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[活动] 【Dark_Tournament TOEFL-ibt作文小组 ilovesherry第五次作业】 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-2-18 18:20:08 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
agree or disagree? technology makes people's lives simpler in turn to make people's lives more complicated.

When the topic of weather technology makes people's lives simpler in turn to make people's lives more complicated or not comes to people, there is no consensus among. No one can denied that the significance of technology to our lives. While some people assume that it is the development of science and technology that leads to an easier acquirement of knowledge, some others argue that technology really complicate our daily studying, working and lives. Still a group of people who stand by neither side above, which I approve, think that both assertions given out are one-sided.

As a saying goes, every sword has two sides. Neither sides of the sword are useless. Linked with the topic above, technology create a world with simpler lives, meanwhile, it also create a more complicated world we never had before.

Actually ,advance of digital, cyber and internet technology make our lives easier, for example, with the assessment of internet technology development, we can obtain all sorts of knowledge at home without going out for a research by ourselves, include international news reports, books we like and other information of each subjects we need. Internet has a positive impact on acquiring knowledge conveniently and this leads to a result that our world is becoming a village without any impossible on communicating. Like my friend Wang who is studying in German, of course we cannot communicate with each other if we were in ancient world but we can have a enjoyable conversation even face to face nowadays through the Internet and what's more, this kind of talking has no need to ride a horse and spend on thousands of month to find the person whom you want to talk to, just like our ancestors had done. Technology can save time, money, space, energy for us as the rule we create it.

However, students today often complain that their burdens are too heavy to carry. It seems like there are millions kinds of knowledge they have to obtain. Working people have to study new skills if they want to do better in their career. The world has become a complicated one which gives mankind a great challenge to be alive because of technology development. Yet it does not just bring us those challenges, thanks for technology entering to our lives, we acquire numbers of entertainments and recreations to do at leisure times. Everyone can choose out his/her favorite action to do in his/her spare time. For instance, my boyfriends always play computer games or watch basketball games of their favorite teams on television while we girls shopping online or watch movies.

To sum up, technologies truly change our lives, it turns our lives easier and more convenient, not simpler, and it also turns our lives more abundant, not complicated.



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Rank: 2



发表于 2009-2-19 21:47:05 |只看该作者
When the topic of weather technology makes people's lives simpler in turn to make people's lives more complicated or not comes to people, there is no consensus among(基本语法错误,造成没读懂). No one can denied that the significance of technology to our lives. While some people assume that it is the development of science and technology that leads to an easier acquirement of knowledge, some others argue that technology really complicate(s) our daily studying, working and lives. Still a group of people who stand by neither side above, which I approve, think that both assertions given out are one-sided.4 ]. G% r1 _6 E) p& Q$ Y

As a saying goes, every sword has two sides. Neither sides of the sword are useless. Linked with the topic above, technology create a world with simpler lives, meanwhile, it also create a more complicated world we never had before.3 F&
/ S! _+ k. Y% Q, U. r4 j(上面这段似乎没有存在必要)

Actually ,advance of(in) digital, cyber and internet technology make(s) our lives easier, for example, with the assessment of internet technology development, we can obtain all sorts of knowledge at home without going out for a research by ourselves, include international news reports, books we like and other information of each subjects we need.(这句基本语法有错误的) Internet has a positive impact on acquiring knowledge conveniently and this leads to a result that our world is becoming a village without any impossible on communicating.(impact是ON 人的。。。所以这句还是有语法错误) Like(for example) my friend Wang who is studying in German, of course we cannot communicate with each other if we were in ancient world but we can have a enjoyable conversation even face to face nowadays through the Internet and what's more, this kind of talking has no need to ride a horse and spend on thousands of month to find the person whom you want to talk to, just like our ancestors had done. Technology can save time, money, space, energy for us as the rule we create it.

However, students today often complain that their burdens are too heavy to carry. It seems like there are millions kinds of knowledge they have to obtain. Working people have to study new skills if they want to do better in their career. The world has become a complicated one which gives mankind a great challenge to be alive because of technology development. Yet it does not just bring us those challenges, thanks for technology entering to our lives, we acquire numbers of entertainments and recreations to do at leisure times. Everyone can choose out his/her favorite action to do in his/her spare time. For instance, my boyfriends always play computer games or watch basketball games of their favorite teams on television while we girls shopping online or watch movies. / Q' F5 `2 \6 l1 j9 h4 K  p: N% B* o% X

To sum up, technologies truly change our lives, it(they) turns our lives easier and more convenient, not simpler, and it also turns our lives more abundant, not complicated.:

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-2-19 23:22:46 |只看该作者
When the topic of weatherwhether technology makes people's lives simpler in turn to make people's lives more complicated or not comes to people, there is no consensus among(people). No one can denied that the significance of technology to our lives. While some people assume that it is the development of science and technology that leads to an easier acquirement of knowledge, some others argue that technology really complicate our daily studying, working and lives. Still a group of people who stand by neither side above, which I approve, think that both assertions given out are one-sided.
As a saying goes, every sword has two sides. Neither sides of the sword are useless. Linked with the topic above, technology create a world with simpler lives, meanwhile, it also create a more complicated world we never had before."

Actually ,advance of digital, cyber and internet technology make our lives easier, for example, with the assessment of internet technology development, we can obtain all sorts of knowledge at home without going out for a research by ourselves, include(including) international news reports, books we like and other information of each subjects we need. Internet has a positive impact on (people) acquiring knowledge conveniently and this leads to a result that our world is becoming a village without any impossible on communicating. Like my friend Wang who is studying in German, of course we cannot communicate with each other if we were in ancient world(ancient times .ancient world 查了一下觉得不是太对) but we can have aan enjoyable conversation even face to face nowadays through the Internet and what's more, this kind of talking has no need to ride a horse and spend on thousands of month to find(spend thousands of months on finding) the person whom you want to talk to, just like our ancestors had done. Technology can save time, money, space, energy for us as the rule we create it.

However, students today often complain that their burdens are too heavy to carry. It seems like there are millions kinds of knowledge they have to obtain. Working people have to study new skills if they want to do better in their career. The world has become a complicated one which gives mankind a great challenge to be alive because of technology development. Yet it does not just bring us those challenges, thanks for technology entering to our lives, we acquire numbers of entertainments and recreations to do at leisure times. Everyone can choose out his/her favorite action to do in his/her spare time. For instance, my boyfriends(
呵呵,笔误吧) always play playscomputer games or watch(watches) basketball games of their favorite teams on television while we girls (go)shopping online or watch movies. "

To sum up, technologies truly change our lives, it turns our lives easier and more convenient, not simpler, and it also turns our lives more abundant, not complicated.

3.第二段感觉要用的话,放在说明更简捷及更复杂的中间作为过渡几句,效果会更好:说明tech有两面,既更简捷又更复杂。所以。。更复杂(分论点提出)+具体事例。个人意见,sherry 听听即可。
一起加油哈~~:loveliness: 有啥问题咱再讨论。。。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-2-22 17:19:03 |只看该作者

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