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[作文] 2.11 综合独立 by 静音 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2011-2-12 13:50:39 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TPO12 综合
The reading passage explores the issuewhether the painting’s model is Austen. The professor’s lecture deals with thesame subject. However, he holds that there are many evidences that convincepeople that it has a little chance for the people in the painting to be Austen,which contradicts what the reading states. And in the lecture, the professoruses three specific points to support his idea.

Initially, the professor asserts that thefamily who claimed that the people in the painting is Austen were the one whomerely saw Austen themselves, whereas the reading passage claims that thosepeople are authority to judge the truth. The professor proves that this claimis indefensible by pointing out that those family were the very late generationof Austen on the account that Austen had been dead for almost 70 years.

Moreover, despite the statement in thereading that the level of similarity between overall shape of the portrait andAusten herself, the professor proposes another reasonable possibility that dueto Austen’s family was a huge one including many cousins and nieces of Austenas the same age, the painting is much likely to be one of her relatives. And theprofessor supports this idea with the fact that with further inference, manyscientists have suggested that the portrait depicted Mary, one of distantnieces of Austen. This point is incompatible with the article’s viewpoint.

The professor’s last stance concerns on thefinal notion of the reading referred to certain style easily associated withOazios Humpery. In light of the author, in the Oazios’s time, Austen was rightin her teenage. The professor argues in the lecture that the back canvas usingin this portrait was made by William. And according to record, William hadnever done his business in London until 1980 when Austen was far over herteenage as 27 years old. Obviously, professor’s argument disproves itscounterpart in the reading.

In a nutshell, the contents in the readingare completely refuted by the lecture and the lecture advocates totallydifferent ideas on the central standpoints of reading.


Do you agree ordisagree with the following statement:

It is more important for the government tospend money on art museums and concert halls than on recreational facilitiessuch as swimming pools and playgrounds

From my own perspective, after deliberation,I believe I will side with the statement that the merits of building art museumsand concerts halls outweigh those of recreational facilities. By scrutinizingevery consideration brought out by both sides, I present three main reasons formy preference as follows.

The main reason for my propensity is that thenumber of adults in one city is universally much larger than that ofyoungsters. When we take the fact that recreational facilities such as swimmingpools and playgrounds are often fit for teenagers or babies into consideration,we will find that building places of developing soft quality are much easier torealize its value. Statistically speaking, more than 60% of whole population inShanghai is adults among which half of them are thirsty for improving their appreciationof art or enjoying the beauty of music. On the contrary, safely speaking, theamount of recreational facilities could well handle the small number of teenagersand babies, maybe a little more.

A more essential reason why I advocate myviewpoint is that novelty and unique building like art museums emerging fromevery corner of the city do enhance the culture level of this city. Art andmusic related things represent the general culture standard, whereasrecreational facilities couldn’t certain far-reaching impression. Any wise andrespected monitor will agree that urban construction is composed of both designof outward appearance and improvement of ideological process. Based on thisconcrete condition, art museums and concern halls worth the money of thegovernment better than recreational facilities.

Similarly, the reasons mentioned above arealso valid if we consider the economic effects. Which has a better chance to stimulatethe growth of economy? Obviously we will choose art museums and concerts halls.The reasons are self-evident. For starters, as what I conclude before, adultsshare the large population while they also have high consumption ability,whereas most of recreational facilities full with children rely on the supportsfrom government. Furthermore, cultural building will provoke the communicationwith other countries. Every kind of topnotch arties will come and go and showtheir invaluable talents in this city.

In conclusion, via my careful illustration above,we could draw a safe conclusion that it is wise to uphold the idea that moneyspending on art museums and concert halls is more satisfactory than onrecreational facilities.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2011-2-12 17:26:32 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-12 19:13:32 |只看该作者
The reading passage explores the issuewhether the painting’s model is Austen. The professor’s lecture deals with thesame subject. However, he holds that there are many evidences that convincepeople that it has a little chance for the people in the painting to be Austen,which contradicts what the reading states. And in the lecture, the professoruses three specific points to support his idea.  @- w0 F; O- t

Initially, the professor asserts that thefamily who claimed that the people in the painting is Austen were the one who merely saw Austen themselves, whereas the reading passage claims that thosepeople are authority to judge the truth. The professor proves that this claimis indefensible by pointing out that those family were the very late generationof Austen on the account that Austen had been dead for almost 70 years.! R/ r) |; q" p, D+ _

Moreover, despite the statement in thereading that the level of similarity between overall shape of the portrait andAusten herself, the professor proposes another reasonable possibility that dueto Austen’s family was a huge one including many cousins and nieces of Austenas the same age, the painting is much likely to be one of her relatives. And theprofessor supports this idea with the fact that with further inference, manyscientists have suggested that the portrait depicted Mary, one of distantnieces of Austen. This point is incompatible with the article’s viewpoint.

The professor’s last stance concerns on thefinal notion of the reading referred to certain style easily associated withOazios Humpery. In light of the author, in the Oazios’s time, Austen was rightin her teenage. The professor argues in the lecture that the back canvas usingin this portrait was made by William. And according to record, William hadnever done his business in London until 1980 when Austen was far over herteenage as 27 years old. Obviously, professor’s argument disproves itscounterpart in the reading.! n/ t, G, R" x- Y

In a nutshell, the contents in the readingare completely refuted by the lecture and the lecture advocates totallydifferent ideas on the central standpoints of reading.lz 我觉得你的文章真没什么需要改的
阅读里的转述写的蛮好 学习了!

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