十一. 非此即彼 148. Theargument suffers from “either-or” reasoning. Based on the fact that Monroetown residents areopposed to Brown’s proposed tax cut, the authorunfairly concludes that they must be in favor of Green’s proposal. However, the author overlooks the possibility thatMonroetown residents are not in favor either proposal.
十二. 比例与总量混淆 23. A 30% increase in seafood consumption at Bay City restaurants does notnecessarily indicate a sufficient demand for a new Bay City restaurant servingseafood dishes only. Although a 30%increase seems significant, the actual level of consumption might nevertheless be very low. This scenario is quite possible, especially considering thatthere are currently no seafood restaurants in Bay City. Lacking evidence that asignificant number of the city’s restaurant patrons are ordering seafood, the argument’s conclusion that a new seafoodrestaurant would be popular and profitable isunjustified. 203. The mere fact that the Saluda hospital receives fewer patient complaintsthan Megaville’s hospital provesnothing about either efficiencyor quality of care. Eventhough the number of complaints is smaller, thepercentage of patientscomplaining might be higher. Also, Megaville’s staff might openlyencourage patient feedback while Saluda’s does not. This scenarios with myobservation that for-profit orgnizations are generally more concerned withcustomer satisfaction than non-profit organizations are. 214. One such assumption is that the totalbudget for the two cities is about the same.It is entirely possible that Blue City’s total budget is no more than half thatof Parson City. If so, then the fact thatBlue City budgets only half as much as Parson City for its public schools would suggest at least the same degree of careabout public-school education among Blue City’s residents as among Parson’sresidents. 十三. 对比实验问题 167. Another fundamental problem is that the speakeromits to inform us about the test subjects’ sleep patterns just prior to the experiment. It is impossibleconclude with any confidence that the subjects benefited from sleeping onlavendar-scented pillows without comparing how they slept with the pillows tohow they sleep without them. (初始状态) Two final problems with the argument involve the experimental process. The experiment’s results are reliable only if all otherfactors that might affect sleep patterns remained constant during thethree-week period, and if the number of experimental subjects isstatistically significant. Without evidence of theexperiment’s methodological and statistical reliability, the speaker’s conclusion is unjustifiable. (其他因素) 168. The argument assumes unfairly that the additional vitaminD and calcium, rather than the weight training, were responsible for thelower-than-average incidence of hip fractures among this group of women. It is entirely possible that the weighttraining, not the supplements, was responsible for preserving bone mass. Also, weight training is known to improvemuscular strength, coordination, and flexibility, which in turn might reducethe likelihood of accidental falls and other injuries. Thus, the weight trainingcould also have been responsible in this respect.(其他因素) The argument also overlooks many other possibleexplanations for the comparatively low incidence of hip fractures among thisgroup of women. For example, perhapsthese women were more physically fit than average to begin with. Or perhaps the nursing homes where the groupresided provided special safeguards against accidental injuries that are notordinarily for most elderly people. Or perhaps French people are less susceptible to boneloss than other people are—due perhaps to cultural dietary habits or geneticpredisposition. For that matter,perhaps women are genetically less disposed to lose bone mass than men are. Anyof these scenarios, if ture, would undermine the conclusion that the lowerincidence of hip fractures was attribute to the additional vitamin D andcalcium.(初始状态) 188. Another problem with the argument is that it overlooks other factors that might havecontributed to the amount ofpain these patients experienced.Perhaps the women’s wisdomteeth were not as impacted as the men’s teeth generally, so that for the womenthe surgery was not as invasive and painful. Perhaps some of the women tookother medications as well to help relieve the pain. For that matter, some ofthe men might have taken certain foods or medications that counteracted theeffects of KO. In short, unless theexperiment was conducted in a controlled environment in which all factors werethe same for men as for women, it isimpossible to draw any firm conclusion about the comparative effectiveness of KO for the two sexes.(其他因素) 十四. 其他 152(攻击后果) The author makes certain dubious assumptionaboutthe impact of beach-accessfees. On the one hand, the authorignores the possibility that charging fees might deter so many tourists thatTria would be worse off overall. On the other hand,perhaps the vast majority of Tria’s tourists and residents alike would happilypay for beach access, in which case Triabeaches would continue to be no lesscrowded than they are now. Under eitherscenario, adopting the author’s proposal might harm, rather than benefit,Tria’s tourist industry in the long run. 155(调查信息不完整) The editorial goes on to cite studies which “attest to the value” ofallowing students to hear books read aloud. However, as it standsthis evidence is far too vague to support the editorial’sconclusion; we are not informed whether the “value” relates specifically toreading skills. Common sense tells me thatwhile audiocassettes can help any person learn facts and understand concepts, askill such as reading can only be learned by practicing the skill itself. 173(缺乏比较的错误) The memo fails to indicate whether other magazines experienced an increaseof a decrease in sales by reducing their emphasis on international news. It ispossible, for instance, that the other magazines experienced declining saleseven for issues focusing only on demostic news. If so, then the publisher’srecommendation would make little sense.On the other hand, if other magazines experienced the same correlation betweencover story and sales volume, this fact would lendconsiderable support to the publisher’s conclusion thatinternational cover stories were responsible for poor sales. 192 (自相矛盾) Theeditorial seems to make two irreconcilable claims.One is that the merger will result inthe elimination of certain duplicative jobs; theother is that no current municipal employee will become umemployedas a result of the merger. The editorial fails to consider that eliminatingduplicative jobs would decrease the aggregate number of current municipalemployees unless enough new jobs are created to offset the decrease, and thatnew jobs would in turn add to administrative costs. Thus,as it stands the argument is self-contradictory, and the author must eithermodify it by choosing between two competing objectives—preservingcurrent employment levels and cutting costs—orsomehow reconcile these two objectives.
[ 本帖最后由 polymerwufan 于 2007-7-1 23:15 编辑 ] |