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[i习作temp] Issue17 呵呵,自我感觉不错,欢迎互改,谢谢! [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-3-16 20:47:19 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."
Words: 539
赞同,just law 推动社会进步,unjust law 会使世界不公平甚至威胁我们的自由&所有物。我们要守法,抵抗unjust laws来使其改变。
1,要守法 just law的作用regulate people’s conduct, govern a society and protect certain basic individual rights and freedoms. 例子:exclusive law; 右侧行车;administrative laws.
2,要抗法law should evolve. 例子:Nelson Mandela, apartheid;Martin Luther King;
3,要peaceful抗法。例子:radical terrorism.

As far as I concerned, I strongly agree with the assertion. On one hand just laws will make our social and culture life advance significantly, on the other hand unjust laws will make our human world unequal and even jeopardize our freedom and property. We should welcome and comply with just laws, furthermore we have to disobey and resist unjust laws in order to change the unjust laws until they can serve our life.

Apparently, every individual should obey just laws, which play an important part in our daily life. Just laws can regulate people's conduct, govern a society and protect certain basic individual rights and freedoms. Obeying the just laws will benefit the society and the individual. For instance, the exclusive law was first legislated in England for the sake of protecting the patent. It is the companies obeyed the law to pay for the patents that encouraged the inventing and facilitated the Industrial Revolution in late 18th century. Up to the present, obeying the exclusive law still stimulates economic progress. Let's take the counter example into consideration. The law in U.S.A. regulates us to drive our cars on the right-hand side of a two-way street. If people disobey the law to choose at random which side of the street to drive on, there will be traffic jams and accidents. What's more, not only the individual has a responsibility to obey the just laws, but also the government should do so. For example, the government should obey the administrative laws, which will prevent the democratic government from falling into a totalitarian one.

Moreover, every individual should disobey and resist unjust laws so as to make it change. Our society is moving forward and changing time by time. Hence laws can not be carved in stone, but should evolve to reflect the changing needs of society. Assuming that people still obey and even support the laws which turned to be unfair, could South Africa abolish the apartheid law which was unfairly to segregate the black for complexion difference. The answer is apparent, because Nelson Mandela and other black people disobeyed and resisted the unjust law, the South Africa could eliminate the racial discrimination. In comparison with Mandela, Martin Luther King mobilized the massive Africa-Americans to refuse to sit at back in the bus, as the law regulated, and even not to take the bus to resist the law. Finally, the Africa-Americans won the equal rights and set up a model to encourage other countries to lead the same campaign to resist and amend the unjust laws.

Yet the individual has to select a peaceful action to resist the unjust laws. In some countries it is possible that, if a person judges that a law is unjust to him, he may disobey it and even radically utilize the bomb to resist it. The resistance will develop into violence and sometimes develop into terrorism. The violent resistance will hazard innocent people, and will not accomplish the result that he intended for.

In sum, every individual ought to obey the just laws, also disobey and resist the unjust laws in order to amend them in a peaceful way. Subsequently, the just laws will lead our life into a stable and flourishing future.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2007-3-17 21:51:53 |只看该作者

issue 17, words:554

The goal that a modern society with whole social constitutions under law system is pursued by all civilized people, yet the inherited drawbacks of human, like selfishness, greed, etc, hinder the development of humans’ modernization. Particularly in area of law, the flaw is demonstrated as the enactment of unjust laws. To make a better tomorrow, every individual who obtain justice should struggle against the unjust law.

First of all, with the aim of establishing an orderly, regular society, we should get hold of the faith of law, which is best to deal with the problems in our lives. The experience of human’s communal living over 2000 years, no matter the ancient Greek in west or feudal China oriental, leads us to create laws to make the society well managed. Through the law, which playing a supporting role in each individual’s protecting of their legal rights, the whole community, the city, the country and the world will work mechanically and harmonically. Accordingly, we could watch less violence, less criminals. Also, the set up of legal system would affect all parts of the public work coordinately, a good example comes is the stock market, one could image how a chaos business and financial market if lacking regulations.

However, like the old words: ‘things are not always what we want.’ The laws are not always just laws; it is common to see the unjust laws took place the entire world, which on yesterday, today and surely tomorrow. As we know that laws are built up under the power of government, which claims representing the public interest whereas run by a few individuals. For that reason, the inborn weakness of humanity, such as egoism, self-indulgent, could not prevent the occurrence of the enacting of laws in the name of on behalf of majority while factually with a few individual’s favor. Now in many Chinese cities, the governments added inhibition of e-bike, bikes powered by battery and which turn out a few years in China, into provisional regulations, and they declare that the purpose of this regulation is to avoid accidents. Yet it is just administrations’ plea, and which takes convenience in their management in reality. In the hand of common people, nonetheless, they will be in inconvenient in their communal studying and working without e-bike. Admittedly, we should resist the unjust law like this, which deprives people’s convenience for the rulers’ convenience, for keeping our legal right.

For the just laws, we should abide, in otherwise, resist the unjust laws. Even so, it is controversial to judge whether a law is just or unjust. Generally speaking, the judgment relies on one’s personal value system; rarely do we agree with others’ attitudes absolutely on one issue. In that case, people are confused easily by laws and reasons from legislation; they cannot differentiate which is benefit to them and which is not. So we could not impulsively resist a law quickly until we make critical analysis and find credible evidences which could conclude that it is unjust. Mostly, the law bad for the majority is considered as unjust law in my opinion.

In sum, everyone who gains the hope of making our globe more just should resist anything which is obstacle in development. And in law system, it is supposed to resist unjust laws, which is the stain of human.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-3-20 16:11:12 |只看该作者


issue 17, words:554
你的词汇量很大,值得肯定,不过句子不够通顺,有点生硬(很难克服啊),注意不要过分叙述unjust laws的建立,主题应该是 “resist” unjust,以免跑题。还有应该多展开论述,分析的要透彻。

The goal that a modern society with whole social constitutions under law system(有歧义,或许under perfect law system) is pursued by all civilized people, yet the inherited drawbacks of human, like selfishness, greed, etc, hinder the development of humans’ modernization. Particularly in area of law, the flaw is demonstrated as the enactment of unjust laws. To make a better tomorrow, every individual who obtain (obtains, 或许seeks更恰当) justice should struggle against the unjust law.

First of all, with the aim of establishing an orderly, regular society, we should get hold of the faith of law(laws 复数表示种类), which is (are)best to deal with the problems in our lives(或许our life). The experience of human’s communal living over 2000 years, no matter the ancient Greek in west or feudal China oriental, leads us to create laws to make the society well managed. Through (under) the law, which (is) playing a supporting role in each individual’s protecting of their legal rights (in protecting each individual’s legal rights) , the whole community, the city, the country and the world (啰嗦) will work mechanically and harmonically. Accordingly, we could watch (少用主观人物作主语,建议there be 句型) less violence, less criminals. Also, the set up of legal system would affect all parts of the public (to) work coordinately, a good example comes is (comes in) the stock market, one could image how a chaos business and financial market if lacking regulations. (展开分析)

不要过分叙述unjust laws的建立,主题应该是 “resist” unjust laws
However, like the old words: ‘things are not always what we want.’ The laws are not always just laws 删掉; it is common to see the unjust laws took place the entire world, which on yesterday, today and surely tomorrow. As we know that laws are built up under the power of government, which claims representing the public interest whereas run by a few individuals. For that reason, the inborn weakness of humanity, such as egoism, self-indulgent, could not prevent the occurrence of the enacting of laws in the name of on behalf of majority while factually with a few individual’s favor. Now in many Chinese cities, the governments added inhibition of e-bike, bikes powered by battery and which turn out a few years ago in China, into provisional regulations, and they declare that the purpose of this regulation is to avoid accidents. Yet it is just administrations’ plea, and which takes convenience in their management in reality. In the hand of common people, nonetheless, they will be in inconvenient in their communal studying and working without e-bike. 展开分析Admittedly, we should resist the unjust law like this, which deprives people’s convenience for the rulers’ convenience, for keeping our legal right.

For the just laws, we should abide, in otherwise, resist the unjust laws. Even so, it is controversial to judge whether a law is just or unjust. Generally speaking, the judgment relies on one’s personal value system; rarely do we agree with others’ attitudes absolutely on one issue. In that case, people are confused easily by laws and reasons from legislation; they cannot differentiate which is benefit to them and which is not.不恰当,大众还是能分清敌我的  So we could not impulsively resist a law quickly until we make critical analysis and find credible evidences which could conclude that it is unjust. Mostly, the law bad for the majority is considered as unjust law in my opinion.

In sum, everyone who gains the hope of making our globe more just should resist anything which is obstacle in development. And in law system, it is supposed不恰当 to resist unjust laws, which is the stain of human.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-3-30 18:14:49 |只看该作者


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Issue17 呵呵,自我感觉不错,欢迎互改,谢谢!
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