M: Hello! Nice to meet you.
V: (转身找东西,不理偶)...How are you?
M: Pretty good! And you?
V: Not very bad.(之前刚据了一对探亲的夫妇,人家和他argue了半天)
V: So what is your major?
M: I am enrolled in xxx program and I will focus in xxx biology.
V: (在我的DS表上狂划)OK, your resume.
M: Here you are.
V: (看了我的research experience,指了指问我)Do you have some information abo
ut these?
M: Yes. Here is the abstract of my thesis.
V: Good.(开看,不理偶)
M: Can I explain it for you?(因为abstract上一堆敏感词汇,又是cancer又是gene,
V: OK. Go on!(果然,不看abstract了,听我讲)
M: My work is focused in cancer cell biology. It is to study what is the diffe
rence between normal cells and cancer cells and why it is different.
V: So is it related to therapy?
M: Actually not. This work is very fundmental......but it can provide some use
ful information for diagnostic research. (听到diagnostic时,VO狂点头)
V: Do you have advisor?
M: Not decided yet. I need to do lab rotation in the first year. But here is t
he professor I am interested in.(抽出webpage在窗口晃了晃,刚准备送进出)
V: OK. You are fine. Would you pls go to window 11.
M: Thank you! Have a nice day!
V: You too! Good luck in USA.