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[i习作temp] Issue212 【challenge yourself小组】第三次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2008-7-28 15:52:34 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE212 - "If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."
WORDS: 529          TIME: 01:01:38          DATE: 2008-7-28 11:44:02

Is any means taken to attain a worthy goal justifiable? The speaker's claims begs the quenstion that the terms 'worthy' and 'justifiable' are too vague to make a clear conclusion. Otherwise, I strongly agree with the speaker's claim. Once the benefit of goal exceed the costs, the means taken will be justified.

The first problem stands in that, how can we define the term 'worthy'? Commonly speaking, it describe a certain action or event, which will lead to net profit--benefit againt costs--from the perspective of an individual, community or even a country. For businessmen, investment of money is needed for achieving business goal; for politicians, time and efforts are needed.Consider a extreme example of a avenger, who vows to get rid of the enemy,  takes the risk of being killed or arrested. Futhermore, before an action is taken, we can only predict whether it is worthy, for there may exists many unpredictable factors which will increase costs or decrease profit. All students in highschool work for entering a dreaming college, yet only few of them can realize their dreams. In these cases, how can we evaluate whether the work is worthy? Thus, the unclear term 'worthy' make the claim hard to assess.

Similarly, whether the means is justifiable varies with the people who judges. Commen sense tells us, while earning own profit through competition, others will inevitably suffer loss. Like Microsoft which dominate the market by its system software Windows, the manufacturer of other system software will suffer from deficit resulted from the lack of market, and then gradually decline. Thus the thrive of Microsoft will cause employees of many other IT companies to lose their jobs. Is it justifiable? Surely these victims would not think so. Another example involves the murder who assasinated Martin Luther King, who lost his life for the goal of killing Martin Luther King. For the racialist his sacrifice is clearly well worthy for he get rid of their biggist enemy. In contrast, King's death is a disaster for people who believe in equal right. In short, while a action taken may be seems justifiable for one individual or group, it is highly possible that it does not for others.

Despite these two vague terms, I strongly agree with the speaker insofar as the goal is confirmed to be worthy, then it would be justifiable for the individual or group who carry out it. It is human's instinct to improve oneself and to exceed others. Every bussinessman has the ambition of being the richest people, possessing the biggist company. To achieve this ambition, all of them will try any means possible. Once any means will lead to any progress, the means would surely be justifiable for the bussinessman. Similarly, all countries seek to thrive, seek to beat other countries. As the old saying goes: the one who wins is the right one. The winner of this international competition have the right to judge, and that any means taken is justifiable.

To sum up, the vague term 'worthy' and 'justifiable' is of crucial imprtance in judging the speaker's claim. In spite of this, I strongly agree with the speaker that any means worthy is justifiable.

[ 本帖最后由 qillura 于 2008-7-28 18:44 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2008-7-28 15:56:45 |只看该作者


212 212 212。。。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2008-7-28 16:47:39 |只看该作者
Is any means taken to attain a worthy goal justifiable? The speaker's claims begs the quenstion that the terms 'worthy' and 'justifiable' are too vague to make a clear conclusion. Otherwise, I strongly agree with the speaker's claim. Once the benefit of goal exceed the costs, the means taken will be justified.

The first problem stands in that, how can we define the term 'worthy'? Commonly speaking, it describes a certain action or event, which will lead to net profit--benefit againt costs--from the perspective of an individual, community or even a country. (这里我觉得不太合适。后面的例子是从business,politics,和。。avenge的角度来写的,这里用individual到country这个标准来概括,不太妥当吧。)For businessmen, investment of money is needed for achieving business goal; for politicians, time and efforts are needed.Consider a extreme example of an avenger, who vows to get rid of the enemy,  takes the risk of being killed or arrested. Futhermore, before an action is taken, we can only predict whether it is worthy, for there may exists many unpredictable factors which will increase costs or decrease profit. All students in highschool work for entering a dreaming college, yet only few of them can realize their dreams. In these cases, how can we evaluate whether the work is worthy? (这一句跳跃太大了吧。。。。@@。完全没明白怎么下的这个结论。。。这一句与后一句的联系也是,逻辑关系不明确。。)Thus, the unclear term 'worthy' make the claim hard to assess.

看了第一段,感觉语言比较chinglish,有些句子改进一下会更好。比如Futhermore, before an action is taken, we can only predict whether it is worthy, for there may exists many unpredictable factors which will increase costs or decrease profit.这一句,如果改成,Furthermore, we can only guess whether an action is worthy before it is actually taken-considering the various unpredictable factors that will increase costs or decrease profit. 前面有一个predict,后面又说unpredictable factors。。。自相矛盾吧~呵呵

Similarly, whether the means is justifiable varies with the people who judges. (TS很明确~表扬表扬~)Commen sense tells us, while earning own profit through competition, others will inevitably (哇哇哇 太绝对了啦 严密严密~~)suffer loss. Like Microsoft which dominate the market by its system software Windows, the manufacturer of other system software will suffer from deficit resulted from the lack of market, and then gradually decline(这个词很莫名。。。什么decline?). Thus the thrive of Microsoft will cause employees of many other IT companies to lose their jobs. Is it justifiable? Surely these victims would not think so. Another example involves the murder who assasinated Martin Luther King, who lost his life for the goal of killing Martin Luther King. For the racialist his sacrifice is clearly well worthy for he get rid of their biggist enemy. In contrast, King's death is a disaster for people who believe in equal right. In short, while a action taken may be(去掉啦) seems justifiable for one individual or group, it is highly possible that it does not for others.

Despite these two vague terms, I strongly agree with the speaker insofar as the goal is confirmed to be worthy, then it would be justifiable for the individual or group who carry out it(代词只能放在中间~~carry it out). It is human's(human就可以了) instinct to improve oneself and to exceed others. Every bussinessman has the ambition of being the richest people, possessing the biggist company. To achieve this ambition, all of them will try any means possible. Once any means will lead to any progress, the means would surely be justifiable for the bussinessman.(Chinglish...)Similarly, all countries seek to thrive, seek to beat other countries(合成一句,seek to thrive and beat other countries就可以了). As the old saying goes: the one who wins is the right one. The winner of this international competition have the right to judge, and that any means taken is justifiable.

To sum up, the vague term 'worthy' and 'justifiable' is of crucial imprtance in judging the speaker's claim. In spite of this, I strongly agree with the speaker that any means worthy is justifiable.

呃 总的来说 还不错 要注意一下语言 
另外 第一个论点的逻辑。。我是没怎么看懂的 感觉文中好些地方可以再深入的点一下 跳跃比较大。。。我智商不够。。。:(

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-7-29 17:10:32 |只看该作者
Is any means taken to attain a worthy goal justifiable? The speaker's claims begs the question用得好,但是拼写啊~~~ that the terms 'worthy' and 'justifiable' are too vague to make a clear conclusion. Otherwise, I strongly agree with the speaker's claim. Once the benefit of goal exceed the costs, the means taken will be justified这里是用作动词么?这个词和justifiable的内涵MS不是那么的合拍….

The first problem stands in that, how can we define the term 'worthy'? Commonly speaking, it describe a certain action or event, which will lead to net profit--benefit againt拼写!还是先用WORD看看错误再PO上来吧~~ costs--from the perspective of an individual, community or even a country. For businessmen, investment of money is needed for achieving business goal; for politicians, time and efforts are needed.Consider aan extreme example of aan avenger, who vows to get rid of the enemy,  takes the risk of being killed or arrested. Futhermore!, before an action is taken, we can only predict whether it is worthy, for there may exists many unpredictable factors which will increase costs or decrease profit个人觉得这里还是跟随costs用复数吧~~. All students in highschoolhigh school work for entering a dreamingdream college, yet only few of them can realize their dreams. In these cases, how can we evaluate whether the work is worthy? Thus, the unclear term 'worthy' make the claim hard to assess.我觉得这个值不值得的点抓得很准,但是还是在例子后多一两句解释会更好。我其实也总忘解释,光顾着例子了。

Similarly, whether the means is justifiable varies with the people who judges. 我觉得这句话其实也是在说上一段 Commen! sense tells us, while earning own profit through competition, others will inevitably suffer loss. Like Microsoft which dominates the market by its system software Windows, the manufacturer of other system software will suffer from deficit resulted from the lack of market, and then gradually decline. Thus the thrive这是动词 of Microsoft will cause employees of many other IT companies to lose their jobs. Is it justifiable? Surely these victims would not think so. Another example involves the murder who assasinated Martin Luther King, who lost his life for the goal of killing Martin Luther King. For the racialist his sacrifice is clearly well worthy for he get rid of their biggist! enemy. In contrast, King's death is a disaster for people who believe in equal right. In short, while an action taken may be seems justifiable for one individual or group, it is highly possible that it does not for others.

Despite these two vague terms, I strongly agree with the speaker insofar as the goal is confirmed to be worthy, then it would be justifiable for the individual or group who carry out it. It is human's instinct to improve oneself and to exceed others. Every bussinessman has the ambition of being the richest people, possessing the biggist! company. To achieve this ambition, all of them will try any means possible. Once any means will lead to any progress, the means would surely be justifiable for the bussinessman. Similarly, all countries seek to thrive, seek to beat other countries. As the old saying goes: the one who wins is the right one. The winner of this international competition have the right to judge, and that any means taken is justifiable.

To sum up, the vague term 'worthy' and 'justifiable' is of crucial imprtance! in judging the speaker's claim. In spite of this, I strongly agree with the speaker that any means worthy is justifiable.

我个人觉得,既然你同意除了那两点之后的这个观点,是不是最好还是把重心放在“'worthy' and 'justifiable'”之外的大部分呢??仅是个人想法。

[ 本帖最后由 抹茶抹茶 于 2008-7-29 17:11 编辑 ]

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