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FF小组第二次作业issue130 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-11-6 17:30:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
"How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society." 130 孩子们的成长决定着社会的命运。不幸的是,我们还不知道怎样抚养孩子才能使他们对将来的社会有用。

The speaker asserts that the destiny of society relies on children’s socialization, but we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society. I find the assertion to be dubious on two aspects. On one hand, the speaker’s over-statement that the destiny of society entirely determined by how children are socialized is specious, on the other hand, he doesn’t make a clear concept how to judge whether a person is useful for the society, so his worry that we have not learned how to raise effective children is unwarranted.

I do concede that how children are socialized has a great relationship with the destiny of society. We are not living in the world all by ourselves, various relationships contract each individual with another. Naturally, interaction among us is inevitable. For children, the school is just like a tiny society, they must contact with faculties, peers. Sometimes they need to live in the dormitory, taking care of themselves. From having breakfast, discussing math problems to playing on the ground together, they have to communicate with others. In this progress, they gradually learn what is tolerance, how to deny another person of his irrational desire, how to make a suggestion and convince others of own advice. When he grows up, no matter in the progress of cooperation with colleagues or leading underlings as a leader, he will have a good relationship with others. While on the other hand, many researches have shown that a majority of criminals are people who can’t tolerate others and captious of others-who are not well socialized.

Moreover, we can’t deny the mere fact that a society’s development can not deviate from children’s moral standard, knowledge and ability, sense of responsibility. High moral standard helps to win others’ credit and support, knowledge helps to survive and promote technology advancement, ability helps to withstand frustration and confront tomorrow bravely, sense of responsibility helps to supervise and urge oneself ever and again. Without the above character, only though socialization one can’t help to construct a better society.

On the other hand, from the claim that we have not yet learned how to raise effective children to society, I think the speaker doesn’t have a clear view of a person who can help bring a better society. Heroes who can save the whole nation are absolutely necessary anytime and anywhere, elites in the lab or office building are also needed, teachers or doctors are always well-thought-of. But we can overlooks other groups of people who also help to construct our society but less people give attention to them. Such as cleaners, builders, mail carriers. Their works are tiny compared with the former groups but the importance of their roles in the society are no lighter. From this aspect, I think the author has mistakenly regard education as cultivating a useful elite for society. But genuine education is leading children into an appropriate and right way in which he can develop his interests, eventually grow into a person with ability who can contribute to society. No matter how tiny his contribution is.

To sum up, the destiny of society lies in children today, not only how they are socialized, but also some other qualities, including moral standard, knowledge, responsibility. Besides, we need not worry how to bring up children to be effective for the society. What we should do now is offer them more opportunities to develop their interests, but what should come fist is that their interests should not do harm to society.   


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Rank: 1

发表于 2008-11-7 16:40:55 |只看该作者

The speaker asserts that the destiny of society relies on children’s socialization, but we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society. I find the assertion to be dubious on two aspects. On one hand, the speaker’s over-statement that the destiny of society entirely determined by how children are socialized is specious, on the other hand, he doesn’t make a clear concept on how to judge whether a person is useful for the society, so his worry that we have not learned how to raise effective children is unwarranted.I do concede that how children are socialized has a great relationship with the destiny of society. We are not living in the (a) world all by ourselves改为individually, various relationships contractconnect each individual with another. Naturally, interaction among us is inevitable. For children, the school is just like a tiny society, where they must contact with faculties, peers. Sometimes they need to live in the dormitory, taking care of themselves (each other). From having breakfast, discussing math problems to playing on the ground together, they have to communicate (been communicating) with others all the time. In this progress, they gradually learn what is tolerance, how to deny another person of his irrational desire, how to make a suggestion and convince others of own advice. When he grows up, no matter in the progress of cooperation with colleagues or leading underlings as a leader, he will have a good relationship with others. While on the other hand (on the contrary), many researches have shown that a majority of criminals are people who can’t tolerate others and captious of others-who are not well socialized.Moreover, (上一段是concede,这一段是不同意。用moreover好像不太好)we can’t deny the mere fact that a society’s development (the children’s socialization) can not deviate from children’s moral standard, knowledge and ability, sense of responsibility. High moral standard helps to win others’ credit and support, knowledge helps to survive and promote technology advancement, ability helps to withstand frustration and confront tomorrow bravely, sense of responsibility helps to supervise and urge oneself ever and again. Without the above characters, only though socialization one can’t help to construct a better society. 这段阐述清楚明了On the other hand, from the claim that we have not yet learned how to raise effective children to society, I think the speaker doesn’t have a clear view of a person who can help bring a better society. Heroes who can save the whole nation are absolutely necessary anytime and anywhere, elites in the lab or office building are also needed, teachers or doctors are always well-thought-of. But we can not overlooks other groups of people who also help to construct our society but less people give attention to them. Such as cleaners, builders, mail carriers. Their works are tiny compared with the former groups but the importance of their roles in the society are (is) no lighter. From this aspect, I think the author has mistakenly regard education as cultivating useful elite for society. But genuine education is leading children into an appropriate and right way in which he can develop his interests, eventually grow into a person with ability who can contribute to society. No matter how tiny his contribution is. (这段的阐述应该笔者是想说我们目前还不清楚应该怎样学生吗?是不是同意题目中的观点?不是很清楚)To sum up, the destiny of society lies in children today, not only how they are socialized, but also some other qualities, including moral standard, knowledge, responsibility. Besides, we need not worry how to bring up children to be effective for the society. What we should do now is offer them more opportunities to develop their interests, but what should come fist is that their interests should not do harm to society.   总体上语言流畅,只是个别句子间感觉衔接不是很好。观点之间的推进和转折也应该注意。

[ 本帖最后由 zhuangwei117 于 2008-11-7 16:44 编辑 ]

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