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[i习作temp] ISSUE083【0906G Fight 3月中~4月初队】第2周第x作业 by nebula [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-2-27 20:19:27 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE83 - "Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people."
WORDS: 327
TIME: 00:60:00
DATE: 2009-2-20 23:33:55

Wilderness is generally defined as a natural environment on earth that has not been significantly modified by human activity. Wilderness areas are considered important for the survival of certain species, ecological studies, conservation and creation, thus is valued for cultural, spiritual, moral and aesthetic reasons. It plays critical role in the development of human culture. And good preservation of wilderness also helps prevent natural disasters to a great degree. As a result, the government is supposed to take suitable measures to preserve the natural resources since wilderness are vital for the human activities and creativity.
The city's civilization mostly derives from the marsh, which is one type of wilderness. Survival becomes easier in wilderness areas while compared with living on the high mountains. Water bring us fitful climate and grow abundant food. Many big cities had been built in the delta where the rivers empowered. Beijing is a good example in case. Since wilderness areas are our original place, their existence result in our prosperity, thus it is significantly important for us to protect our origin and maintain our indivisible environment.
Human comes from wilderness, human's spiritual dependence on nature can not be separated. As to (城市人),wilderness have a unique and amazing effect on our pain which have been suffered from our great pressure and fast living style. Only nature can cure us completely. While faced with nature and witness the beautiful natural scenery, humidity and admire have been raised in our soul. Through own a gratitude heart to the nature, we maintain our health spirit and keep far away from the dirty place in our heart.
Protecting wilderness areas is mostly aimed at guard our next generation and countless people in the future. People are concerned with their surroundings that have been filled with waste water and garbage. However, they pay little attention to what have happened far away from them that have caused drought, blood and other nature disasters.Thus it is difficult for them to realize the importance of protecting our wilderness areas.It is the destruction of certain wilderness that have caused the unbalance of the nature and thus lead to unbelievable natural calamities. Conservation of the wilderness is not only significant for the wild animals and plants, but also essential for human.
Since wilderness have been destroyed seriously so far, the government is due to support
maintenance and stop illegal behaviors. As many people have no idea about the geographic conditions of the wilderness, what they attempt to do maybe do a great harm to the natural resources by contrast, even though they are supposed to retain it.As a result, the government ought to take measures to analysis the basic situations of the wilderness and informed them with the intend individuals, and also helps them in preservation fanacial, thus lead them to the correct directions.

At the same time, it is necessary for the government to put related laws and measures into power to well control the illegal behaviors. Once the laws have been broken, publishment will certainly teach a good lesson not only to the crimes but also to the whole public. It is an effective solutions in managing the natural wilderness while people ignore the importance of preventing it.
From what we have disscussed above,we can safely conclude that the preservation of the wilderness plays a critical role in our social development
since it is an indivisible part of our culture and also affect our natual environment a lot.The government is due to put forward a seris of measures to protecting our original resouce.

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ISSUE083【0906G Fight 3月中~4月初队】第2周第x作业 by nebula
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