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[i习作temp] Issue208 [勇往直前小组]14th [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-8-3 01:07:53 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE208 - "The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people."
WORDS: 558          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-8-3

The speaker maintains that peoples' actions and appearance can reflect their interest and attitude even the values and ideas of their society. I admit that the way people dress and act may reveal their attitudes and interests to some extent. However, in my view, the behaviors and appearance cannot embody person's attitude and interest to some other extent, nor could it tell much about the ideas and values of a society.

Admittedly, to some group of people, their dressing, appearance and actions can reveal the preference and attitude, not only to individuals but also the groups of people. For instance, a general preference for ready-made, inexpensive clothing might indicate a preference for practicality or for saving rather than spending, and vice verse; and a society whose members prefer to wear clothing that is traditional and distinct is one that values tradition over modernization. Additionally, in accustomed occasion, a group of peoples' dressings have the same characteristics to reflect the attitude and preference of this group. For example, the professors in the college always wear simple clothes and glasses; yet the rock-and-roll stars like to dress shiningly and act wildly. It is seldom to see that the two groups of people mentioned above dress or act in the similar way. In short, peoples' way of dress and behavior can reveal their preference and attitude to some extent.

However, just as an old Chinese saying goes: You cannot judge a book by its cover, that is to say, to a certain groups of people the exterior behaviors and appearance cannot decide  persons' internality, in the following two respects: Firstly, some peoples do not care their appearance and behavior. They consider it unnecessary to act or dress accord to their statues. A typical example is the chairman of the Walmart--Walton who recently became the richest people in the world. It is odd that although he is extremely wealthy, he lives a simple and austere life. If he walks on the road, peoples who do not know him may consider him as a common worker. Another case to demonstrate this point is the world’s greatest physicist Albert Einstein. He did not care his appearance at all. He always wear old clothes and his white hairs are long and wild. Secondly, there's another kind of peoples who are forced to dress and behave in the same way, as a result their characteristics are masked or suspended. Consider some large companies that require their employers to wear uniforms; it will obliterate the personality of their employers. Consequently, the situations mentioned above indicate that some peoples’ attitude an behavior can be hardly decided by their appearance and actions.

Moreover, merely the appearance and action fail to evaluate the ideas and values of a society. To demonstrate this point, let us first turn to the concept of the value: value is a concept that describes the inner beliefs of an individual or a culture. It reflects individual's opinions and evaluations to the significance and importance of objective matters. Obviously, the concept tells us that the value deeply rooted in individual's mind and reflects the most essential ideas of them. As to the action and behavior, they just act as the exterior and superficial things. Just as we could not appraise a man as a person who has an unhealthy ethic value just because he has an eccentric behavior. Thus the action and behavior could hardly tell a person's value or idea, not to say the value and idea of a society.

In some, I hold the opinion that to some groups of people the way they dress, act or look reveals their attitude and preference, however, to other groups of people the behaviors and appearance cannot tell the attitude and interest, neither can they serve as the tool to reflect the value and idea of peoples and the their society.

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