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[i习作temp] issue131 rabbitvv 迟来的作业 [复制链接]

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发表于 2006-1-31 13:39:57 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
131"The arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society."

Do arts purely come out of artists' personal passion, or can they reflect certain hidden ideas and impulse of a society? Although I concede that some arts are absolutely the fruits of artists' imagination and visceral feeling, I basically agree with the speaker that most arts are actually the mirror of a society.

Admittedly, certain kinds of arts merely concern with the inner world rather than with the outside one as a whole. Just as Freud said that art, in essence, is a kind of release of individual lust, converting the human libido into plentiful creativity. It is through the work of art that artists express their passions, emotions, and desires. For instance, Van Gogh's Crow over the Wheat Field, a painting finished just before his death, records his pessimism and despair about his personal life by using dark due in the sky. Beethoven's Moonlight was created under a strong visceral impetus to express his fervent love toward a beautiful girl. In the above cases, the two pieces of work seems only reflect the artists but not the hidden ideas and impulses of a society.

However, in my opinion, most other artworks generally have numerous relations with the society and are the incarnation of the hidden ideas of the era more or less for several reasons. First of all, many artworks derive from artists' real-life experiences, their observations of the surroundings, or reflections on the history. In fact, as individuals living in the real world, it is hard for artists isolated from the society, and materials for artworks usually root in the flesh and blood. Margaret Mitchell's famous fiction Gone with the Wind is a telling example. This novel depicted a love story happen in the civil war, a theme she was fascinated as a little girl. Without such historical background and without the familiarity of the deep concerns of the Southern People at that time, I can not imagine Margaret could also have enough materials and impetus to finish such a great novel. Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 is another example. In this movie, Moors criticized Bush's  attitudes and motives in the battle of antiterrorism bases on a historical event--9/11 and the ensuing horror among Americans. Thus, some artworks, ostensibly the achievements of artists' pure imagination, are all indirectly mirrors of the society.

Moreover, the activities of many artists have to be impacted and restricted by a society's mainstream tastes to some extent. Since the emergence of country, rulers would always guard against any ideas threaten their governance, even in the modern democratic societies. Artworks, as the incarnation of artists' ideas, usually have strong power to sway the masses. Thus, suppressing those ideas conflicted with those of the upper class can be seen in each era and society. In the Middle Ages, artists' work, especially paintings and architectures, have to focus on the Christian themes, for at that time, the church deprived people's thought freedom in order to maintain its power. Even in the modern society, the existence of censor systems will also ready to inhibit any kind of artworks, such as movies or literatures, which may endanger the government. What's more, as arts enter the market, in order to be accepted and be welcomed by the public or even try to gain enough financial support, more and more artists are trying to pander the tastes of their investors and the public. Under this circumstance, arts could hardly be outcomes of artists' pure interior passion any longer; ideas and impulses of a society would have more and more vital influences upon artists.

In sum, some arts are really the pure fruits of artists' interior feelings, but most other artworks can not be self-existent. Usually, artworks are actually artists' reflection and processing of the raw materials coming from the real world, and the themes and contents of them should follow the mainstream thoughts and the tastes of the public.

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