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[a习作temp] Argument169=美丽G程=小组第六次作业by猫斯基 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2009-12-15 19:28:45 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

In this letter, the chairperson is good-intentioned to come up with an idea to attract more high-quality faculties and advance the morale of the entire stuff, since he totally grounds his suggestion on a survey conducted by B. This apparently logical letter is full of flaws after comprehensive analysis.

To begin with, the survey itself conducted by B is worth to be suspected. Since no information is given who responded to the survey, thus it is likely that those teachers who would like their spouses to work with them in the same city accidentally replied to the survey while others did not.

Aside, the writer makes a false analogy. Even if such a method is available in B, no evidence is put forward that it is also valid in P. Perhaps the living conditions and living standard or the education system for their kids are much better in the town where B is located, resulting in the most teachers would very much like to work there as long as together with their spouses. However, the condition in P's town is not so appealing that few would like to live there even though they provide jobs for their spouses.

What is more, even if we admit that such a mean is quite viable in all the small towns, which means that P can also adopt such a way, however, it does not indicate that jobs provided by P is appealing to their spouses. Maybe jobs offered to them are not to their taste, then they would have no interest in working there since they may have better working opportunities in other places, hence according to the survey, once their spouses would not work
there, the teachers were not so much attracted to work for them. How can the chairman guarantee that jobs offered can be satisfying, since in order to locate so many people, most jobs can possibly not that good, like cleaning, washing, and so many such kinds of hard jobs? Nevertheless, few would like to take them since they all want some pleasant jobs or ideal jobs.

Last but not least, only judging from the above information, the chairman can not draw such a conclusion that such money investment will be well spent. Since no useful evidence is provided to us, we can not be persuaded that once such a method is in function, new professors will be more likely to accept their offers. In addition, the writer overlooks other possibilities in attracting the teaching resources to their school, he may provide higher salary compared with other colleges, or improve the working conditions, even better welfares can be attempting to attract outstanding professor to work for them. As to the improve of the overall morale, he can ask the music teachers in their college program an inspiring song to cheer up all the faculty or demand them to carry on some sports to be energetic, even organize some parties can probably be a fine way to make them more ardent.

By and large, simply launching out a survey conducted by another college is not convincing to persuade us to believe that College P should also put such a mean in their operation calendar let alone that it will make their college more flourish. Only when the chairman can truly make out an effective investigation that such a method is feasible in P and they are capable to offer appealing job chances to the professors' spouses that they want to hire, hardly can I say he makes a wise decision.
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