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[i习作temp] argument154 ,欢迎来拍!! [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-4-3 21:29:36 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue 154"Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators."

According to the statement,the speaker asserts that education is so important that it can not be leave to a group of professional educators only,both parents and
communities must be involved in.But in my view,I could only lend part of my view to the speaker's assertion.

To begin with, I would like to say that the persons who understand students themselves most are their own parents. They deeply know the kidney characteristic of their
own children and know the best and most suitable time to send their children to receive education. For instant, some children can get knowledge from their playing
enjoyment while others can not who can be taught only in serious education; and this is especially true when it comes to some children who are not so healthy or even are
handicapped. Because of their inconvenience, these children all need special care from both physical and mental aspects. Without the full comprehension, their teacher may
more or less hurt them.

Secondly, although students stay in schools for most of their time, the education arranged for them should be ,I think,full-scale, which,however, should not only include the
school education only. Now more and more parents often bring their own kids to travel outside ,which can increases their contact to the nature, splendid and attractive
scenery of the nature can boarden children's horizon,which will surely benefit their growing. If parents rarely participate in their children's education, computer games or some TV programs may take up most of children's time and energy, which will surely do harm to their education and their future development.

Moreover, communities should also play an important role in children's education. A heath atmosphere of the communities can help children to form a good personality,which determines their developments in the society in the future. For example, the school's arrangement of visiting the second welfare home can cultivate children'love and
sympathy for the orphans, disabled persons and the homeless olds. So communities is so crucial in the children's education that can not be ignored forever but should be
strongly emphasized.

However, parents should not over intervene the schools'education policies, and neither do schools. After all, teachers have received professional trainings and of course
education is systematic. Sometimes parents' lacking of understanding and unreasonable interference may produce troublesome situations for teachers and their teaching
mission. Consider,for example,that sometimes parents only care only about their own children's benefit while teachers alway teach their students to be modest and

In sum, because of the vital function of the education, the proper corporation of the schools and parents and communities can never be omited from the education plan for children set by the countries.

[ 本帖最后由 eddie23508ok 于 2007-4-4 01:23 编辑 ]

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-4-4 23:11:55 |只看该作者
According to the statement, the speaker asserts that education is so important that it can not be leave to a group of professional educators only, both parents and communities must be involved in. But in my view, I could only lend part of my view to the speaker's assertion.部分同意作者观点

To begin with, I would like to say that the(去掉) persons who understand students themselves(去掉) most are their own parents. They deeply know the kidney(???)characteristic of their own children and know the best and most suitable time to send their children to receive education. For instant, some children can get knowledge from their playing enjoyment (好别扭啊,没有见过这种用法)while others can not who can be taught only in serious education(我糊涂了,你想说明什么?); and this is especially true when it comes to some children who are not so healthy or even are handicapped. Because of their inconvenience, these children all need special care from both physical and mental aspects. Without the full comprehension, their teacher may more or less hurt them.(这个是特例,在立论里最好不要用特例,因为他不能代表普遍的情况)
Secondly, although students stay in schools for most of their time, the education arranged for them should be, I think(去掉,这个I think太主观), full-scale, which, however, should not only include(limited to) the school education only. Now more and more parents often bring their own kids to travel outside ,which can increases their contact to the nature, splendid and attractive scenery of the nature can boarden(broaden) children's horizon, which will surely benefit their growing. If parents rarely participate in their children's education, computer games or some TV programs may take up most of children's time and energy, which will surely do harm to their education(themselves) and their future development.
Moreover, communities should also play an important role in children's education. A heath(healthy) atmosphere of the communities(学习了…) can help children to form a good personality, which determines their developments in the society in the future. For example, the school's(写学校就感觉和那群转业人士又沾上边了,去掉吧,也行啊) arrangement of visiting the second welfare home can cultivate children' love and sympathy for the orphans, disabled persons and the homeless olds. So communities is(are) so crucial in the children's education that can not be ignored forever(去掉) but should be strongly emphasized.
However, parents should not over (unduly)intervene the schools' education policies, and neither do schools. After all, teachers have received professional trainings and of course education is systematic. Sometimes parents' lacking of understanding and unreasonable interference may produce troublesome situations for teachers and their teaching mission. Consider, for example, that sometimes parents only care only about their own children's benefit while teachers always teach their students to be modest and considerate.

In sum, because of the vital function of the education, the proper corporation of the schools and parents and communities can never be omitted from the education plan for children set by the countries.
Love you with the love of Christ...

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