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[i习作temp] issue11 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-14 16:24:51 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The idea of establishing a global university to solve the world's most persistent problems appears to be requisite and fascinating. To my point of view, however, considering the potential problems this suggestion bears, setting such a university is impractical in several aspects.

Admittedly, solutions to global problems such as the environmental pollution, terrorism, genetic engineering, epidemic diseases and energy crisis do need the cooperation of all nations which the global university can facilitate. Apt examples involve the epidemic disease –aviary flu. If the university can gather a group of elites from all over the world to work on this issue, giving out suggestions on how to prevent it, how to make international cooperation and how to aid the infected area, the detriment it has brought can be to some extent reduced. Such a university might be helpful in solving some global problems. However, the potential impediments can not be ignored.  
Consider first is that it would be difficult to get the support from poor and backward countries. For, in such countries, the main problems in front of them are famine, unemployment, insurrection and so forth. They can hardly afford the money and energy to devote to the solution of issues such as environmental problems, genetic engineering and so on. In the first place are there urgent domestic problems and all their efforts and attention should be focused on these basic matters primarily. As a result, such a university is not prone to be supported by these poor developing countries.

What need to be considered next is that even we can get the support we need to set such a university. We may still be confronted with even tougher tasks in administration and course arrangement. Obviously, faculty and students are from different countries with dissimilar cultures and backgrounds. It would be almost impossible for the administrator if he wants to find a way to make this university function well or moreover, set rules for all the members in this university to obey. For, the gap between nations derived from distinct cultures can not be diminished in a short time. What is more, even more difficult will be how to make the decisions about which problems should we focus first. As we all known, different countries have different social problems and even they share some common ones, the degree may vary greatly. Take into account that each sovereign country wants its own problem taken into agenda first, the conflict is no way of being solved easily. Therefore, these problems will greatly lessen the feasibility of such a university.

Yet, another problem worthy of being mentioned is that even the graduates work hard on the solution of the persistent social problems, the extent to which they can do to help is open to doubt. Politics is a important factor which needs to be considered. We may look no further than the big issue of terrorism. Each country has its own position and even if the university finds a way to solve the problem, whether they will get the support from their own government is the really decisive factor.

In sum, although the global problems call for the endeavor of all the nations, the establishment of a global university is still impractical as the foregoing reasoning. If such a university finally finds its way of being established, there may be possibilities that problems such as environmental pollution or energy crisis may have gone too far from being solved.

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