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[i习作temp] issue51 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-2-27 20:35:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ISSUE 51 - "Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student

Since the word pedagogy first came into being, whether education should be designed to fit specific needs have been under discussion. I agree that education will be effective when it is individualized. However, to add to the complexity of this issue, education is not only a personal matter, but in fact a socialized activity, that requires corporation and interaction, etc. Thus, the controversy of this issue stands as follow.

An undeniable truth is that, learning, as part of education, could be most effective while the materials presented to students are of their personal interests. According to some most significant figures in our time, interests could be counted as the best mentor. This is reasonable for the fact that students are motivated by the urge of learning, which derives from the longing for knowledge. Psychologically, the urge is most motivating when the materials meet the students' interest.  In addition, as is accepted, when students are most motivated, learning process could be most effective.  If the learning materials are individualized, it is guaranteed that each student is motivated to the most. However, if the materials are conventionally designed, the expectancy of meeting individuals' interest is reduced to the least. As is claimed by Confucius in ancient China, that “teaching students in accordance of their aptitude”. This great educator apparently considers individual needs as dominating in the process of learning.  

Accordingly, teaching, another part of education, is most challenging and inspiring while the teaching materials are various from students to students. Teachers are expected to be most effective when they are challenged and inspired by their work, as the common knowledge in many workplaces. However, teachers might be dulled by repeating the same materials to different faces all day long. A frequent change in materials are beneficial to the young teachers especially, who are least likely to be patient with mere repetition. It could be expected, on the other hand, with a changing schedule from student to student, teachers would be challenged by the various teaching task they are assigned to and are inspired when they meet materials from different perspectives.

Paradoxically, learning and teaching become more isolated and difficult to manipulate under the condition of great diversity. As is mentioned above, education has developed into a socialized matter that concerns corporation and interaction, etc. If education is designed to meet individual needs, it might fail to cultivate the ability of corporation, which is essential in the modern world of international corporation. If it is designed for once and for all, students could assemble to hold discussion and solve their common problems. When corporation become impossible, over individualism might prevail, leading the class out of control. Both these traits are not desirable and even harmful, almost offsetting the merits of personalized education.

As a conclusion, it is beneficial in some aspects to establish a personalized education for students. Nevertheless, when all matters taken into account, education might lose several merits it has long cherished if it is individualized.

[ 本帖最后由 znenancy 于 2006-3-2 23:07 编辑 ]

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Rank: 2

发表于 2006-2-28 14:18:02 |只看该作者

[ 本帖最后由 tiankongzl 于 2006-2-28 18:24 编辑 ]

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Rank: 2

发表于 2006-2-28 16:08:15 |只看该作者


Since the word pedagogy first came into being, {the question 加上感觉要好些}whether education should be designed to fit specific needs have{has} been under discussion. I agree that education will be effective when it is individualized. However, to add to the complexity of this issue, education is not only a personal matter, but in fact a socialized activity, that{有逗号的话应该用which吧} requires corporation and interaction, etc. Thus, the controversy of this issue stands as follow.

An undeniable truth is that, learning, as part of education, could be most effective while the materials presented to students are of their personal interests. According to some most significant figures in our time, interests could be counted as the best mentor. This is reasonable for the fact that students are motivated by the urge of learning, which derives from the longing for knowledge. Psychologically, the urge is most motivating when the materials meet the students' interest.  In addition, as is accepted, when students are most motivated, learning process could be most effective.  If the learning materials are individualized, it is guaranteed that each student is motivated to the most. However, if the materials are conventionally designed, the expectancy of meeting individuals' interest is reduced to the least. As is claimed by Confucius in ancient China, that “teaching students in accordance of their aptitude”.{这句好像少了些什么} This great educator apparently considers{considered} individual needs as dominating in the process of learning.  

Accordingly, teaching, another part of education, is most challenging and inspiring while the teaching materials are various from students to students. Teachers are expected to be most effective when they are challenged and inspired by their work, as the common knowledge in many workplaces. However,{感觉跟前句相比没有however这么重的转折关系} teachers might be dulled by repeating the same materials to different faces all day long. A frequent change in materials are{is} beneficial to the young teachers especially, who are least likely to be patient with mere repetition. It could be expected, on the other hand, with a changing schedule from student to student, teachers would be challenged by the various teaching task they are assigned to and are inspired when they meet materials from different perspectives.

Paradoxically, learning and teaching become more isolated and difficult to manipulate under the condition of great adversity{adversity???}. As is mentioned above, education has developed into a socialized matter{activity} that concerns corporation and interaction, etc. If education is designed to meet individual needs, it might fail to cultivate the ability of corporation, which is essential in the modern world of international corporation. If it is designed for once and for all{???}, students could assemble to hold discussion and solve their common problems. When corporation become{becomes} impossible, over individualism might prevail, leading the class out of control. Both these traits are not desirable and even harmful, almost offsetting the merits of personalized education.

As a conclusion, it is beneficial in some aspects to establish a personalized education for students. Nevertheless, when all matters taken into account, education might lose several merits it has long cherished if it is individualized.


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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2006-3-1 12:26:26 |只看该作者
Since the word pedagogy first came into being, whether education should be designed to fit specific needs have been under discussion. I agree that education will be effective when it is individualized. However, to add to the complexity of this issue, education is not only a personal matter, but in fact a socialized activity, that requires corporation and interaction, etc. Thus, the controversy of this issue stands as follow.

An undeniable truth is that, learning, as part of education, could be most effective while the materials presented to students are of their personal interests. According to some most significant figures in our time, interests could be counted as the best mentor. This is reasonable for the fact that students are motivated by the urge of learning, which derives from the longing for knowledge. Psychologically, the urge is most motivating when the materials meet the students' interest.  In addition, as is accepted, when students are most motivated, learning process could be most effective.  If the learning materials are individualized, it is guaranteed that each student is motivated(好多的motivated,可以换一下,比如stimulate,spur,encourage,) to the most. However, if the materials are conventionally designed, the expectancy of meeting individuals' interest is reduced to the least(这句话有些没道理,传统的东西就一定不会有人感兴趣马?). As is claimed by Confucius in ancient China, that “teaching students in accordance of their aptitude”. This great educator apparently considers individual needs as dominating(dominants或是determinants) in the process of learning.  

Accordingly, teaching, another part of education, is most challenging and inspiring(是受启发有灵感的意思把,好像和challenge并列有点儿别扭) while the teaching materials are various from students to students. Teachers are expected to be most effective when they are challenged and inspired by their work, as the common knowledge in many workplaces. However, teachers might be dulled by repeating the same materials to different faces all day long. A frequent change in materials are beneficial to the young teachers especially, who are least likely to be patient with mere repetition. It could be expected, on the other hand, with a changing schedule from student to student, teachers would be challenged by the various teaching task they are assigned to and are inspired when they meet materials from different perspectives.

Paradoxically, learning and teaching become more isolated and difficult to manipulate under the condition of great adversity. As is mentioned above, education has developed into a socialized matter that concerns corporation and interaction, etc. If education is designed to meet individual needs, it might fail to cultivate the ability of corporation, which is essential in the modern world of international corporation(corporation是公司的意思,这里应该用cooperation是合作的意思). If it is designed for once and for all, students could assemble to hold discussion and solve their common problems. When corporation become impossible, over individualism might prevail, leading the class out of control. Both these traits are not desirable and even harmful, almost offsetting the merits of personalized education. 这一段的议论我感觉有些牵强, 这一段的意思是说如果一味的去迎合个人的需求会使合作不可能,而且个人主义盛行。我感觉这好像不是题目里面所说的兴趣教育的问题了

As a conclusion, it is beneficial in some aspects to establish a personalized education for students. Nevertheless, when all matters taken into account, education might lose several merits it has long cherished if it is individualized.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2006-3-1 14:28:47 |只看该作者
Since the word pedagogy first came into being, whether education should be designed to fit specific needs have been under discussion. I agree that education will be effective when it is individualized. However, to add to the complexity of this issue, education is not only a personal matter, but in fact a socialized activity, that requires corporation and interaction, etc. Thus, the controversy of this issue stands as follow.

An undeniable truth is that, learning, as part of education, could be most effective while the materials presented to students are of their personal interests. According to some most significant figures in our time, interests could be counted as the best mentor. This is reasonable for the fact that students are motivated by the urge of learning, which derives from the longing for knowledge. Psychologically, the urge is most motivating when the materials meet the students' interest.  In addition, as is accepted, when students are most motivated, learning process could be most effective.  If the learning materials are individualized, it is guaranteed that each student is motivated to the most. However, if the materials are conventionally designed, the expectancy of meeting individuals' interest is reduced to the least. As is claimed by Confucius in ancient China, that “teaching students in accordance of their aptitude”. This great educator apparently considers individual needs as dominating in the process of learning. (这个例子举的好,不知老外熟悉不熟悉孔子,可以介绍一下孔子在中国的地位就相当于Aristotle在西方的地位一样)

Accordingly, teaching, another part of education, is most challenging and inspiring while the teaching materials are various from students to students. Teachers are expected to be most effective when they are challenged and inspired by their work, as the common knowledge in many workplaces. However, teachers might be dulled by repeating the same materials to different faces all day long. A frequent change in materials are beneficial to the young teachers especially, who are least likely to be patient with mere repetition. It could be expected, on the other hand, with a changing schedule from student to student, teachers would be challenged by the various teaching task they are assigned to and are inspired when they meet materials from different perspectives. (这段写的不太有说服力,感觉论点有些牵强)

Paradoxically, learning and teaching become more isolated and difficult to manipulate under the condition of great adversity. As is mentioned above, education has developed into a socialized matter that concerns corporation and interaction, etc. If education is designed to meet individual needs, it might fail to cultivate the ability of corporation, which is essential in the modern world of international corporation. If it is designed for once and for all, students could assemble to hold discussion and solve their common problems. When corporation become impossible, over individualism might prevail, leading the class out of control. Both these traits are not desirable and even harmful, almost offsetting the merits of personalized education.

As a conclusion, it is beneficial in some aspects to establish a personalized education for students. Nevertheless, when all matters taken into account, education might lose several merits it has long cherished if it is individualized.

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