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[i习作temp] issue43 07直接冲刺小组第14次作业 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-7-29 21:11:38 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:ISSUE 43 - "To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standard
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For Nixon’s “water gate” scandal; for Bill Clinton’s sex scandal; for Kennedy’s love affair, we have already heard many depraved stories about some public officials. Admittedly, as a public official one must have high ethnics and moral standard. However, one question opens to whether it is necessary to request any public official to keep the highest ethnics and moral standard? Another question is only leaders with highest ethnics and moral standard can be an effective leader?

Referring to the first question, as a public, one must have high ethnics and moral standard. Suppose, if Bill Clinton did not resigned from the president, what kind of image will left for the whole public and society? People can have casual sex with anyone because dear president have a fancy woman too? Therefore, it is necessary to request these public leaders to have and keep high ethnics and moral standard. However, no one in this world is perfect, and insofar no one ever have claimed and been recognized as a man with highest ethnics and moral standard. Public officials, like us, are just human beings. They have all kinds of emotion, anger, fear, frustrate, depress; each of them has different deficiencies of their personalities such as selfishness, self-conceit… So as long as their defects do not encumber their jobs and are harmless to society, we don’t have to be so critic when they unconsciously spilt out unseemly words in government debates or to carp at their ways of work.

The second question is little complicated but still very clear. Does Nixon an effective leader? It was his efforts that broken the ice with New China and have deeply influenced the Sino—us relationship. What about the CEO of the Enron who shocked the whole world by financial scandal? Mr. Skilling, the CEO of the Enron, created such a legend in business area and it was his efforts to make his company enjoy a great repute. Although they violated the laws and yet have failed to keep their high ethnic and moral standard as a public official, their contribution and value are lying there and we can not deny them all just because they involved in all kinds of scandals. Thus, whether a leader is effective or not, we can’t simply judge them from the grade of ethnics and moral standard. Many leaders (even didn’t have a name listed in human history) have high ethnics and moral standard, but they were just mediocre persons who were far beyond an effective leader.

All in all, everything has two sides and so as this issue. Keep high ethnics and moral standard is the prerequisite to be a leader especially a public official. Nevertheless, asking them to maintain the highest ethnics and moral standard is not necessary and yet impossible. Moreover, “an effective leader” requires many abilities, not only can be judged from one’s ethnics and moral standard, in turn, people who has higher ethnics and moral standard may not become an truly effective leader.

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