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[a习作temp] 【凤于九天作文小组第22次作业】Argument188 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-8-18 16:17:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ARGUMENT188 - A new report suggests that men and women experience pain very differently from one another, and that doctors should consider these differences when prescribing pain medications. When researchers administered the same dosage of kappa opioids-a painkiller-to 28 men and 20 women who were having their wisdom teeth extracted, the women reported feeling much less pain than the men, and the easing of pain lasted considerably longer in women. This research suggests that kappa opioids should be prescribed for women whenever pain medication is required, whereas men should be given other kinds of pain medication. In addition, researchers should reevaluate the effects of all medications on men versus women.
WORDS: 576          TIME: 00:30:00          DATE: 2008-8-18 14:26:09

In this report, the author suggests that kappa opioids should be prescribed for women whenever pain medication is required, while men should be given other kinds of pain medication. In addition, the author also suggests that researchers should reevaluate the effects of all medications on men versus women. To support the recommendations, the author cites a research in which the women reported feeling much less pain than the men, and the easing of pain lasted considerably longer in women when they were administered the same dosage of kappa opioids as painkiller. I find this argument specious on several grounds.

First of all, the samples of 28 men and 20 women are too small to be representative of all patients suffered from teeth extraction. It is entirely possible that these 20 women are more sensitive with the kappa opioids than the 28 men. Or, the 28 men are more eaily suffered from pain because of some other intrisic disease. Without further research on more samples, the author cannot draw any significant conclusion based on this research.

Besides, even assuming that these samples are reprentative of all the patients suffered from teeth extraction, the author further assumes that the design of this research is accurate enough. For all we know, the drugs should be administered according to the weight of patients. However, in this research, they administered the same dosage of kappa opioids to all the patients. It is equally possible that men reported much more pain because of the insufficient painkiller. Without ruling out these possible reasons for the results, the author simply cannot draw any firm conclusion about the differential effect of kappa opioids.

Furthermore, even assuming that kappa opioids would ease the pain considerably longer in women, the author cannot simply contends that kappa opioids should be prescribed for women whenever pain medication is required. Maybe kappa opioids is much more efficient in administer the pain from teeth extraction. However, it is entirely possible that it is not efficient in treating other pain medication. Or, perhaps kappa opioids can result in different effect on the pain from teeth extraction while it has no siginifcant difference in treating other pain medications between men and women. Without addressing these possibilities, I simply cannot be convinced by the author's recommendation.

Finally, the author further extremly asserts that researchers should reevaluate the effects of all medications on men versus women. However, no evidece proves that this is necessary. The differential effect of kappa opioids on pain between men and women cast no doubt on other research of the effects of medications on men versus women. For all we know, most of the physiologic conditions of men and women are the same, except some hormones. So, it would be totally wasting time and money on reevaluating the effects of all medications on men versus women.

In conclusion, this argument is unpersuasive as it stands. To justfiy the recommendation, the reserach should be investigated in larger scale to be representative. The author should also provide  more details concerning with the intrisinc differences of the samples that might responsible for the differential effects of kappa opioids. To strengthen this suggestions, the author should supply more evidence to prove that the the effect of kappa opioids on pain from teeth extraction can be used in other medications. To better assess this recommendation, the author should also provide more information to allow for casting doubt on other research of medications on men versus women.

[ 本帖最后由 大人先生 于 2008-8-18 22:21 编辑 ]

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2008-8-18 18:57:42 |只看该作者

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2008-8-18 19:13:26 |只看该作者
In this report, the author suggests that kappa opioids should be prescribed for women whenever pain medication is required, while men should be given other kinds of pain medication. In addition, the author also suggests that researchers should reevaluate the effects of all medications on men versus women. To support the recommendations, the author cites a research in which the women reported feeling much less pain than the men, and the easing of pain lasted considerably longer in women when they were administered the same dosage of kappa opioids as painkiller. I find this argument specious(这个是形容词) on several grounds.

First of all, the samples of 28 men and 20 women are too small to be representative of all patients suffered from teeth extraction. It is entirely possible that these 20 women are more sensitive with the kappa opioids than the 28 men. Or, the 28 men are more eaily suffered from pain because of some other intrisic(查了没这个词?) disease. Without further research on more samples, the author cannot draw any significant conclusion based on this research.

Besides, even assuming that these samples are reprentative of all the patients suffered from teeth extraction, the author further assumes(一句话里用了两次,大忌,换suppose吧) that the design of this research is accurate enough. For all we know(这里感觉有点太肯定), the drugs should be administered according to the weight of patients. However, in this research, they administered the same dosage of kappa opioids to all the patients. It is equally possible that men reported much more pain because of the insufficient painkiller. Without ruling out these possible reasons for the results, the author simply cannot draw any firm conclusion about the differential effect of kappa opioids.(但是也没有证据表明男的的体重一定比女的重啊,这个例证有点牵强)

Furthermore, even assuming(用过了,换个吧,因为都在句首比较明显) that kappa opioids would ease the pain considerably longer in women, the author cannot simply contends that kappa opioids should be prescribed for women whenever pain medication is required. Maybe kappa opioids is much more efficient in administer the pain from teeth extraction. However, it is entirely possible that it is not efficient in treating other pain medication. Or, perhaps kappa opioids can result in different effect on the pain from teeth extraction while it has no siginifcant difference in treating other pain medications between men and women. Without addressing these possibilities, I simply cannot be convinced by the author's recommendation.(这段逻辑很强,就是句式有些重复次数太多)

Finally, the author further extremly asserts that researchers should reevaluate the effects of all medications on men versus women. However, no evidece proves that this is necessary. The differential effect of kappa opioids on pain between men and women cast no doubt on other research of the effects of medications on men versus women. For all we know, most of the physiologic conditions of men and women are the same, except some hormones(还是别提这点了,自己暴露逻辑错误,hormone的作用也很关键呐). So, it would be totally wasting time and money on reevaluating the effects of all medications on men versus women.

In conclusion, this argument is unpersuasive as it stands. To justfiy the recommendation, the reserach should be investigated in larger scale to be representative. The author should also provide  more details concerning with the intrisinc differences of the samples that might responsible for the differential effects of kappa opioids. To strengthen this suggestions, the author should supply more evidence to prove that the the effect of kappa opioids on pain from teeth extraction can be used in other medications. To better assess this recommendation(把这两句放在一起说吧,感觉有点罗嗦), the author should also provide more information to allow for casting doubt on other research of medications on men versus women.


[ 本帖最后由 weni 于 2008-8-18 22:36 编辑 ]

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