ME:(抢话)good morning sir, nice to meet you
VO:(慌忙)nice to meet you, wait a minute.(转身走了)
VO:ok, Penn state right?
ME:yes, right.
VO:what's your major?
VO:how many university did you apply?
VO:how many give you offer?
ME:2 of them.
VO:which two?
VO:(点头...)who will support you?
ME:my parents.
VO:what do they do?
ME:my mother is ............ my father ........
VO:what is your father's job?
vo:so what is the name of the company?
me:..........(没有名字 因为没有申请为公司或者机构)
vo:so he doesn't work in a company?
me:(开始紧张 害怕他认为parents没有足够的资金能力)my father have worked in this field for 16 years. (vo点头)when chine start its stock market in 1980's.(vo继续点头)(我伸手想去拿父亲的股票交割单,vo对我很严肃的摇头 表示不看我的材料 要我继续说下去)于是我就balalbala说了一大堆 好在我对父亲一直都很了解 于是说得头头是道
vo:all right....(开始严肃地盯着电脑屏幕)
me:(特别紧张,想到父亲曾经写了一份保证书,就是类似自我陈述一类的,于是找出来给他)sir, here is a letter from my father. do you want have a sight?
vo:(有点惊奇!)a letter for me? ok! (高兴的接过信)
vo:why is this a fax?
me:(心里一颤,我没有带打出来的原件,把传真件带来了!)because there are some problem with my home computer and the printer. so we must use the fax.
vo: so this is not written by your father?(怀疑的语气 并且开始摇头...)
me:yes!this is written by my father! I can explane all things for you.(于是又开始balallbalal说了半天.....)
vo:(最后信了 还乐了)ok.have you ever been to US?
me:no, never
vo:have your father been abroad?
vo:(一阵惊奇和怀疑)your father earned such much money but not even been abroad! i don't believe you!
vo:ok,(点了点头)where is就是上边提到的另外一个给我offer的)
me:(由于最近都在看penn state的材料 根本把那个都忘了)balabalbalbal.......(描述了一大堆 什么在湖边 在pennsylvania....表述得语无伦次)
vo:i know, i get it. have a nice trip!(特灿烂的一乐~)
me:woo!!who nice you are!!thank you!have a nice day!(说的特激动!)
vo:(乐得特开心)you too.
next one~
呼.....虽然此次签证及此险些被拒 没有答上来 但最后还是过了......真是想想都后怕...祝后面的朋友们都顺顺利利的!
have a nice trip!