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[i习作temp] issue226 新手习作,求互拍 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-8-7 23:01:09 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
226. "People are mistaken when they assume that the problems they confront are more complex and challenging than the problems faced by their predecessors. This illusion is eventually dispelled with increased knowledge and experience."

226. 人们错误地认为他们碰到的问题要比他们前辈来得更复杂和更具挑战性。这个错觉最终会随着知识和经验的积累而消失。

      With the instigators of more and more scientific discoveries and technological advanced today. People often blame the problem they confront are more complex and challenging than the problem faced by their predecessors.Though it seems that the disadvantages coming from the increased knowledge and the advanced technologic means could double offset, however, for many modern question, it is impossible to solve a problem only during one’s own brightness.In other word, this kind of feeling isn’t a mistake but a truth. As a saying “Knowledge is long” ,the “illusion” will come with people during the whole of  his experiences.
      First of all,as far as I am concerned,some ostensible problem like a famous mathematic branch called chaos. Its rudiment was came up by a mathematician named Poincare,he felt the complex of chaos, constrained by the science ,he instituted a great calculation in his brain to prove the challenge of the problem. In modern view, the key to the problem could be found in short time, but his way was unique and great at that time. In some extend, a clever machine maybe instead of the brain of a genius. Admittedly, people could utilize the fast computer to solve the problem obsessing with them. But I suspect it is ground evidence that could assert the challenging feeling mistaken. Because the problems today are mixed with more subjects’ troubles, broad knowledge and experience would make one get to the hinge of the proplem,but it is only “if”.In fact, today’s scientific troubles are so difficult that it is necessary the cooperation of the relative topic, the result is that they are more complex than former. Similarly, the social problem just as young crimes ,drug and AIDS. They are only illusion, is it? The key to solve them can’t be found now. People shouldn’t ignore their intricacy only because of the optimism.
      Additionly,newly problem appearing after the new field being discovered, the challenging feeling will not dispelled with increased and experience. The strange feeling derives the curiosity hidden in the spirit of human. Unless human lose the motivity, they will touch the more and more complex problem and consider conquering them as a success.In fact ,these problem truly become more and more intractible.For instance, when one have learned a scientific book, he maybe is mistaken when they find the subject is too easy,during the poccessing of study become more and more deep and the new problem based on many oldness,he will find the subject is more and more diffculty.It is periodic ,we couldn’t call them illusion simply.because the time makes us near the spirit of the subject. Maybe people think some difficulties turn out to be small cases eventually,the illusion is only temporary,but,they forget people confront new problem all the time.In my opinion,the illusion’s disappearence only focucs on the solved problem, the people supporting this view ignore the latest possibility.
      All in all, it should be noted the complex and tricky of the new truble.When people are complacent when they pocesses of new knowledge and experience,at the same time,it might serve to ask them for the cost of modern society.That is the speed which the difficulty become faster than that the techonlogy advances.About the illusion,I agree with the statement on the solved problem,however,for most problems,I think the feeling will not dispelled for ever.


[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-8-8 at 10:09 ]

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-8-8 07:51:04 |只看该作者

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-8-10 10:11:45 |只看该作者
With the instigators of more and more scientific discoveries and technological advanced today. People often blame the problem they confront are more complex and challenging than the problem faced by their predecessors.Though it seems that the disadvantages coming from the increased knowledge and the advanced technologic means could double offset, however, for many modern question, it is impossible to solve a problem only during one’s own brightness.In other word, this kind of feeling isn’t a mistake but a truth. As a saying “Knowledge is long” ,the “illusion” will come with people during the whole of  his experiences.(首段点题不太鲜明,当然我写的也不好)
      First of all,as far as I am concerned,some ostensible problem like a famous mathematics branch called chaos. Its rudiment was (可以去掉吧) came up by a mathematician named Poincare,he felt the complex of chaos, constrained by the science ,he instituted a great calculation in his brain to prove the challenge of the problem. In modern view, the key to the problem could be found in short time, but his way was unique and great at that time. In some extend, a clever machine maybe instead of maybe instead of 不通,考虑:a clever machine replaces the role of a brain..)  the brain of a genius. Admittedly, people could utilize the fast computer to solve the problem obsessing with them. But I suspect it is ground evidence that could assert the challenging feeling mistaken. Because the problems today are mixed with more subjects’ troubles, broad knowledge and experience would make one get to the hinge of the proplem,but it is only “if”.In fact, today’s scientific troubles are so difficult that it is necessary the cooperation of the relative topic, the result is that they are more complex than former. Similarly, the social problem just as young crimes ,drug and AIDS. They are only illusion, is it? The key to solve them can’t be found now. People shouldn’t ignore their intricacy only because of the optimism.(觉得离子还是可以的,但是,语言组织不太好。)
      Additionly,newly problem appearingemerging) after the new field being discovered, the challenging feeling will not (be) dispelled with increased (k) and experience. The strange feeling derives  from the curiosity hidden in the spirit of human. Unless human lose the motivity, they will touch the more and more complex problem and consider conquering them as a success.In fact ,these problem truly become more and more intractible(不认识). For instance, when one have learned a scientific book, he maybe is mistaken when they find the subject is too easy,during the poccessing of study become more and more deep and the new problem based on many oldness,he will find the subject is more and more diffculty.It is periodic ,we couldn’t call them illusion simply.because the time makes us near the spirit of the subject. Maybe people think some difficulties turn out to be small cases eventually,the illusion is only temporary,but,they forget people confront new problem all the time.In my opinion,the illusion’s disappearence only focucs on the solved problem, the people supporting this view ignore the latest possibility.    (最后一句,this指代什么?你的观点?)
      All in all, it should be noted the complex and tricky[/color](这里词性应该是名词吧。) of the new truble.When people are complacent when they pocesses of new knowledge and experience,at the same time,it might serve to ask them for the cost of modern society.That is the speed which the difficulty become faster than that the techonlogy advances.About the illusion,I agree with the statement on the solved problem,however,for most




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