VO: good morning.
ME: good morning madam
VO: are u gonna to OSU?
ME: yes.
VO: bring me ur resume, advisor's homepage blabla..(要了很多东西,我没有全听到
,感觉上和yymm的give me all ur materials似的,心里有些怕,没有全给她)
ME: yes, I have taken my resume with me, would u like to see it?
VO: yes.
ME: here u are.
VO: u will study for ur master's degree there?
ME: no,i will study for Phd.
(VO 觉得自己说错了,也很不好意思,然后开始在我的表格上面写东西)
VO: what is ur major?
ME: cs
ME: my current interest area is CBIR, which is the abbreviation of content-bas
ed image retrieval.
VO: can u say sth about it?
ME: yes, blabla......
VO: any application of CBIR?
ME: blabla.....
VO: ur advisor's webpage?
ME: 刚要解释自己问什么还没有确定导师,就被打断了。
VO: well, any professor u are interested in?
ME: yes, I am interested in professor xxx, and here is his webpage
,继续说)he has invited me to join his project of ***, which is the first pr
oject list on his homepage. it concerned with CBIR(其实我也不知道到底有没有联
系),he also conduct research of CBIR in the second project on his webpage.