我收到了香港科大的master of social science的conditional Offer,现在又收到了香港中文大学corporate communication department发来的这样一封email,内容如下:
Dear Applicants,
We are delighted to inform you that you have been recommended to the Graduate School for admission to MSSc in Corporate Communication Programme at the School of Journalism and Communication of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2009-2010. Please take immediate actions as follows:
(1) Please reply to this email before 29 April 2009 (Wednesday) whether you accept this recommendation and prepare to attend classes starting from September 2009. A simple “Yes” or “No” answer will do. Please be serious in making the reply which will be irrevocable.
a. The Graduate School will screen your application in the coming weeks to decide whether (1) you fulfill the admission requirements and (2) application materials are complete to enable you to be admitted. If you are successful, you will receive the admission letter from the Graduate School in early May.
b. The University does NOT offer accommodation to non-local taught postgraduate students. Non-local students are responsible for making their own housing arrangements in Hong Kong . However, the University and our School will assist them in finding appropriate housing.
Thank you for your attention.
School of Journalism and Communication
The Chinese University of Hong Kong