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[i习作temp] Issue243 文明与艺术科学,基金题,帮忙拍拍吧 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-7-19 23:11:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue243(550words , 40mins)
"The true value of a civilization is reflected in its artistic creations rather than in its scientific accomplishments."

When we debate on the true value of a civilization, two kinds of opinions are contradict with each other: one side holds the position that the true value of civilization lies in its artistic creations while the other side persists it is the scientific accomplishments that reflect the true value. Through careful comparison and complicate analysis, I consider that  the arts and science play equally significant roles in the development of civilization.

With respect to the ever-developing science and technology, the quality of people's life is enhanced dramatically, which relieve human from fierce wars and fights. No one would describe a society whose citizens fight for food and water in order to survive to be a society of civilization. The mass are kept troubles in the surviving problems and have no time and energy to consider other issues. In this circumstance, people in that country live almost similar to other animals living in the wild forest. No morality, no ethics, no sense of sympathy, no awareness of donation, not to mention the deep concerning for the future generation. Instead, with the development of science and technology, productivity will be increased. As a result, more foods will be available for more starving citizens. Not to be bothered by material problem, citizens will have more time to concern about the history and the future.

Furthermore, science liberate people from hard, tedious and repeated working, and provide us with more spare time to think, relax ourselves and enjoy the well-being of living. We should admit that without the science and technology, we would still be tied with land and do farming from dawn till dark; without science and technology, we would still sleep early because neither light bulbs nor electricity is accessible; without science and technology, we will not have a multitude of colorful entertainment to enjoy our spare time; without science and technology, we can not gain education in such an ideal environment. Definitely, we do not have to do tedious work which we do not like naturally to live a life. Instead, more choices are provided for us to exert our potential and do what we are interested and expert in to live a decent life.

Finally, it is arts that lift up our spirit and make us deep and wise. As a famous thinker Bacon said(and I paraphrase): History makes man wise, mathematics witty, natural philosophy deep and moral logic . According to the saying, arts, which reflect history as well as moral make our human beings deep and logic. The most distinct characteristic between human beings and other animals is that we can think and express our emotion through modest ways. It is arts that help express the feeling deep in our mind and soul. For a specific instance, in the works of Impressionism, the skills are used to reveal the imagination of the artist to show their attitudes towards life, in the works of Romanticism, the artists expressed their opinion about the outside world and connect their soul with the art .

All in all, both the science and art help us to interpret the true value of a civilization. Neither the science nor the art can consist of a civilization separately. They are interacted with each other and have profound impact on each other which reflect the true value of civilization.

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Issue243 文明与艺术科学,基金题,帮忙拍拍吧
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