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- 2009-7-4
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- 声望
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- 寄托币
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- 注册时间
- 2007-5-3
- 精华
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- 帖子
- 3
VO: So I've noticed that one of your famliy member has filed an I.V? ( immigration visa)
Me: Yes, actually my father has filed an immigration petition 9 years ago, but that's my father.
VO: Well, as you know because your father has filed an immigration petition, you're not eligible...
Me: Could you please give me one minute to explain that?
VO: You can explain but my decision has made.
Me: You mean when I come here next time I'll still be refused?
VO: ( 递214b 单子,不住点头,也不知道听到没有)
我的情况是这样, 转学到Purdue 去读本科,自费,在国内大学已经读完两年,专业由现在的工商管理换成经济学,再加上我爸爸的移民排期很近了,现在想想真是太难太难。
2000: 悲剧后痛定思痛,发现问题确实挺严重。 回家跟父母商量,再听取了多方意见后,决定把移民的案子撤销了再去。 经过三个月憋屈的等待,拿着移民局寄来的收到撤销申请的信,我又踏上了去北京的行程。
Me: Good morning, madam. How are you?
VO:(看电脑)Good morning.
这时候她突然睁大眼睛,立马把旁边的亚裔GG拽过来看,他的表情也很诡异的说,然后给他指了指后面那堵墙上的一张纸,还具体指了一条,说了说。 这时候VO 嘴里嘀咕着" National visa center" ,我突然意识到肯定是我爸爸的案子在他们电脑上的状态已经变了。然后VO 又跑到旁边我看不到的地方不知道找谁说什么了,,,
(2 min 后)
VO: ( 一脸无奈,一幅拒人状)So your parents has filed an immigration......
Me: (我就知道,我的小宇宙爆发了)Well, as you can see madam, this is the second time I come here. Last time the officer told me that I wasn't eligible just because my father has filed an immigration petition 9 years ago. Since they don't want to immigrate to U.S now, they have officially request to withdraw this case. ( 我用超快的语速,纯正的发音,铿锵有力的把这些话说了出来,弄得整个大厅的人都转过头来看我。 当时想得豁出去了,签不到就不去了,下面说的话都显得咄咄逼人,不是很礼貌。)
VO: (睁大眼睛)Ok, wait wait. Why are they withdrawing the case?
Me: Because we have a family business here in China, and it is really prospering.
VO: Ok (走开了)
(2 min 后)
VO: Where did you learn your English?
Me: (我笑了)I learned my English with a professor in Sichuan University.
VO: When did you withdraw the case?
Me: A month? Maybe. Madam, are you asking you why they withdraw the case at this time, this place?
VO 点头
Me: Actually we were not aware that there is a confilct between my father's immigration visa and my student visa.
VO: But you did know, right?
Me: Yes, I know after( 我特意加重读音) I applied my visa.
VO: OK, show me your transcripts.
大约5 min 后
VO: ( 开始看我的I-20) So, you're going to Purdue University,for what? Wow, a bachelor( 重读)?
Me: Yes, I'm going to Purdue to continue pursing a bachelor's degree major in Economics.
VO: But you said you have got a bachelor in Sichuan University?
Me:No, no, no actually I'm now a studnt in XXX University. I learned my English in Sichuan University during my high school time.
VO: But your high school is in Chengdu? Are you grown up there?
Me: Yes, my high school is there and I do grow up there, but my school is in Henan province.
VO: How many years have you done in your school?
Me: I've done two years study.
VO: and you're gonna study 3 years at Purdue?
这时候万分惊险的地方来了,经过几次拉锯,VO 也许觉得我的案子过于复杂,拿起了拒签章,打开了盖儿........
Me: (提高音量,语速!) When I applying to Purdue University, I can only provide them the first-year transcript, so the conselor told me to bring all these transcripts so that a final credit evaluation can be done. I have brought the brochure of the school shows that....
VO 想了想,又把章放回去了。
VO: What does your parents do?
Me: My father has an informantion technology company, and my mother runs a company which doing business with XXX , mainly focusing on providing technical services to the XXX in XXX.
VO: Who will pay your education.
Me: As I didn't get any scholarships, my parents will pay for my education, we have a family saving,,,
VO: Show me your financial documents.
Me: I have made an asset list, and all the bank statements and certificates of income are in there. (边说边递)
我的Asset List 是参照论坛上一位前辈制作的,一目了然,在这里感谢他的分享。
VO: (看了第一页得一张20w 1月份存入 的存款证明后就把资料一关,把所有东西推了出来)
So the visa has been cancelled.
Me: (坚定地)YES!
VO 又让旁边一个同事看一下电脑 问她这是不是表明已经撤销了,两人说了一番后,最后沉默n秒,我想肯定是要被拒了,然后她说:Ok,you're all set, approved!!!
我不敢相信我的耳朵,又问了一遍,you mean my visa has been approved?
VO:Yeah, have a nice day.
Me:Thank you SO much, have a good day too, thank you for your consideration.
出了使馆,看到亲爱的妈妈, 大吼一声, 我通过了, 我通过了!!! 那种感觉,就一个字, 爽!
现在回想起来这个金发年轻mm 确实很nice, 她给了我很多机会去说,去解释,而且刚开始我的语调因为急躁还不太友好,sorry 一个。 同时我还要感谢我的妈妈, 她一直给予我无私的帮助,陪着我一路走过来,谢谢妈妈,我爱你!
还有感谢所有帮助过我的人,我的舅舅,姑爹,我的爸爸,还有flora 以及所有帮助过我的人,当然还有太傻,寄托上的朋友,谢谢你们!
[ 本帖最后由 mading00 于 2007-10-21 10:02 编辑 ] |