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[习作点评] 【NINE小组】第五次作业—by 陈懂 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-8-15 21:07:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 winterfine 于 2011-8-16 18:49 编辑

37. Society should identify those children who have special talents and provide training for them at an early age to develop their talents.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

The recommendation appears reasonable at first glance; it is natural to conclude that to effectively unlock people’s potential, special teaching method is required. Although identifying and developing the talents at an early age seems to meet the social need well in some circumstances, it ignores the individuals' desire. What is more, such attempt to regard a few of the children as talented can be dangerous for it contributes to social inequality.

Quite many talents revealed their talents at a very early age. Mozart, for example, composed his very first musical piece at the age of 4, and had begun his study in music even earlier. Naturally, many people attribute his success to his involvement in music since his birth thanks to his family. In this sense, traditional educational system, which usually begins one’s education at the age of 7, does not content us for child prodigy like Mozart can be prevented from developing that early. Consequently, it seems that our society calls for a new process to spot the prodigies early and help with their developments.

Indeed, certain abilities result in success only when it is discovered promptly. The Chinese athletes, especially these who have won Olympic medals, usually have started their training before the age of 10. The accomplishments of those athletes are impressive indeed, winning the most golden medals in the latest international games, satisfying the pride and arrogance of the nation. However, to meet the social demand, the talent's own will has been put behind. Besides their talent in sports, they could be someone with special instinct in music art or mathematics. Instead of making a decision which calls for deep consideration when they grow old enough, their destinies are arranged by the eagerness of the society to take advantage of their physical talent in exchange for the honor beyond the very understanding of a child.

In another sense, by identifying and allocating resources to the talented, the society divides children into two major groups, the gifted and the useless. In this way, the society successfully expose the children to one of the most cruel aspects of the society, discrimination, one reality the educators have been dedicated to eradicate in schools. While it is very possible to make the presumed superiority and excellence of the gifted into reality by arranging special training for them, it is not the whole case. If one child is regarded as the useless, on the other hand, we can expect him to receive less attention from his teachers and parents since more has been given to his opposite, the child will definitely behave differently, negatively in most cases according to recent research, enhancing our prejudice against him. As a result of such unhealthy interaction, the performance is badly influenced and even the child himself comes to the conclusion that he is inferior to others. Simply put, in the social pursuits to facilitate the development of some so-called the talented, the society unfairly sacrifices the others.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-8-16 18:50:10 |只看该作者
132. All students should be required to take the driver's education course at Centerville High School. In the past two years, several accidents in and around Centerville have involved teenage drivers. Since a number of parents in Centerville have complained that they are too busy to teach their teenagers to drive, some other instruction is necessary to ensure that these teenagers are safe drivers. Although there are two driving schools in Centerville, parents on a tight budget cannot afford to pay for driving instruction. Therefore an effective and mandatory program sponsored by the high school is the only solution to this serious problem."

Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.

While the concern over the safety of teenager drivers can be understand, there is no concrete evidence supporting the assumption that it has been a serious problem among students in Centerville High School. Although it is schools' responsibility to protect the children from such potential harm, the assumed only solution deserves further evaluation.

Ii is implied in the statement that accidents in recent years around Centerville represent the poor safety awareness of students in Centerville High School. Such implication is unfounded calling for further credible evidence. No record has been provided to illustrate the identity of the teenagers involved; they could be from other high schools nearby or even not locals. Moreover, the arguer bases his argument on the unconfirmed assumption that those involvements of the teenager drivers equals to their faults attributing to the tragedies. To strengthen his claim, the accident reports are needed to rule out other possibilities leading to the incidents, such as bad weather, road condition and so on.

Even if the students are in desperate need for professional driving instructions, the conclusion that the school is the only option remains suspicious. Another fact mentioned arousing my attention is that a number of parents complain that they are too busy to teach their teenagers to drive. The author may be exaggerating the seriousness of the assumed problem by failing to figure out the exact number of the complaining parents. There could be numerous complaints, which would surely alert the author, from just one or two families. On the other hand, by stating that parents on a tight budget cannot afford to pay for the driving schools, the author is unconvincingly implying that these parents are the same ones complaining the shortage of time, because only under such extreme condition does the school become the sole place to turn to. With either time or money,

Besides those unfounded assumptions mentioned above, to deal with the teenager driving issue properly, Centerville High School is supposed to come up with solutions more reasonable than compelling the all to attend the course. This proposal reflects the ridiculous assumption made by the arguer that all drivers in school are unreliable. However, perhaps while some of the students may be careless when driving, responsible for the accidents, quite a lot more of them handle themselves well. Even if the assumption is true, it is absurd to ask all students to take in the course. Some of them may never drive a car but choose to ride bicycles as a result of the world-wide campaign reducing the greenhouse gas emission.

To sum up, the hasty conclusion drawn is based on inadequate assumptions, to get a better understanding of the real situation pertaining to the teenager drivers, more evidence is required for further evaluation.


Rank: 2

发表于 2011-8-16 20:51:46 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 会飞的橙子 于 2011-8-16 21:42 编辑

37. Society should identify thosechildren who have special talents and provide training for them at an early ageto develop their talents.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagreewith the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take.In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances inwhich adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous andexplain how these examples shape your position.

The recommendation appears reasonable atfirst glance;(感觉好像好像Argument啊。。。) it is natural to conclude that to effectively unlock people’spotential, special teaching method is required. Although identifying anddeveloping the talents at an early age seems to meet the social need well insome circumstances, it ignores the individuals' desire. What is more, suchattempt to regard a few of the children as talented can be dangerous for itcontributes to social inequality. (感觉第一段挺清楚的,表明了自己的立场)

Quite many talents revealed their talents at a very early age. Mozart, forexample, composed his very first musical piece at the age of 4, and had begunhis study in music even earlier. Naturally, many people attribute his successto his involvement in music since his birth thanks to his family. In thissense, traditional educational system, which usually begins one’s education atthe age of 7, does not content us for child prodigy like Mozart can beprevented from developing that early. Consequently, it seems that our society calls for a new process to spot the prodigiesearly and help with their developments.(第二段感觉没有说透,seems的话感觉是说这个是下文的铺垫,但是没说清楚是社会,感觉更多的是对个人和家庭的重要性)

Indeed, certain abilities result in success only when it is discoveredpromptly. The Chinese athletes, especially these who have won Olympic medals,usually have started their training before the age of 10. The accomplishmentsof those athletes are impressive indeed, winning the most golden medals in thelatest international games, satisfying the pride and arrogance of the nation. However,to meet the social demand, the talent's own will has been put behind. Besidestheir talent in sports, they could be someone with special instinct in musicart or mathematics. Instead of making a decision which calls for deepconsideration when they grow old enough, their destinies are arranged by theeagerness of the society to take advantage of their physical talent in exchangefor the honor beyond the very understanding of a child. (我觉得这段前半段的例子用在上面一段更好,说明我们的社会需要这个assertion,这段可以反驳上面的这样的不好,酱紫感觉两段间的联系更强一点点)

In another sense, by identifying and allocating resources to the talented, thesociety divides children into two major groups, the gifted and the useless. Inthis way, the society successfully expose the children to one of the most cruelaspects of the society, discrimination, one reality the educators have beendedicated to eradicate in schools. While it is very possible to make thepresumed superiority and excellence of the gifted into reality by arrangingspecial training for them, it is not the whole case. If one child is regardedas the useless, on the other hand, we can expect him to receive less attentionfrom his teachers and parents since more has been given to his opposite, thechild will definitely behave differently, negatively in most cases according torecent research, enhancing our prejudice against him. As a result of suchunhealthy interaction, the performance is badly influenced and even the childhimself comes to the conclusion that he is inferior to others. Simply put, inthe social pursuits to facilitate the development of some so-called thetalented, the society unfairly sacrifices the others.(这段比我证明的好啊~~膜拜下~~~就是最好能有长短句结合一下,看起来都是挺长的句子,累啊,读起来感觉不好~~


Rank: 2

发表于 2011-8-17 09:26:59 |只看该作者
132. All students should be required to take the driver's education course at Centerville High School. In the past two years, several accidents in and around Centerville have involved teenage drivers. Since a number of parents in Centerville have complained that they are too busy to teach their teenagers to drive, some other instruction is necessary to ensure that these teenagers are safe drivers. Although there are two driving schools in Centerville, parents on a tight budget cannot afford to pay for driving instruction. Therefore an effective and mandatory program sponsored by the high school is the only solution to this serious problem."

Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.

While the concern over the safety of teenager drivers can be understand, there is no concrete evidence supporting the assumption that it has been a serious problem among students in Centerville High School. Although it is schools' responsibility to protect the children from such potential harm, the assumed only solution deserves further evaluation.(

Ii(It) is implied in the statement that accidents in recent years around Centerville represent the poor safety awareness of students in Centerville High School. Such implication is unfounded calling for further credible evidence. No record has been provided to illustrate the identity of the teenagers involved; they could be from other high schools nearby or even not locals. Moreover, the arguer bases his argument on the unconfirmed assumption that those involvements of the teenager drivers equals to their faults attributing to the tragedies.
(这句话没太懂 equals在这出现啥作用?) To strengthen his claim, the accident reports are needed to rule out other possibilities leading to the incidents, such as bad weather, road condition and so on.

Even if the students are in desperate need for professional driving instructions, the conclusion that the school is the only option remains suspicious.
(感觉这句和本段后面的内容不是很相关,作本段主题句不太好) Another fact mentioned arousing my attention is that a number of parents complain that they are too busy to teach their teenagers to drive. The author may be exaggerating the seriousness of the assumed problem by failing to figure out the exact number of the complaining parents. There could be numerous complaints, which would surely alert the author, from just one or two families. On the other hand, by stating that parents on a tight budget cannot afford to pay for the driving schools, the author is unconvincingly implying that these parents are the same ones complaining the shortage of time, because only(有点绝对化,肯定还有别的办法) under such extreme condition does the school become the sole place to turn to. With either time or money, (这段感觉思路不错)

Besides those unfounded assumptions mentioned above, to deal with the teenager driving issue properly, Centerville High School is supposed to come up with solutions more reasonable than compelling the all to attend the course. This proposal reflects the ridiculous assumption made by the arguer that all drivers in school are unreliable. However, perhaps while some of the students may be careless when driving, responsible for the accidents, quite a lot more of them handle themselves well. Even if the assumption is true, it is absurd to ask all students to take in the course. Some of them may never drive a car but choose to ride bicycles as a result of the world-wide campaign reducing the greenhouse gas emission.

To sum up, the hasty conclusion drawn is based on inadequate assumptions, to get a better understanding of the real situation pertaining to the teenager drivers, more evidence is required for further evaluation.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-8-17 19:57:18 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 winterfine 于 2011-8-17 19:58 编辑

The recommendation appears reasonable at first glance; it is natural to conclude that to effectively unlock people’s potential, special teaching method is required. Although identifying and developing the talents at an early age seems to meet the social need well in some circumstances, it ignores the individuals' desire. What is more, such attempt to regard a few of the children as talented can be dangerous for it contributes to social inequality.

Certain abilities result in success only when it is discovered promptly. The Chinese athletes, for instance, usually have started their training before the age of 10. Each year in china, thousands of children are sent to the sport schools, special educational institutions aiming at identifying and developing sports geniuses. After years of strict training and fierce competitions, the most competitive survive; then selecting among them, the national team admit only the strongest ones. The accomplishments of those elite athletes are impressive indeed, winning the most golden medals in the latest international games, satisfying the pride of the nation.

However, to meet the social demand or even arrogance, the talent's own will has been put behind. Besides their talent in sports, they could be someone with special instinct in music philosophy or mathematics. Instead of making a decision which calls for deep consideration when they grow old enough, their destinies are arranged in the name of national glory. Recent news that a former Olympic medalist makes a living by begging in subway stations serves as a good example; I can only imagine what kind of life he would choose if he had been aware of what it costs to be an athlete. Even if after all the misfortunes he is still more than willing to give up personal interest for national honor, his possibilities for a different life should not have been taken away in his youth. It is wrong to take advantage of a child when the meaning of such choice is still beyond his comprehension.
In another sense, by identifying and allocating resources to the talented, the society divides children into two major groups, the gifted and the useless. In this way, the society successfully exposes the children to one of the cruelest aspects of the society, discrimination. While it is very possible to make the presumed superiority and excellence of the gifted into reality by arranging special training for them, it is not the whole case. If one child is regarded as the useless, on the other hand, we can expect him to receive less attention from his teachers and parents since more has been given to his opposite, the child will definitely behave differently, negatively in most cases according to recent research, enhancing our prejudice against him. As a result of such unhealthy interaction, the performance is badly influenced and even the child himself comes to the conclusion that he is inferior to others. Simply put, in the social pursuits to facilitate the development of some so-called the talented, the society unfairly sacrifices the others.
读着确实不舒服 哈哈


Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-8-17 20:25:20 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 winterfine 于 2011-8-17 20:30 编辑

While the concern over the safety of teenager drivers can be understand, there is no concrete evidence supporting the assumption that it has been a serious problem among students in Centerville High School. Although it is schools' responsibility to protect the children from such potential harm, the assumed only solution,
an effective and mandatory program, deserves further evaluation.

It is implied in the statement that accidents in recent years around Centerville represent the poor safety awareness of students in Centerville High School. Such implication is unfounded calling for further credible evidence. No record has been provided to illustrate the identity of the teenagers involved; they could be from other high schools nearby or even not locals. Moreover, by stating the teenager driver’s involvements in the accidents, the author is implying that those accidents are their fault resulting from the lack of driving instruction. To strengthen his claim, the accident reports are needed to rule out other possibilities, such as bad weather, poor road condition and other adult drivers’ responsibility.

Even if the students are in desperate need for professional driving instructions, the conclusion that the school is the only option remains suspicious. Another fact mentioned arousing my attention is that a number of parents complain that they are too busy to teach their teenagers to drive. The author may be exaggerating the limitations of the parents by failing to figure out the exact number of the complaining ones. There could be numerous complaints, which would surely alert the author, from just one or two families. On the other hand, by stating that parents on a tight budget cannot afford to pay for the driving schools, the author is unconvincingly suggesting that these parents are the same ones complaining the shortage of time, since with either money or time, they should be able to take care of the problem without bothering the school.

Besides those unfounded assumptions mentioned above, to deal with the teenager driving issue properly, Centerville High School is supposed to come up with solutions more reasonable than compelling the all to attend the course. This proposal reflects the ridiculous assumption made by the arguer that all drivers in school are unreliable. However, perhaps while some of the students may be careless when driving, responsible for the accidents, quite a lot more of them handle themselves well. Even if the assumption is true, it is absurd to ask all students to take in the course. Some of them may never drive a car but choose to ride bicycles.

To sum up, the hasty conclusion that mandatory program sponsored by the high school remains the only solution is based on inadequate assumptions. To get a better understanding of the real situation pertaining to the teenager drivers, further research into teenager drivers and their families is required.


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