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[i习作temp] argument36 Savior小组第一次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-27 23:33:45 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
36"The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries."
Partially agree.
1.     It is true that many great scientists and artists with ingenious minds are almost totally ignored,or even objected,by their contemporary worlds in history.
2.     On the other hand,some significant theories that are generally accepted by contemporary worlds are finally disproved or even erased from the memory of history by the afterward societies.
3.     Truly great ideas or works will be correctly evaluated  by the contemporary world or those who live after them.Therefore,it is the researching or creating processes that scientists and artists should pay attention to,not the final results.Without getting rid of the illusionary pursue of fame and fortune they will not be able to devote their whole body to the noble career.That is why there are,if ever,so many professors with reputation working all day long without significant discoveries.
Is it true that the greatness of individuals can only be judged by someone living later than us,with a retrospective angle?Although quite a number of great figures,just like Bill Gates,have taken the heart of the contemporary world,it is sagacious to say that greatness is only recognizable in the later world.

It is true that many great scientists and artists with ingenious minds are almost totally ignored,or even objected,by their contemporary worlds in history.Firstly,the theories proved to be right or works cherished as many years later are often so revolutionary that they may seem to be so strange and even ridiculous in their birth era that can not be accepted by the people with common sense.The great artist Van Gough,for example,lived in poverty in that he was not viewed as a great artist and had to sell his works for living.Long after his death people began to understand the feelings in his works.Secondly,individuals with great ideas usually have different life styles and view points from other people resulting in that they are looked upon as scientific freaks.Take Galileo for instance.When he was conducting the test on top of Pisa Leaning Tower,many people thought he must have been deranged and thought he was a freak.Thus,it is easy to see the difficulty for scientists and artists with revolutionary ideas to make themselves accepted by the contemporary world.

On the other hand,some significant theories that are generally accepted by contemporary world are finally disproved or even erased from the memory of history by the afterward societies.Aristotle,one of the greatest phylosophers in humanity history,was largely seen as the symble of exactitude and authority for a long time in the history.He proved many theories from phylosophy to logic,from physics to zoology.Many of the theories have been proved to be paradoxical by the modern world.Maybe the theories are correct under certain circumstances.However,there are no universal axioms that will forever be correct from any aspect.Therefore,any established scientific theory and any well accepted works of art may be not as successful with time eclipsing.

Last but not the least,truly great ideas or works will be correctly evaluated by the contemporary world or by the people who live afterward.Concidering this,it is the researching or creating processes that scientists and artists should pay attention to,not the final results. Without getting rid of the illusionary pursue of fame and fortune they will not be able to devote their whole body to the noble career.That is why there are,if ever,so many professors with reputation working all day long without significant discoveries.At the same time,it is often hard for the people with great ideas to live without the fundamental support when their works are not admired by the world.Thus,it is for the government good to support these people.

In conclusion,the greatness of an individual is usually given relatively objective comment not by contemporary world but by the people living afterward.Without considering the whole life of an individual,it is unfair and often with prejudgement to evaluate the work of him/her.

[ 本帖最后由 wangx2 于 2008-2-27 23:55 编辑 ]
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