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[求助] 绽放美利坚小组第六次作文 by lance [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-8-30 09:57:06 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 rabienrose 于 2009-8-31 20:57 编辑

Frist, in the reading passage, the writer says that private space travel will decrease the cost of spaceflight. But the prefessor contradicts that the private space travel has no effect on reduce the cost. Because there are two things in the spaceflight which is so expensive. And can not low the cost of these two things any more. They are the safty and lab of spaceship.

Second, the writer says that privatization of space travel can impulse the scientific discoveries. While the professor refutes that it actually will prevent the scientists from doing some research which have high scientific valuable. Because, the private company certainly will ask scientists to do some research which just benefit the company, if these scientists are paid by the company.

Third, the writer says that privatization of space travel can ease the burden on taxpayers. But the professor indicates that it actually will increase the burden on taxpayers. Because actually no real private people can buy the exetremely expensive tickets of space travel. So, the one who enjoy the space travel is support by many other people.

In summary, the professor totally contradicts what the writer says about the advantages of private space travel.


How a person looks or dresses is more important for success than having good ideas

Some think that the looks or dresses is really important for their success, so they spend many time and money on buying clothing and making they look pretty. But others think that the ability of a person is the only necessary thing to the success. In my opinion, both the appearance and the ideas of a person is critical and indispensable to his success.

First, a person looks or dresses is necessary. There are two key things leading you to success. One is what you do, another is how you get along with other people. No one could obtain success without cooperate with others. But, if you often wear some extremely unsuitable clothing, this will make others feel uncomfortable and refuse to cooperate with you. For example, one of my classmates is very intelligent in academic studying. He have done a lot of valuable research during his collage time. But he dose not take serious about his appearance, often wearing some strange clothing, and his hair looks like a nest in all day. When he graduated from school, he even can not find his frist job. Because, his appearance give others a very bad impression, so others do not want to work with him.

Second, the good ideas of a person is necessary too. No matter how well you have the relationship with others. If you can not do any valuable things, it is still no one want to cooperate with you. And it is definitely you can not depend on yourself. Take another of my classmates as the example, he has a pretty looks and have a lot of friends in our collage, but he spent all his collage time playing with his friends and doing nothing valuable. When he finished from school, it is difficult for him to find a job too.

In summary, we must take both our appearance and good ideas serious in order to get success.


Recently, some people do not take serious about having meals regularly together with family. I think this is very harmful for the family. In my opioion, it is really important for families to regularly eat their meals together.

Frist, having meals together in the family is the easiest things that everyone can do. You know regularly spending some times togather with other family members is very important for the whole family. What we can do with other members? You may say that play games or go shopping. But the fact is that probably not all family members enjoy playing games or going shopping. But having meals togather have no this kind of problem for everyone need to eat. So, to make sure our family member can spend some regularly time together, having meal together regularly is the best way. For example, in my family my mother likes doing shopping, but my father likes doing some sports and I enjoying playing PC games. So, having meals become the only way we can spend our time together regularly.

Second, having meals together in the family is the best way for family members to talk with each other. Because we can see and talk with each other on the table easily. Other activities like playing games may make us pay more attention on what we are doing, so we have no time to see and talk with others. For example, I often plays PC games while my mother watchs TV in the same room, but in this time we hardly talk with each other. Only when we are around with the dinner table, we talk a lot. Everyday I tell my parents what happen in these days, and we share with our ideas and feel very happy in the meal time.

In summary, having meal togather is really important to the family. If we can have meal regularly together with family, the whole family will be very happy.


First, in the reading passage, the writer says that the need for charitable giving is less than before, so the charitable giving has fallen. But the prefessor contradicts that actually the need for charitable giving will be up in future. The reason is that the number of elder and retired person in USA is increasing fast nowadays. So, there will be so many person who need others to support their living, that the govement can not offer it alone. So, the need of charitable giving will be increasing.

Second, the writer says that people are angry that the percentage of donated money that go to charitable purposes decreases drastically, so people do not want to donated any more money. While the prefosser refutes that there are indeed many reforms about the management of charitable giving, like some people who refer to the administration of charitable giving have been resigned.

Third, the writer says that number of fraudulent solicitations in charitable giving is increasing now, so people do not trust the organizations refer to charitable giving anymore. But the professor indicates that the this just shows that people are more and more careful in charitable giving. The fact is that people do more things to check the validity of organizations of charitable giving, meanwhile they donated as much money as before.

In summary, the prefessor contradicts all about what the writer says that why the charitable giving will still decrease in future.
0 0

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-9-2 14:42:18 |只看该作者
Frist拼写错误, in the reading passage, the writer says that private space travel will decrease the cost of spaceflight. But the prefessor错误 contradicts that the private space travel has no effect on reduce the cost. Because there are two things in the spaceflight which is so expensive. Because好像不能单独引导句子 And can not low the cost of these two things any more.主语? They are the safty拼错 and lab of spaceship.
Second, the writer says that privatization of space travel can impulse the scientific discoveries. While the professor refutes that it actually will prevent the scientists from doing some research which have high scientific valuable. Because, the private company certainly will ask scientists to do some research which just benefit the company, if these scientists are paid by the company.
8 Y- G+ [. S  b9 ?

Third, the writer says that privatization of space travel can ease the burden on taxpayers. But the professor indicates that it actually will increase the burden on taxpayers. Because actually no real private people can buy the exetremely expensive tickets of space travel. So, the one who enjoy the space travel is support by many other people. Hi L 这段是不是还没看听力原文,你好像理解错了。。。。
8 G& s
In summary, the professor totally contradicts what the writer says about the advantages of private space travel.1 [9 c) ?& \* [# }3 ?1 [0 \% L; U
  F, s( I3 w2 N* I1 }0 s, t

- a3 T1 s0 z/ BHow a person looks or dresses is more important for success than having good ideas
/ h# x" x2 ^# i; i- p7 C0 x
2 q1 C4 U; l9 S& _
Some think that the looks or dresses is really important for their success, so they spend many time and money on buying clothing and making they look pretty. But others think that the ability of a person is the only necessary thing to the success. In my opinion, both the appearance and the ideas of a person is critical and indispensable to his success.. a+ C7 r8 x$ T2 h
( L; v0 _: h. ]7 h  f  e8 r
First, a person looks or dresses is necessary. There are two key things leading you to success. One is what you do, another is how you get along with other people. No one could obtain success without cooperate with others. But, if you often wear some extremely unsuitable clothing, this will make others feel uncomfortable and refuse to cooperate with you. For example, one of my classmates is very intelligent in academic studying. He have has
done a lot of valuable research during his collage
错误 time. But he dose not take serious about his appearance, often wearing some strange clothing, and his hair looks like a nest in all day. When he graduated from school, he even can not find his frist这个词还是挺重要的,错了两次了 job. Because, his appearance give第三人称 others a very bad impression, so others do not want to work with him.
Second, the good ideas of a person is
复数 necessary too. No matter how well you have the relationship with others. If you can not do any valuable things, it is still no one want to cooperate with you. And it is definitely you can not depend on yourself. Take another of my classmates as the example, he has a pretty looks and have a lot of friends in our collage, but he spent all his collage time playing with his friends and doing nothing valuable. When he finished from school, it is difficult for him to find a job too.
rIn summary, we must take both our appearance and good ideas serious
in order to get success.
c  h* s1 e, g
Recently, some people do not take serious about having meals regularly together with family. I think this is very harmful for the family. In my opioion, 拼错it is really important for families to regularly eat their meals together.! m% _- L/ _  k! Y$ S1 T
" Q& v& t  C" V; q6 R+ @

Frist拼错, having meals together in the 好像不需要thefamily is the easiest things that everyone can dofor everyone. You know regularly spending some times togather拼错 with other family members is very important for the whole family. What we can do with other members? You may say that play games or go shopping. But the fact is that probably not all family members enjoy playing games or going shopping. But having meals togather拼错 have no this kind of problem for everyone need to eat. So, to make sure our family member can spend some regularly time together, having meal together regularly is the best way. For example, in my family my mother likes doing shopping, but my father likes doing some sports and I 谓语动词enjoying playing PC games. So, having meals become the only way we can spend our time together regularly., t% r, X, p; }
) e& D/ [0 z0 ?9 k, G
Second, having meals together in the family is the best way for family members to talk with each other. Because we can see and talk with each other on the table easily.不需要句号 Other activities like playing games may make us pay more attention on what we are doing, so we have no time to see and talk with others. For example, I often plays 你为主语为何加S。。。。PC games while my mother watchs同样 TV in the same room, but in this time we hardly talk with each other. Only when we are around with the dinner table, we talk a lot. Everyday I tell my parents what happen in these days, and we share with our ideas and feel very happy in the meal time." Y' ?6 u( Q. E0 I7 x3 h# d) G* l( J
4 I" O' A8 K$ w* @4 Q1 `5 f, b8 v
In summary, having meal togather拼错 is really important to the family. If we can have meal regularly together with family, the whole family will be very happy.
7 k% N+ U  b! d1 [/ }* k
% `6 ~  q% L2 O  G0 \8 Z, ?4 n

----------------------------------------------------------------8 E, G- T+ P6 Z
/ M9 E7 A5 A6 f0 P5 j
First, in the reading passage, the writer says that the need for charitable giving is less than before, so the charitable giving has fallen. But the prefessor拼错 contradicts that actually the need for charitable giving will be up in future. The reason is that the number of elder and retired person in USA is increasing fast nowadays. So, there will be so many person people who need others to support their living, that the govement 拼错can not offer it alone. So, the need of charitable giving will be increasing.
" N" i/ E# P* r# f! B  R

5 n8 y* T; S5 \+ Y7 j  Z3 WSecond, the writer says that people are angry that the percentage of donated money that go to charitable purposes decreases drastically, so people do not want to donated any more money. While the prefosser拼错 refutes that there are indeed many reforms about the management of charitable giving, like some people who refer to the administration of charitable giving have been resigned.

8 ~2 e# L+ h( H6 ]2 T* u6 i& yThird, the writer says that number of fraudulent solicitations in charitable giving is increasing now, so people do not trust the organizations refer to charitable giving anymore. But the professor indicates that the去掉 this just shows that people are more and more careful in charitable giving. The fact is that people do more things to check the validity of organizations of charitable giving, meanwhile they donated as much money as before., p1 O) L0 u  B: l5 ]

# y, B6 m3 e+ F, i$ x2 BIn summary, the prefessor 拼错contradicts all about what the writer says that why the charitable giving will still decrease in future.

1# rabienrose

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