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48"The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."
正文 458 words
According to the speaker's claim that the most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten.[你看这句,开始是一个短语,然后就是that,那that后面就是从句了,结果从句就最后到句号了。那这个句子有没有主句呀?……嗯,写长句是比较好,但是写错了就不好了……自己写完了也回头看一下,避免有这种错误。这里,把that换成一个逗号,应该就好了。] However, in my opinion, it is reasonable to study from the famous individuals in that there are some limits of studying the masses and merits[这个应该是和前面的limits并列的吧,我觉得要么在merits前面也加some或是a lot,要不会觉得这个词和masses并列,这样意思就不好理解了。] in the[去掉吧?] studying the famous few.
从首段来看~你的观点已经跑偏了……sorry to say that,呵呵……不过,人家说历史是谁made,你却谈到研究历史是研究个人好还是大众好,这个……不知道lz对题目是怎么理解的呢?我们也经常提到,是英雄人物创造历史,还是人们群众创造历史。但是,对历史的研究和创造历史,似乎是两个事情吧?……
Obviously, by reviewing history, we can easily find that the masses people played a crucial role in most significant events and trends in history. It is the masses people who impelled the development of human being’s history. For instance, during the American Revolutionary War, hundreds of thousands of people have joined together to fight against the British colonist for freedom and eventually won the war. Undoubtedly, without their efforts and sacrifices the United States is still in the control of Britain and the movement of independence is impossible to come true.
这一段写的就没啥语言上的问题了(至少我没感觉到,呵呵……读起来很顺畅)。观点也很清楚,人民群众起重要作用。不过,这里和开始你hoever后面提到自己的观点,那个study history,似乎关系不大吧?……所以说呢,开头对于自己观点部分,还是要再斟酌。
Nevertheless, in fact, there are many impediments lying there to hamper the history study[这个地方,study是什么词性呢?如果是n,那前面就最好用historical,adj来形容n嘛,如果是v,那这个there be句型里面v也都要变成ing吧……再斟酌一下这里吧] from sufficient coverage of the masses. One of the most notable difficulties, as historians now face,is lack of first-hand evidence in that few of these majority recorded their thoughts or had them chronicled by contemporaries just as those famous few did[这句我copy出来反复看了,还是没懂……不知道想表达啥意思~不知道there majority代的啥,不知道those famouse代的又是啥]. As a result, the historical files and data about the masses people which historians could learn from are very little. To the contrary, there are plenty of records and data about the famous individuals such as George Washington, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Mao Zedong etc.
看完整段似乎明白你的意思了。人民大众虽然创造历史,但是鲜有记载;不像伟人,有很多历史记载,可以供后人参考。这个对于研究历史来说,确实是事实,但是对于历史创造,是不是也有问题呢?虽然没有或是少有记载,那就可以说不是大众创造了历史吗?还是回到开始的问题,研究历史和make a history还是不一样的。
It is rational for historians to pay enough[enough?原来作者可不是说enough吧……似乎说的是too much,这个意思表达的就不甚准确了。] attentions to the famous individuals because they are the impetus of the historical events and trends.[这段的这个首句想表达的啥意思呢?enough attention和后面because的原因,似乎都和原来题目的观点不符,那这个新的观点是lz自己的观点吗?那这个观点引出的这段话,在全文中是啥位置呢?] Generally speaking, the[去掉吧,这里面the太多了,连续几个都是the,定冠词不能乱加] famous individuals are usually the[去掉] leaders of the[去掉] events who instigate the[去掉] masses people to propel the movement—if we regard the movements as many rockets and the[去掉] masses people in the movements as the propellant , then those famous individuals are the igniters.[movement, rocket igniter都用单数不好么……干吗用复数呢?不懂……] Moreover, historians could know much information about the events by studying the famous few such as[这个后面的几个例子是都是famous few么?似乎不是吧……因为famous few我一直都是理解为少数个人的意思。那这里就不应该叫such as吧?……] the reason or driving force of the events, the economic and political background of the period. For example, through the researching historical record of the 32nd President of the United States—Franklin Delano Roosevelt, historians could learn the social condition in the Depression such as high unemployment rate, slow development of economy and science and the reason of the New Deal[请思考:前几个和and最后链接的短语是否都是并列关系。还是说前面都是后面的具体表现之一。如果是我说的后者,那就最好不要这样用and连接起来。]. Accordingly[这个词用的……难道说用therefore太简单了,不够出彩儿? :) ], there are many advantages of studying the famous few.
本段的主要意思还是说,研究个人对了解历史是有作用的。典型人物代表了很多东西,通过他们能了解到很多当时的历史情况。这段里面分了两个分支,一是说famous few是导火索,是igniter,另外一个方面说通过他们可以链接出很多当时的情况来。
To sum up, because of the limits of studying of the masses people and the advantages of studying of the famous few individuals in most significant historical events and trends, it is reasonable to historians to place much emphasis on individuals.
48"The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."
这里面,谁创造了历史,谁就是应该被重点关注。所以说,重点关注make significant events and trends in history是谁,这个是一个重要的方面,也是决定是否应该被pay attention的原因。至于说是否有足够的史料来做研究,似乎应该是其次的方面吧。
开篇摆明自己的观点:是否是too much emphasis了?!到底significant events and trends是谁make的?为什么要关注individuals又为什么要关注那些identities都被forgotten的人?对这几个问题的回答都要尽可能的清晰准确干脆,不能有模糊不清的语句在里面。然后再发展自己的观点和立场,从而完成整篇文章。
1.不同意too much说法。历史是由大众创造的,但是大众也是由个人组成的,而典型个人又是其中的代表,所以重点放在研究个人上是正确的;
3.大众是由个人组成的。每个人完成自己的一部分,所有人合起来完成整个significant event or trend;
5.in sum, 重点放在individuals上是正确的。
总评分: 寄托币 + 1