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[i习作temp] issue130 [0710g直接冲刺小组]欢迎拍,互拍 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-20 15:05:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE130 - "How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society."
WORDS: 630          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2007-7-20 15:16:44
What decides the destiny of society has long been a controversial question,the author asserts that how children are socialized today determines the destiny of society.As to me, I admit that socialization of children today is important,but I donot think it can determine the destiny of society,because I think there are other qualities which are even more important.The author also claims that we have not learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society,I do not know based on what evidence do the author get such inclusion,but I think although there being some insufficiencies,the children of the past century have brought us a better society.
To begin with,as I mentioned above, the ability of socialization is important.This ability may includes the ability to communicate with others,the ability to cooperate with teammates,the ability to deal with problems in society and so on.In modern society,it is very hard for one who does not have the ability of socialization to live.Take the example of science,nowadays science has more conection with daily lives.It is often required that science should make its contribution to real life,so if a scientist today has not the ability to communicate with the outer world,how could he /she know the need of real life and base his/her research on the need?A probable result is that he/she cannot get funds because he/she is not good at express the value of his/her research to human life.So from this sense,the ability of socialization is a basic ability for people today.
Although the ability of socialization is so important,I do not think it can determine the destiny of society.Because firstly,I think there are other qualities more important to determine the future of society;secondly,I think the children in the information society do not lack the ability of socialization too much.Van gogh,who was not good at communicating with his contemporaries,got little fund from the government and lead a poor life.His success in art is not attributed to his ability of socialization,but to his love and sensitivity toward live.Take another more extreme example,Rossevolt,who has been basically separated from many social activities because of his childhood deformity,succeeded to be the president of America.However,his contribution to the society is not attributed to his ability of socialization,instead,his success is a result of his remarkable willing power to fight against destiny.So we can conclude there are other more important qualities to determine the destiny of society,and I think nowadays what children lack more is the qualities I mentioned above.
I do not know by saying "better", what does the author refer,but if better refers to the better life of the people,the better situation of the society and the better condition of our country,if we have a look at the history of the past century,we will find that children of the past century have brought a better world.Firstly,people now live a better life,they eat healthier food, live in better condition, travel in a more convenient way,have better medical carement,and as a result are more content with their life.Secondly,the society is more comprehensive in culture,people are more friendly to each other,and there are more charities in the society to help those in trouble.Thirdly,as to the country,our country plays a more important role in international business,we have more cooperation with other countries, and has a deeper understanding with other countries.So from all these aspects,I think the children of the past century has brought about a better world,not a worse one.
To sum up, from the analysis and reasons presented abovem,I think any thoughtful person can get the same conclusion with me that although the ability of socialization is important,it is not to determine the destiny of society,because there are other more important qualities.And I think based on the facts presented above, children of the past century have brought a better society.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-21 21:25:15 |只看该作者
What decides the destiny of society has long been a controversial question,the author asserts that how children are socialized today determines the destiny of society.As to me, I admit that socialization of children today is important,but I donot think it can determine the destiny of society,because I think there are other qualities which are even more important.The author also claims that we have not learned 这里可以换个句式 比如 the second contenion involves  ... which i fundamentally disagree with 这样会不会通顺些呢how to raise children who can help bring about a better society,I do not know based on what evidence do the author get such inclusion,but I think although there being some insufficiencies,the children of the past century have brought us a better society.这后面半句感觉有点罗索,表意不是太清楚
To begin with,as I mentioned above, the ability of socialization is important.This ability may includes may include the ability to communicate with others这句话有点怪哦  This ability includes communication....,the ability to cooperate with teammates,the ability to deal with problems in society and so on.In modern society,it is very hard for one who does not have the ability of socialization to live.Take the example of science,nowadays science has more conectionconnection with daily lives.It is often required that science should make its contribution to real life,so if a scientist today has not the ability to communicate with the outer world,how could he /she know the need of real life and base his/her research on the need?A probable result is that he/she cannot get funds because he/she is not good at express the value of his/her research to human life.So from this sense,the ability of socialization is a basic ability for people today.这里有点离题了吧 题目围绕的是儿童和社会的关系,那么我觉得举例子也得从儿童着手, 比如换一下 说儿童怎么样学会社交?
Although the ability of socialization is so important,I do not think it can determine the destiny of society.Because firstly,I think there are other qualities more important to determine the future of society;secondly,I think the children in the information society do not lack the ability of socialization too much这句话读起来也不怎么顺哦 and in my view, children living in such close connected world do not lack the opportunity to be socialized 其实很多孩子就是在这种大环境下被孤立的(呵呵 我自己是老师,所以比较有体会,不好意思废话了).Van gogh,who was not good at communicating with his contemporaries,got little fund from the government and lead a poor life.His success in art is not attributed to his ability of socialization,but to his love and sensitivity toward live.Take another more extreme example,Rossevolt,who has been basically separated from many social activities because of his childhood deformity,succeeded to be the president of America.However,his contribution to the society is not attributed to his ability of socialization,instead,his success is a result of his remarkable willing power to fight against destiny.So we can conclude there are other more important qualities to determine the destiny of society,and I think nowadays what children lack more is the qualities I mentioned above.还是和前面一样的建议,题目围绕着孩子,就应该从儿童角度来写(这个事我的观点,也不一定对,这个题目我自己也不太会写,有机会可以讨论讨论)
I do not know by saying "better", what does the author refer,but if better refers to the better life of the people,the better situation of the society and the better condition of our country,if we have a look at the history of the past century,we will find that children of the past century have brought a better world.Firstly,people now live a better life,they eat healthier food, live in better condition, travel in a more convenient way,have better medical carement,and as a result are more content with their life.Secondly,the society is more comprehensive in culture,people are more friendly to each other,and there are more charities in the society to help those in trouble.Thirdly,as to the country,our country plays a more important role in international business,we have more cooperation with other countries, and has a deeper understanding with other countries.So from all these aspects,I think the children of the past century has brought about a better world,not a worse one.这段转的感觉有点突然 我有点out of nowhere
To sum up, from the analysis and reasons presented abovem,I think any thoughtful person can get the same conclusion with me that although the ability of socialization is important,it is not to determine the destiny of society,because there are other more important qualities.And I think based on the facts presented above, children of the past century have brought a better society.
这个题目我自己也写不好, 不过这里感觉还是有点偏了。 有机会的话我们可以讨论讨论这个题目

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