerate the destroying of forests.
The reason above make the professor oppose the points in the passage.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2012-2-21 12:53:19 |只看该作者
When facing problems in life,some people prefer to ask for advices,avoiding the unnecessary results,and others like using their own experiences to solve them even they are not good at it.However,for children who have no such experiences as adult,I suggest that they should solve the problems independently first,whether they succeed or not,they can learn much from them.My reasons are as follow.
First,it's a good way to learn by making mistake.Everyone wants to be successful,but it's unavoidable to make mistakes,and mistakes can be very benefitial.For example,I was poor at math and ususlly got low score in the test,my parents wanted to help me so that I could make some progress,but I refused.Then I began to analyze the problem
why I couldn't make the subject perfect.I tried many ways to solve the problem,failed many times,and finally I found the real reason was that I did little practices.
Through the process of making mistake,I learned a lot.So,you could imagine that if my parents helped me to solve the problem,I might perform good in an exam,but the good performence couldn't last long,because My parents didn't know the real reason why I was failed in the exam.
Secondly,mistakes can help children develop the sense of responsibility.Responsibility means to be responsible for one's decisions and suffer the results of their decisions,which is a very impotant quality in the society.And learning to be responsible is beneficial for children' growth.When I was young,I liked painting very much,and my parents agreed me to learn it despite that they thought painting was less related to my future development.In the end,I found painting was not suitable
for me,and I given it up.Through this mistake,I learned I should make a decision not only to my hobby but should be related to my future.
Thirdly,making mistakes can help children develop a sense of indenpendence.Usually,the children in china rely too much on their parents' suggestion,thus they can not develop a sense of indenpendence,whihc is a index of grow up.Take my friend xiao ming for an example,he always relys on his mother to make every dicision for him,and
he think he will make mistakes if he doesn't obey his mother's decision,he is afraid of making dicision himself.Later,xiaoming goes to the USA to study,but he can not dicide which courses to study and fail to achieve enough credits in time.
In conlusion,making mistakes is very normal to children.If parents want their children to develop better,they should allow their children to make mistakes.

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