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[i习作temp] ISSUE41 非主流文化 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-2-28 18:38:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE41 - "Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."

The speaker asserts that nonmainstream areas of inquiry play a significant part in society by sufficing human needs which cannot be satisfied by mainstream science. This assertion does have considerable merits insofar as being mildly used. However, the speaker generalizes it to all circumstances, which is not necessarily the case.

Admittedly, astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic pursuits serves functions as placating human anxiety and putting off public doubt in certain cases.
First consider the effect on people, since our ancestors acquired too limited knowlege to solve problems they encountered every day, the intelligent ones turn to the sky and mysterious power for help. Then came the boom of the areas of inquiry as astrology and fortune-telling. They served well in mitigating their tantalizing uncertainty about life. Even today, when people feel that life has betrayed them, they would more likely to appeal to a pile of tarots, or simply a pile of pokers, which seem can tell them why they have failed and what is waiting for them tomorrow. Interestingly, their effectiveness as a placebo is self-evident in most cases, where the mainstream science pales in compared.

Then consider the functions on society, old time rulers used nebulous phrases and vague sentences, which were alleged conveyed from the deity, to show the populace that they were destined to be leaders, deserved respect and honor. The masses hold strong belief that the power from the nothingness was unquestionable, so they became loyalty to the people who assumed themselves as the messenger of God. The rulers cannot, actually never, find proofs in mainstream science they are superior to others, so the stars' locations is their best tools to maintain the leadership. Therefore, under the aforementioned circumstances, I concede that nonmainstream areas of inquiry bears significance to both individual and society extent.

Nevertheless, things can never be taken too far, especially the areas of inquiry which can act on human mentality and psychology. On personal level, if one is too obsessed in pursuit of unknown tomorrow and unpredictable destiny, he will gradually lose the ability to converge on daily events since whenever a resolute need made, he is more likely to turn to a pile of tarots, or simply pokers, for an indication. The strength of making decisions, the pluck in facing predicaments, and the conviction of believing in himself will finally ooze away. And what is worse, once being disillusioned, the poor man will fall to abyss for he realizing how much he had missed during his addiction in self-perception. Thus we can tell those areas of inquiry do not always function in an easing way, but sometimes bring people to even more serious failure.

On societal level, modern history has abounds with ample evidence about the disasters brought by charlatans who take advantage of innocent people’s belief in psychic things. Tragedies caused by heterodox groups such as Branch Davidian of US, Aum Doomsday in Japan are all compelling examples to support my viewpoint. Take Fa Lun Gong in China as illustration: Li Hongzhi fabricated the group by imposint myriads of superstitious beliefs and ravings on innocent people. He propagated the explosion of the earth and the doomsday fallacy to fool the public. Those malicious concepts have resulted in physical and mental injuries and even death of people, undermining social stability. Acting behind the stage, he abetted his followers block government institutions and news agencies, seriously disrupting public order.

To sum up, when assumed in a limited scale, nonmainstream areas serves its function as comforting and governing, which is important in society. However, when they were taken advantage by charlatans, the dupes preyed on will fall victims, and instability even riot will raise in a society.

[ 本帖最后由 ASKFORTROUBLE 于 2007-2-28 18:42 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-2-28 23:55:25 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE41 -"Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, andpsychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfyinghuman needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."
The speaker asserts thatnonmainstream areas of inquiry play a significant part in society by sufficinghuman needs which cannot be satisfied by mainstream science. This assertiondoes have considerable merits insofar as being mildly used. However, thespeaker generalizes it to all circumstances, which is not necessarily the case.Admittedly, astrology,fortune-telling, and psychic pursuits serves functions as placating humananxiety and putting off public doubt in certain cases.First consider the effect onpeople, since our ancestors acquired too limited knowlege (knowledge 我也经常错的一个词,嘿嘿) to solve problems they encountered every day, theintelligent ones turn to the sky and mysterious power for help. Then came theboom of the areas of inquiry as astrology and fortune-telling. They served wellin mitigating their tantalizing uncertainty about life. Even today, when peoplefeel that life has betrayed them, they would more likely to appeal to a pile oftarots, or simply a pile of pokers, which seem can tell them why they havefailed and what is waiting for them tomorrow.Interestingly, their effectiveness as a placebo is self-evident in most cases,where the mainstream science pales in compared( 不好意思,因为这个地方前面有where了,那么 in compared 就是词组了么?汗流浃背疑惑中).Then consider the functionson society, old time rulers used nebulous phrases and vague sentences, whichwere alleged conveyed from the deity, to show the populace that they weredestined to be leaders, deserved respect and honor. The masses hold strongbelief that the power from the nothingness was unquestionable(逻辑上是这样的么?人们大众或者相信贴近生活的,或者迷惑于虚无缥缈的东西。我觉得在美国文化里面,大多数人的想法都是愚蠢的,这也就是maverick 的民族性格吧), so theybecame loyalty to the people who assumed themselves as the messenger of God.The rulers cannot, actually never, find proofs in mainstream science they aresuperior to others, so the stars' locations is their best tools to maintain theleadership. Therefore, under the aforementioned circumstances, I concede thatnonmainstream areas of inquiry bears significance to both individual andsociety extent.Nevertheless, things cannever be taken too far, especially the areas of inquiry which can act on humanmentality and psychology. On personal level, if one is too obsessed in pursuit of unknown tomorrow andunpredictable destiny, heone 或者 he or she; 后面的人称变化依次下去) willgradually lose the ability to converge onconcentrate on 我个人觉得更好一点,converge 有点物理上的汇聚的意思,纯属个人感觉拉) daily events since whenever a resoluteneed made, he is more likely to turn to a pile of tarots, or simply pokers(和para 3重复了; 不同段落里面,最好不要出现同样的论据吧,否则有点点论证拖沓的感觉;或者来个抽象说法就好 the nonstream areas, for an indication.The strength of making decisions, the pluck in facing predicaments, and theconviction of believing in himself will finally ooze away. And what is worse,once being disillusioned, the poor man will fall to abyss for he(his) realizing how much he had missed duringhis addiction in self-perception. Thus we can tell those areas of inquiry donot always function in an easing way, but sometimes bring people to even moreserious failure.On societal level, modernhistory has abounds with ample evidence about the disasters brought bycharlatans who take advantage of innocent people’s belief in psychic things.Tragedies caused by heterodox groups such as Branch Davidian of US, AumDoomsday in Japanare all compelling examples to support my viewpoint. Take Fa Lun Gong in China asillustration: Li Hongzhi fabricated the group by imposint myriads ofsuperstitious beliefs and ravings on innocent people. He propagated theexplosion of the earth and the doomsday fallacy to fool the public. Those maliciousconcepts have resulted in physical and mental injuries and even death ofpeople, undermining social stability. Acting behind the stage, he abetted hisfollowers block government institutions and news agencies, seriously disruptingpublic order.( 这段例子让我很毛骨悚然,一方面:我不确定老美是不是认中国人的例子的帐,特别是李洪志同学那点,这个败类不写也罢。另一方面,很多人名我不认得,难为你怎么记下的啊,佩服的流冷汗了)To sum up, when assumed in alimited scale, nonmainstream areas serves its function as comforting andgoverning, which is important in society. However, when they were takenadvantageof by charlatans, the dupes preyed on willfall victims, and instability (public panic) even riot will raise in a society.


上来都是肯定一下speaker’s assertion, 之后可以把问题推向一个极端,再之后可以用他因法(比如,和独处或者自我教育的题目搭搭边)再描上一段。第一次帮人家改题目哈,有什么不对的地方还望给我feedback.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-3-1 00:26:40 |只看该作者
The speaker asserts that non-mainstream areas of inquiry play a significant part in society by sufficing(不太贴切)human needs which cannot be satisfied by mainstream science. This assertion does have considerable merits insofar as being mildly used. However, the speaker generalizes it to all circumstances, which is not necessarily the case.

Admittedly, astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic pursuits serves functions as placating human anxiety(placting
anxiety搭不上)and putting off public doubt in certain cases(什么意思)
First consider the effect on people, since our ancestors acquired too limited knowlege to solve problems they encountered every day, the intelligent ones turn to the sky and mysterious power for help. Then came the boom
of the areas of inquiry as astrology and fortune-telling. They served well in mitigating their tantalizing uncertainty about life. Even today, when people feel that life has betrayed them, they would more likely to appeal to a pile of tarots, or simply a pile of pokers, which seem can tell them why they have failed and what is waiting for them tomorrow. Interestingly, their effectiveness as a placebo is self-evident in most cases, where the mainstream science pales in compared.

Then consider the functions on society, old time
in ancient
rulers used nebulous phrases and vague sentences, which were alleged conveyed from the deity, to show the populace that they were destined to be leaders, deserved respect and honor. The masses hold strong belief that the power from the nothingness was unquestionable, so they became loyalty to the people who assumed themselves as the messenger of God. The rulers cannot, actually never, find proofs in mainstream science they are superior to others, so the stars' locations is their best tools to maintain the leadership. Therefore, under the aforementioned circumstances, I concede that nonmainstream areas of inquiry bears significance to both individual and society extent.

Nevertheless, things can never be taken too far, especially the areas of inquiry which can act on human mentality and psychology. On personal level, if one is too obsessed in pursuit of unknown tomorrow and unpredictable destiny, he will gradually lose the ability to converge on daily events since whenever a resolute need made, he is more likely to turn to a pile of tarots, or simply pokers, for an indication. The strength of making decisions, the pluck in facing predicaments, and the conviction of believing in himself will finally ooze away. And what is worse, once being disillusioned, the poor man will fall to abyss (
.)he realizing how much he had missed during his addiction in self-perception. Thus we can tell those areas of inquiry do not always function in an easing way, but sometimes bring people to even more serious failure.

On societal
level, modern history has abounds with ample evidence about the disasters brought by charlatans who take advantage of innocent people’s belief in psychic things. Tragedies caused by heterodox groups such as Branch Davidian of US, Aum Doomsday in Japan are all compelling examples to support my viewpoint. Take Fa Lun Gong in China as illustration: Li Hongzhi fabricated the group by imposint myriads of superstitious beliefs and ravings on innocent people. He propagated the explosion of the earth and the doomsday fallacy to fool the public. Those malicious concepts have resulted in physical and mental injuries and even death of people, undermining social stability. Acting behind the stage, he abetted his followers block government institutions and news agencies, seriously disrupting public order.

To sum up, when assumed in a limited scale, non-mainstream areas serve
s its function as comforting and governing, which is important in society. However, when they were taken advantage by charlatans, the dupes preyed on will fall victims, and instability even riot will raise in a society.

词汇量太丰富了,榜样呀 !以我的水平真的没什么好改的,惭愧

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2007-3-1 20:59:06 |只看该作者

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