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[未归类] 【TRANSFORMER】_ISSUE212_0816 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-8-16 08:09:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
212"If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-8-16 18:17:54 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 yesrush 于 2009-8-19 11:39 编辑

Through achieving goals, we can get the things our heart desire as well as enhance our ability, finally we feel gratified as a result. The speaker argues that it is justifiable to attain a target when it is worthwhile. I partially agree with the statement, since persisting spirit brings beneficial in making progress of our world. However, I disagree with the statement for two aspects: First, others’ interest should not be violated during this process. Secondly, we need to make well balance among a myriad of invaluable objective.

To begin with, hardly our social can develop without persisting spirit. In the recorded history, in the way of development stand an army of obstacles, which must be addressed in order that human begins can achieve our goals and then great advance. We can enjoy Beethoven’s great achievement in that his engaging in a struggle to fight against deafness. Edison tried nearly one thousand to invent bulb, which turn out to be the derivation of modern illumination era. Napoleon could have given up fighting in battle without insistence gained from a spider making web no matter what difficulty it is. In the retrospect of history , we can not forget tenacity and persist of precursors when they face difficulties.

Notwithstanding the forgoing reason why holding firmly to a purpose plays a vital role in society progress, the mean regardless the influence on others to achieve the goal poses pressing social problems. In the political sphere, denigrating or wiretapping opponents in running for a position is inglorious. Nixon, for example, who was found to attempt to set up detectaphone in his opponent’s office, resigned president because of the pressure from public. In the school, the wishing to get a high score in academic, which never considers the consequence, leads to cheat with wireless stealth earphone in the examination and plagiarizing data in thesis. With respect with research area, the act of plagiarize, falsifying data is condemned to be an unjust mean to do research. For instance, Huang woo-suk cheating on paper about human embryo provoked major storms in scientific sphere. Not to mention that abuse of human subjects in the biomedical experiment in WWII. Looking at the commercial field, Pepsi Cola’s advertisement, that a boy uses bottles of Coca Cola as a stepping stone to get Pepsi Cola, is judged as an unhealthy and vicious competition. These unjust ways as those described above, by which a player makes use of in the purpose of realizing the target, not only harm profits and benefits of others, but also receive extensive criticize. As a result, one seems to achieve one’s goal quickly regardless others but not.

Besides ignoring the interest of others, the means without looking at other aspects also neglects other worthwhile goals. Admittedly, the most consequential goal is important for a person or a community, however, one can not well round develop if other goal, albeit less important, is neglected. As a political leader, one should decide which area of problem commands resource to solve. It might be tempting to think that we should draw most of intellectual talents and funding to education because child is the future of one country. However, such concern is unwarranted, especially considering other social problems such as environment pollution, crime, unemployment, insurrection and so forth. The best ways are to analysis the comprehensive situation, set up priority and make a well balance between all these aspects of social problems. Even if other goals are slightly less important, or even equally essential, we should not overlook them.

To sum up, our flourishing society reap fruits on persistence spirit, however, owing to the potential harm to interest of others and other precious goals, using any means to achieve a goal can only make our society going a wrong way towards opposites welfare of most people.
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-8-16 22:50:10 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE212 - "If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."
WORDS: 433          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2009-8-16 18:39:43

Some people think it is fine to achieve a goal in any way if it has real value. In fact, The way we encourage is not to take any shortcut to the goal, evil one should be forbidden, especially, but  more innovative methods to achieve such a great goal.

To begin with, it is not admitted if a person carries out a plan in an improper mean, no matter how worth it is. Such plans will bring cost because an improper way leads to am unreal result. Take cheating as an example, many students cheat in the exams these days, what they have got is a well-looked benchmark but no improvement in their abilities. Graduating from school, these students may get a good job as they have a good mark for some time, but it would not last long since society, which usually assesses people by their abilities, is very different from schools. There is no standard answer here, all you want depends on your ability to realize. Without exceptional eptitude, these students can not adapt the intense competition in society.

Similarly, the inappropriate mean used in social competition will cause chaos, too. In these days, many people have used their social networks to achieve their goals, such as finding a job. Yet they do not have essential abilities actually.  Their inappropriate behavior breaks the rule of a fair competition. Imagine what a pity it is when someone qualified for a good job hear s/he can not be accepted, and how angry he will be when he found that a junk was taken his place only because that guy has a stronger background than him/her? On the other hand, the result of this behavior is also not good for cooperation, government or other positions. The unqualified ones are not capable for their works, so some of their responsibilities must be taken by other people. This will lead to an efficiency deduction to the whole community, especially worse for a company in competitive environment.

However, breaking some old rules to achieve a goal is incentive. Breaking rules doesn't mean we need to do some evil things, but to encourage us to try something we have never tried. The socialism of Deng Xiaoping is such a good example. In his time no farmer sees establishing a factory as a good conduct before, but with his incentive, many Chinese farmers took some investment to establish factories all over China. These rural factories, have produced many kinds of small products, such as watches, pencils, and so forth to meet people's needs, which have changed the supply shortage of China in 1980s effectively. Breaking the rules properly can make people's life better and better.

In sum...

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