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[i习作temp] Issue17 留链必回 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-6 07:52:34 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE17 - "There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."
WORDS: 587          TIME: 0:45:34          DATE: 2007-8-5
Words: 622  修改 2007-8-5
I agree that in many cases, people in a society should obey the just laws and disobey the unjust laws, since the unjust ones often do harm to the society. However, resisting the laws, no matter how unjust it is, may cause some undesirable consequences, so before disobeying the unjust laws, there are a lot of conditions that should be considered.

Firstly, it is the responsibility of every individual in a society to obey the just laws since they are the fundamental rule of a society. Generally speaking, the purpose of just laws is to protect the rights of the nation and every individual. Those who obey the just laws not only protect the rights of others, but also themselves', for the society can work orderly and in a good condition. For instance, if everyone in the society can obey the laws of protecting the security of personal possessions; all people will feel safe about their possessions and lead a peaceful and sufficient life, so they can work hard. On the contrary, if most people in the society want to steal or rob others’ possessions, no one will feel safe, and they may be unlikely to work hard, since they know that everything they obtain by working may be stolen or robbed. Then the society becomes very dangerous, and no one would like to live there.

However, although people have the responsibility to obey the just laws, some of them do not want to obey the unjust ones, for they believe that obeying the unjust laws is to give up the justice. This point has some merits since the unjust laws have bad effect to the society. And if no one disobeys the unjust laws, the legislation may not develop. For instance, Martin Luther King, who is famous for protecting rights of black American, resisted many unjust laws. And because he asked for the justice and fairness, many people, including some white American, followed him. Without his effort, the black people may still have not the fundamental human rights now and lead a miserable life. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary for people to disobey the unjust laws and promote the development of the law system.

Despite some merits of resisting the unjust laws, there are also some negative points in it. Firstly, resisting the laws may cause the unsteadiness of the society. Although resisting the unjust laws may bring about the development of the society, it can also give rise to an eventful society. Besides, some bad guys might take the advantages of breaking laws and do harm to others. Secondly, in some cases, it is difficult to tell the just laws from the unjust ones, since the law may contain both the just and the unjust point. It is very common that in the matriculation of many universities in the U.S., the black and Hispanic may be admitted with somewhat worse academic performance than the white. It seems unjust for the white students, since the human were born equal, they should enjoy the equal education opportunity. But the privilege for the minorities is also a result of effort lasting many years to protect the rights of minorities. Considering that, it is difficult to say whether the policy is just or unjust, and this kind of condition is common in many laws. In that case, people may find it hard to decide whether to obey the laws or not.

In my opinion, although it is important for every individual in the society to obey the just laws and to disobey the unjust laws, it is difficult for them to distinguish them in some cases. Considering the bad result of breaking laws, people should also consider how to deal with the unjust laws.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-7 10:14:19 |只看该作者

I agree that in many cases, people in a society should obey the just laws and disobey the unjust laws, since the unjust ones often do harm to the society. However, resisting the laws, no matter how unjust it is, may cause some undesirable consequences,[这我就不明白了,不好你还要agree呀?看过很多前辈的意见:都说态度明确点好,只有45分钟不可能写完很大的一个题目的] so before disobeying the unjust laws, there are a lot of conditions that should be considered.

Firstly, it is the responsibility of every individual后面讲的是遵守和不遵守会怎么样,象我这样挑刺的人看来,和你的论点responsibility还是有一段距离的in a society to obey the just laws since they are the fundamental rule of a society. Generally speaking, the purpose of just laws is to protect the rights of the nation and every individual. Those who obey the just laws not only protect the rights of others, but also themselves', for the society can work orderly and in a good condition. For instance, if everyone in the society can obey the laws of protecting the security of personal possessions; all people will feel safe about their possessions and lead a peaceful and sufficient life[想表达的是富足的生活吧?应该用affluent], so they can work hard[这里跳跃论证了一下,感觉安全了就认真努力地工作吗?没有这么certain!]. On the contrary, if most people in the society want to[更好地切合你的论点,可以加强一下说:偷了抢了也不怕法律!] steal or rob others’ possessions, no one will feel safe, and they may be unlikely to work hard, since they know that everything they obtain by working[我觉得不舒服,我更喜欢:obtain from work?] may be stolen or robbed. Then the society becomes very dangerous[这个词是:likely to cause danger,因此用a danger place, 或者secure吧?stable?], and no one would like to live there.

However, although people have the responsibility to obey the just laws, some of them do not want to obey the unjust ones, for they believe that obeying the unjust laws is to give up the justice. [This point has some merits since the unjust laws have bad effect to the society.这个unjust法律的不好,有时间最好论证一下吧,估计看你的立场地人都非常想知道你的unjust法律是长什么样的,呵呵] And if no one disobeys the unjust laws, the legislation may not develop. For instance, Martin Luther King, who is famous for protecting rights of black American, resisted many unjust laws. And because he asked for the justice and fairness, many people, including some white American, followed him. Without his effort, the black people may still have not the fundamental human rights now and lead a miserable life. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary for people to disobey the unjust laws and promote the development of the law system.这里倒是辩得让我相信resist是有用的了,呵呵……我暂时放弃我的观点,你辩论成功哈!只是我有点怀疑那个:金是通过disobey来达到目的的么?还是通过的正常渠道呢?比如那个演讲其实是合法的吧?不过你言之有理也就够了。

Despite some merits of resisting the unjust laws, there are also some negative points in it. Firstly, resisting the laws may cause the unsteadiness of the society.[我通常见到的都是用stable来形容社会稳定的,不知道你是否确定这个用法?我在字典上没有找到答案] Although resisting the unjust laws may bring about the development of the society, it can also give rise to an eventful society.[eventful是一个褒义词吧?是否和你的态度不太和?] Besides, some bad guys might take the advantages of breaking laws and do harm to others. Secondly, in some cases, it is difficult to tell the just laws from the unjust ones, since the law may contain both the just and the unjust point. It is very common that in the matriculation of many universities in the U.S., the black and Hispanic may be admitted with somewhat worse academic performance than the white. It seems unjust for the white students, since the human were born equally, they should enjoy the equal education opportunity. But the privilege for the minorities is also a result of effort lasting many years to protect the rights of minorities. Considering that, it is difficult to say whether the policy is just or unjust, and this kind of condition is common in many laws. In that case, people may find it hard to decide whether to obey the laws or not.很反动,呵呵……

In my opinion, although it is important for every individual in the society to obey the just laws and to disobey the unjust laws, it is difficult for them to distinguish them in some cases. Considering the bad result of breaking laws, people should also consider how to deal with the unjust laws.关门的时候再来一个没有明确答案的论点,不好的呀?



最后,攻击你的一个语言问题,呵呵……你注意到没有呀?你的it is+adj.+to 句式很多哦。


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