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[习作点评] 【无名小组】第一组第三次作业楼10.18 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-10-18 18:48:01 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 HeronAlps 于 2011-10-18 18:49 编辑


题目:89 Claim: Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system.
Reason: Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-10-18 18:55:07 |只看该作者
89 Claim: Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system.
Reason: Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds.

I concede that laws and the legal system cannot solve many problems of modern society, and that coming to realize this fact by studying social situations can be beneficial in how to administrate our community. However, it is literally arbitrary to assert the reason of this issue is that laws cannot change what is in people’s hearts and minds. I disagree with this given reason in mainly four respects. First, laws are basically prevention mechanism which always lags behind the matters. Second, besides laws and the legal system, we also need other methods to regulate the society, such as morality and religions. Third, the social problems can rarely be solved without enacting the effective laws. Fourth, a legal system that stipulates all matters in daily life, whether important or trivial, would certainly weaken the creativity of the fellow citizens. I would try to demonstrate my viewpoints below.

I do agree with the claim insofar as modern society’s problem should not solely be solved by laws, yet the reason evidently is not the ineffectiveness of the laws but the social problems, such as inequality and crime, emerge and prevail in some wholly new forms which previously cannot be predicted when the laws was enacted. I believe almost every clause of an act lags behind the actual matters in reality, and that is why, in the case law system, the judges have the right to modify the details of the law through his judgments. We can not account on the laws and regulations to prevent the happening of the problems, therefore, the society needs some other mechanisms to ensure the basic ethics can not be violated.

In consequence, morality and religion, which constitutes the social system with the laws, take the parts of the function. Besides the laws, morality and religion provide the masses with another principle of living to conform, thus, effectively avert from scads of problems that should not resort to the laws. As the matter of fact, in some uncivilized regions abounding with illiterates, the strength of morality and religions totally play the key roles of regulating people’s behavior instead of the laws. The reason why the laws are not fully performed is not that it cannot change people’s minds, but fail to cultivate those uneducated people into the enlightened ones.

Even if consider the situation in the civilized community, the law is always esteemed as the symbol of social ethos and the real performer to carry the thoughts into act. For instance, Abraham Lincoln responds to the demands of abolition of the slavery through his famous Emancipation Proclamation in 1860s. The trend of thoughts should always be executed through the laws that reflect the consensus, or say compromise, of various sections of society. Perhaps we can take the Civil Right Movement in the US as other example as well. Dr. Martin Luther Jr., with all colored- races in the US, strived to demand the equal rights with the white man, and, as a result, the Senate finally passed The Civil Rights Act and The Voting Rights Act as the official ratification. As these two Acts were taken into effect, the rule of political correct and anti-discrimination has already become a common sense among the American people. In short, laws not only serve to practice the solution of social problem, but instill the righteous concepts into the masses gradually.

Admittedly, there definitely should be a boundary to circumscribe the laws, in case the over-expended legal system can impair the normal ethics of society. First, it is not difficult to imagine that a legal system which regulates almost every detail in our daily lives may dramatically increase the social costs, no matter in the enacting stage or in executing stage. Second, were such legal system token into effect, it would obviously muffle the creativity of the masses, like the strict censorship for the press. To sum up, the laws should stay within its effective zone and keep flexible enough not to confine the developing of individuals.

In conclusion, the laws truly can not solve every respect of problems in the modern society, despite humans made tremendous endeavor to perfect our legal system. Yet, it is not because the laws fail to change what is in people’s hearts or minds, but, for the laws always have some places to which it cannot stretch. Therefore, morality, religions, even the human nature, serves as the rudimentary system to ensure our society’s safety and well-being.

1. 法律有滞后性。
2. 法律需要道德宗教来补充。
3. 社会思潮能付诸实行依靠法律。
4. 法律有边界,事无巨细的法律会增加社会成本,扼杀公民创造力。

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-10-18 19:08:36 |只看该作者
89 Claim: Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system.
Reason laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds
The statement claims that in modern society, laws and legal systems can not solve all types of the problems since it is impossible for the laws to change people's minds. I have found that to clarify this issue, other reasons also lead to the finite effect of legislation to address problems of our society. Besides, the speaker's reason for the function of law is too extreme.

Although laws fail to embrace every detail of people's mind to make instructive and restrained function, on some fundamental aspect, laws could at least assist to establish the basic criteria between the misdeed and legal action. They play the deterrent role to prevent people from put their own desire on the interest of other people. For example, the legislation could restrain the corruption and appropriating of the public resources by punishing such offenses by judicial authority. Also, by enacting the laws to allow the homosexual people get married, most people would gradually accept the differentiated selection in sex.

However, when it comes to the moral realm, it seems that legislation is quite feeble to address the moral dilemmas which are existing everywhere in society. Since people are brought up and educated in totally different environment, as well as the various cultural and historic influence, they would cherish the values in a variety ways, sometimes, they are mutually excluded. For example, one living in a wealthy business family of the capitalistic nation would preserve the earning money as the fecility of his life, while in a communistic country, one would more worship the principle if sacrificing themselves to devote into the welfare of others. Although the laws offers the right of marring between lysabines, the law could not demand everybody to accept homosexuality sincerely, nor could the legislation convict those who discriminate homosexuality.

Moreover, in other cases, even if the conceptions or minds could be enforced to change by the force of laws, they could not help to solve the problems in an appropriate way. A myriad of factors contribute to the criminal behaviors, for instance, if one's misfortune can not be judged by the courts in a fair way, one would only resort to retaliation by his own hand, even if such action disobey the laws. Further, in some cases, when the legislation attempts to make change of people's mind, in essence, it impairs some of the most significant principles that every individual appreciate, such as justify and the liberty. The case of house demolition has reflected this claim. When the government is to dismantle the houses in order to improve the transportation condition by widening the roads, the indigenous residents would object to move out because they have adapted to the environment here, how could the laws force the residents to transfer to other place in the circumstance of resisting the justice?

In sum, the law could guide and instruct the basic codes of individuals, yet it wane when it comes to the ethical controversies.  
(3)即使法律可以改变人的想法,那么很多问题也无法解决。因为多种因素造成了人们犯罪,a例如环境所迫。例如一个人因为得不到公正的判决不得已只能报私仇。b 例如利益上的冲突。如果你让一方服从另一方(改变想法)则会损害其他一些原则,公平性。拆迁(不拆就影响交通,拆的话就损伤当地人的利益)

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-10-18 19:27:53 |只看该作者
89Claim: Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the
legal system.
Reason: Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds.

Legal system of any nations is usually be criticized by the political critics or even citizens in that there is some problems of modern society cannot be completely solved by laws . Nevertheless, the purpose of the legal system and laws is to regulate the public's behaviour and inhibit their exorbitant desires instead of changing what is in people's hearts or minds. Yet it is surprising that when time goes, laws gradually change people's hearts and minds.

The laws which was made as the opposite of what people really want in fact impair people's freedom. In this case, people will not retreat by being deterred by the laws, and they will even circumvent the legal system at the risk of punishment to achieve what they want. The act of forcing oppression inevitably bring about counterproductive effects. The Prohibition was carried out in 1920 by the Volstead Act to hope to solve the problems of domestic violence caused by alcoholism, which ignored the ordinary need of drink. The prosperity of the black market, the higher rate of violence accidents and the corruption of government officials to drink resulted in the repealing the act later. From this case, some problems cannot be resolved only by laws and the legal systems, especially when they are relevant to people's hearts and minds.

The laws and legal system, however, are not created to change people's hearts or minds. It is just to regulate people's daily behaviours which will not hurt one another or harm the benefits of the whole society. Just like that it is hard to negate that seven deadly sins——lust, gluttony, avarice, sloth, wrath, vanity, covetousness——are people's nature, people are restricted themselves only by gospel. Laws and legal systems have the similar functions, and the only distinction is people who break the laws will have a concrete punishments. Laws are created from the moral rules which to forbid mankind to do damage to others including people and societies. Through the source and reason of creation of laws, it is now clear to us that the goal of enacting laws is to make countries develop on the way in order which is irrelevant to people's hearts and minds.

Although the aim of the goal is not to change people's hearts and minds, when people are told what to do and what not to do for a long time, they will form a system of morality by their own. The process of evolvement is like the formation of culture and customs which is told and passed on from one generation to another, so that people change their hearts and behaviours as traditions. In similar, laws and legal system gradually enable people to formulate a concept what could do and what could not by regulating their behaviours. Abraham Lincoln put forward the Emancipation Proclamation to propose the equity between the slaves and the public. There was still opposition to the laws at that time, but till now, it is nearly that no one thinks it is somewhat wrong. Thus, laws and legal system actually affect people's hearts and minds, even if their purpose is not to change  people's hearts but to regulate their behaviours.

In conclusion, laws and legal systems cannot solve all the problems which are opposed to what the most people's needs. Yet it is laws' goal to change people's hearts and minds; so it is unfair to blame laws for their ineffectiveness according to that they cannot change people's ideas sometimes. In fact, laws can gradually affect what in people's mind and hearts by regulating their behaviours to form their own moral standards.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-10-18 19:40:28 |只看该作者
I concede that laws and the legal system cannot solve many problems of modern society, and that coming to realize this fact by studying social situations can be beneficial in how to administrate our community. However, it is literally arbitrary to assert the reason of this issue is that laws cannot change what is in people’s hearts and minds(这句话感觉语法有点问题,it is ....后面还有一个 is that .....). I disagree with this given reason in mainly four respects. First, laws are basically prevention mechanism which always lags behind the matters. Second, besides laws and the legal system, we also need other methods to regulate the society, such as morality and religions. Third, the social problems can rarely be solved without enacting the effective laws. Fourth, a legal system that stipulates(这个词用得好,学下) all matters in daily life, whether important or trivial, would certainly weaken the creativity of the fellow citizens. I would try to demonstrate my viewpoints below.

I do agree with the claim insofar as modern society’s problem should not solely be solved by laws, yet the reason evidently is not the ineffectiveness of the laws but the social problems, such as inequality and crime, emerge and prevail in some wholly new forms which previously cannot be predicted when the laws was enacted(我觉得这里定语好多,直接说new forms of inequality and crime emerge and prevail after the prior laws). I believe almost every clause of an act lags behind the actual matters in reality, and that is why, in the case law system, the judges have the right to modify the details of the law through his judgments(立法不是要走很多程序么?不是只有一个法官就可以决定的吧). We can not account(depend) on the laws and regulations to prevent the happening of the problems, therefore, the society needs some other mechanisms to ensure the basic ethics(用principles或者codes?) can not be violated(这个过渡不错).

In consequence, morality and religion, which constitutes the social system with the laws, take the parts of the function. Besides the laws, morality and religion provide the masses with another principle of living to conform, thus, effectively avert from scads of problems that should not resort to the laws(后半句和前半句是相同的意思吧,后半句我又看不懂啦). As the matter of fact, in some uncivilized regions abounding with illiterates, the strength of morality and religions totally play the key roles of regulating people’s behavior instead of the laws. The reason why the laws are not fully performed is not that it cannot change people’s minds, but fail to cultivate those uneducated people into the enlightened ones.

Even if consider(considering) the situation in the civilized community, the law is always esteemed as the symbol of social ethos and the real performer to carry the thoughts into act.(这里为什么要让步呢?是接着上面的uncivilized的来说吗?但是上面说在未开化的社会,宗教之类是主要的,而这句说,即使考虑到文明社会,法律也总是呗认为是社会道德的象征。这两句联系不大吧,求解释) For instance, Abraham Lincoln responds to the demands of abolition of the slavery through his famous Emancipation Proclamation in 1860s. The trend of thoughts should always be executed through the laws that reflect the consensus, or say compromise, of various sections of society. Perhaps we can take the Civil Right Movement in the US as other example as well. Dr. Martin Luther Jr., with all colored- races in the US, strived to demand the equal rights with the white man, and, as a result, the Senate finally passed The Civil Rights Act and The Voting Rights Act as the official ratification. As these two Acts were taken into effect, the rule of political correct and anti-discrimination has already become a common sense among the American people. In short, laws not only serve to practice the solution of social problem, but instill the righteous concepts into the masses gradually. (这段是说law的作用么?)

Admittedly, there definitely should be a boundary to circumscribe the laws(限制法律?法律是不能被限制的吧,我觉得应该防止rigorous laws), in case the over-expended legal system can impair the normal ethics of society. First, it is not difficult to imagine that a legal system which regulates almost every detail in our daily lives may dramatically increase the social costs, no matter in the enacting stage or in executing stage(老实说这半句我觉得多余). Second, were such legal system token(taken) into effect, it would obviously muffle the creativity of the masses, like the strict censorship for the press. To sum up, the laws should stay within its effective zone and keep flexible(法律要很灵活吗?一般法律都是比较objective的吧,如果法律随便变动的话哪来的说服力呢?) enough not to confine the developing of individuals.

In conclusion, the laws truly can not solve every respect of problems in the modern society, despite humans made tremendous endeavor to perfect our legal system. Yet, it is not because the laws fail to change what is in people’s hearts or minds, but, for the laws always have some places to which it cannot stretch. Therefore, morality, religions, even the human nature, serves as the rudimentary system to ensure our society’s safety and well-being.

1. 法律有滞后性。
2. 法律需要道德宗教来补充。
3. 社会思潮能付诸实行依靠法律。(我觉得这一段似乎是在说法律优点)
4. 法律有边界,事无巨细的法律会增加社会成本,扼杀公民创造力。

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-10-18 20:24:47 |只看该作者
89 Claim: Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system.
Reason: Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds.

Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.

The speaker gave bitter comment on the use of legal systems today, circumscribing a limited scope for it. What lends credibility for the claim is the presumption that laws are meritless in changing people’s thought. For the conclusion of the speaker I fully agree, though the ambiguous term ‘many’ threatens to ruin the sensibleness of the whole proposition and therefore needs clarifying. I nevertheless reject the reason on which the unexceptionable conclusion is deduced, and I dare to search for more solid reason in this essay.

In this essay I would consider both areas not meant to be regulated by legal systems and those where laws are proper to exert power. In both cases, we find numerous examples of my viewpoint. Since modern men often have the illusion that all aspects of life, given the reasonableness of them, should be governed by ‘laws’ as in the physical world, it is advisable to start with pointing out areas outside the clout of laws. My position is that purely private affairs can not be guided by laws. For example, one can decide how to spend a Saturday night, whether by doing something helpful to himself, or by drinking in local bars. In the process he may encounter decisions concerning spending money. And it is his freedom to spend the money in any manner so long as he does not endanger others’ rights. For the rights he owns, at least under some constitutions, he may choose to abandon or part with other people. Laws do form the boundaries of these activities, but they do not fix the problems occurring within. Among sciences, economics, rather than jurisprudence, best solves problems of such kind, because it focuses on the allocation of rare resources like money and free time.

In areas meant to be regulated by laws, being mainly public and interpersonal affairs, we discover problems not solvable through legal means as well. In today’s world, myriad of new things spout into existence every second, bringing even more problems than legislature could possibly respond to swiftly. Consider environment problems. We observe clearly how serious the problems must have been in the face of rising temperature across globe and melting icecaps, but little has been done to guide people’s behavior in the form of legislature. In smaller scale, routine interpersonal activities involve problems unsolvable by laws as well. These include mainly undefined or fuzzy terms, or simply new situations unthought of beforehand. For example, is it right for a photographer to take photos of passers-by without permission, for the sake of creation of art? This became a problem only after photographers began to do so out in the streets, and legal systems today can not determine decisively whether this is an illegal action. Such problems would be better settled by moral education, or by seeking consent, either in a small group of people or among nations.

Applauding as I may be towards his claim, I strongly oppose to the speaker’s assumption that laws cannot modify people’s minds. To note that a large proportion of moral doctrines formulates under the instillation of past laws, is to substantiate my position. Hans Reichenbach, the American philosopher, once commented on Kant’s moral system (and I paraphrase) that the system was an image of Prussian social structures, including the legal structure in the society. What Anglo-Saxon philosophers tend to argue about mores is so disparage from that by German philosophers and both resemble so astoundingly to the individualism and federalism tradition of legislature, that one can hardly think of mores and legislature as unrelated. Laws have also served to modify some of the most ancient habits of human nature, such as the desire to kill, to use violence, or to deceit. The common habits of thinking shared by most modern humans have been shaped, or, in a stronger sense, domesticated by laws.

Here ends my brief essay. In sum, although I cannot agree with the speaker’s reason for my observation contradicts it; I sincerely believe in the claim that many problems in present societies cannot be solved by laws alone. Indeed it would be very undesirable if all problems can be solved by law, for that means the elimination of private space for individuals. Other problems, on the other hand, can be settled by law but today’s legislature simply could not keep in pace with changing circumstances.

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发表于 2011-10-18 20:27:17 |只看该作者
2# HeronAlps

I concede that laws and the legal system cannot solve many problems of modern society, and that coming to realize this fact by studying social situations can be beneficial in how to administrate our community. However, it is literally arbitrary to assert the reason of this issue is that laws cannot change what is in people’s hearts and minds. I disagree with this given reason in mainly four respects. First, laws are basically prevention mechanism which always lags behind the matters. Second, besides laws and the legal system, we also need other methods to regulate the society, such as morality and religions. Third, the social problems can rarely be solved without enacting the effective laws. Fourth, a legal system that stipulates all matters in daily life, whether important or trivial, would certainly weaken the creativity of the fellow citizens. I would try to demonstrate my viewpoints below.这四个论点是124反对,3支持吗?我觉得不要分开,3直接放到最后段或开头段,否则思路显得不清

I do agree with the claim insofar as modern society’s problem should not solely be solved by laws, yet the reason evidently is not the ineffectiveness of the laws but the social problems, such as inequality and crime, emerge and prevail in some wholly new forms which previously cannot be predicted when the laws was enacted. I believe almost every clause of an act lags behind the actual matters in reality, and that is why, in the case law system, the judges have the right to modify the details of the law through his judgments. We can not account on the laws and regulations to prevent the happening of the problems, therefore, the society needs some other mechanisms to ensure the basic ethics can not be violated.法律滞后性这个观点很不错

In consequence, morality and religion, which constitutes the social system with the laws, take the parts of the function. Besides the laws, morality and religion provide the masses with another principle of living to conform, thus, effectively avert from scads of problems that should not resort to the laws.不是不应该求助法律吧 As the matter of fact, in some uncivilized regions abounding with illiterates, the strength of morality and religions totally play the key roles of regulating people’s behavior instead of the laws. The reason why the laws are not fully performed is not that it cannot change people’s minds, but fail to cultivate those uneducated people into the enlightened ones.未开化的地区现在毕竟不太多吧,这样太夸张了

Even if consider the situation in the civilized community, the law is always esteemed as the symbol of social ethos and the real performer to carry the thoughts into act. For instance, Abraham Lincoln responds to the demands of abolition of the slavery through his famous Emancipation Proclamation in 1860s. The trend of thoughts should always be executed through the laws that reflect the consensus, or say compromise, of various sections of society. Perhaps we can take the Civil Right Movement in the US as other example as well. Dr. Martin Luther Jr., with all colored- races in the US, strived to demand the equal rights with the white man, and, as a result, the Senate finally passed The Civil Rights Act and The Voting Rights Act as the official ratification. As these two Acts were taken into effect, the rule of political correct and anti-discrimination has already become a common sense among the American people. In short, laws not only serve to practice the solution of social problem, but instill the righteous concepts into the masses gradually.法律能影响人的想法。上段一直提到法律并不是不能影响人的想法,就把这段提前吧

Admittedly, there definitely should be a boundary to circumscribe the laws, in case the over-expended legal system can impair the normal ethics of society. First, it is not difficult to imagine that a legal system which regulates almost every detail in our daily lives may dramatically increase the social costs, no matter in the enacting stage or in executing stage. Second, were such legal system token into effect, it would obviously muffle the creativity of the masses, like the strict censorship for the press. To sum up, the laws should stay within its effective zone and keep flexible enough not to confine the developing of individuals.有条件限制的立法~

In conclusion, the laws truly can not solve every respect of problems in the modern society, despite humans made tremendous endeavor to perfect our legal system. Yet, it is not because the laws fail to change what is in people’s hearts or minds, but, for the laws always have some places to which it cannot stretch. Therefore, morality, religions, even the human nature, serves as the rudimentary system to ensure our society’s safety and well-being.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-10-18 20:40:06 |只看该作者
3# fadotian

The statement claims that in modern society, laws and legal systems can not solve all types of the problems since it is impossible for the laws to change people's minds. I have found that to clarify this issue, other reasons also lead to the finite effect of legislation to address problems of our society. Besides, the speaker's reason for the function of law is too extreme.

Although laws fail to embrace every detail of people's mind to make instructive and restrained function, on some fundamental aspect, laws could at least assist to establish the basic criteria between the misdeed and legal action. They play the deterrent role to prevent people from put(应该是putting their own desire on the interest of other people. For example, the legislation could restrain the corruption and appropriating of the public resources by punishing such offenses by judicial authority. Also, by enacting the laws to allow the homosexual people get married, most people would gradually accept the differentiated selection in sex.同性恋的例子好像和criteria无关

However, when it comes to the moral realm, it seems that legislation is quite feeble to address the moral dilemmas which are existing everywhere in society. Since people are brought up and educated in totally different environment, as well as the various cultural and historic influence, they would cherish the values in a variety ways, sometimes, they are mutually excluded. For example, one living in a wealthy business family of the capitalistic nation would preserve the earning money as the fecility of his life, while in a communistic country, one would more worship the principle if sacrificing themselves to devote into the welfare of others. 社会主义和资本主义的法律本来就不一样吧,这个例子不太好,最好是同一社会下的道德问题Although the laws offers the right of marring(应该是marrying between lysabines(应该是lesbians女同性恋吧), the law could not demand everybody to accept homosexuality sincerely, nor could the legislation convict those who discriminate homosexuality.

Moreover, in other cases, even if the conceptions or minds could be enforced to change by the force of laws, they could not help to solve the problems in an appropriate way. A myriad of factors contribute to the criminal behaviors, for instance, if one's misfortune can not be judged by the courts in a fair way, one would only resort to retaliation by his own hand, even if such action disobey the laws. 法律的不完整性和公平性Further, in some cases, when the legislation attempts to make change of people's mind, in essence, it impairs some of the most significant principles that every individual appreciate, such as justify and the liberty. The case of house demolition has reflected this claim. When the government is to dismantle the houses in order to improve the transportation condition by widening the roads, the indigenous residents would object to move out because they have adapted to the environment here, how could the laws force the residents to transfer to other place in the circumstance of resisting the justice?这个例子政府没有想改变居民内心的想法吧……

In sum, the law could guide and instruct the basic codes of individuals, yet it wane(wines when it comes to the ethical controversies.  


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-10-18 20:40:51 |只看该作者
Legal system of any nations is usually be criticized by the political critics or even citizens in that there is(are) some problems of modern society cannot be completely solved by laws . Nevertheless, the purpose of the legal system and laws is to regulate the public's behaviour and inhibit their exorbitant desires instead of changing what is in people's hearts or minds. Yet it is surprising that when time goes, laws gradually change people's hearts and minds.

The laws which was made as the opposite of what people really want(这句话有点怪,法律也没有完全和人的想法对着干吧) in fact impair people's freedom. In this case, people will not retreat by being deterred by the laws, and they will even circumvent the legal system at the risk of punishment to achieve what they want. The act of forcing oppression inevitably bring about counterproductive effects. The Prohibition was carried out in 1920 by the Volstead Act to hope to solve the problems of domestic violence caused by alcoholism, which ignored the ordinary need of drink. The prosperity of the black market, the higher rate of violence accidents and the corruption of government officials to drink resulted in the repealing the act later. From this case, some problems cannot be resolved only by laws and the legal systems, especially when they are relevant to people's hearts and minds.(法律不能解决所有问题)

The laws and legal system, however, are not created to change people's hearts or minds. It is just to regulate people's daily behaviours which will not hurt one another or harm the benefits of the whole society. Just like that it is hard to negate that seven deadly sins——lust, gluttony, avarice, sloth, wrath, vanity, covetousness——are people's nature, people are restricted themselves only by gospel. Laws and legal systems have the similar functions, and the only distinction is people who break the laws will have a concrete punishments(这里是说laws和legal system的区别么?). Laws are created from the moral rules which(is) to forbid mankind to do damage to others including people and societies. Through the source and reason of creation of laws, it is now clear to us that the goal of enacting laws is to make countries develop on the way in order which is irrelevant to people's hearts and minds.(我觉得这段的意思是法律可以规范人的行为,使人们不去干某事,但是无法避免人们不去“想”干坏事)
Although the aim of the goal is not to change people's hearts and minds, when people are told what to do and what not to do for a long time, they will form a system of morality by their own. The process of evolvement is like the formation of culture and customs which is told and passed on from one generation to another, so that people change their hearts and behaviours as traditions. In similar, laws and legal system gradually enable people to formulate a concept what could do and what could not by regulating their behaviours. Abraham Lincoln put forward the Emancipation Proclamation to propose the equity between the slaves and the public. There was still opposition to the laws at that time, but till now, it is nearly that no one thinks it is somewhat wrong. Thus, laws and legal system actually affect people's hearts and minds, even if their purpose is not to change  people's hearts but to regulate their behaviours.
In conclusion, laws and legal systems cannot solve all the problems which are opposed to what the most people's needs. Yet it is laws' goal to change people's hearts and minds; so it is unfair to blame laws for their ineffectiveness according to that they cannot change people's ideas sometimes. In fact, laws can gradually affect what in people's mind and hearts by regulating their behaviours to form their own moral standards.
你的提纲是:1.法律不能解决有些问题 2.法律不能解决人的想法,但可以规范行为  3 是2的补充么?

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-10-18 20:45:45 |只看该作者
1.However, it is literally arbitrary to assert the reason of this issue is that laws cannot change what is in people’s hearts and minds这句的assert后面少用了一个that,所以看起来好像不通。这句写得确实啰嗦。改之!你下面写的new forms of inequality and crime emerge and prevail after the prior laws就很凝练。
2.effectively avert from scads of problems that should not resort to the laws我想说:有效的避免了许多不应诉诸法律的问题。
4.Even if consider(considering) the situation in the civilized community, the law is always esteemed as the symbol of social ethos and the real performer to carry the thoughts into act. 你说的对,这句的让步确实有点突兀,不应该用让步语气。这段中我的意思是,当社会思潮被法律付诸实践之后,人们才开始接受这种思想,所以可见法律是可以改变人的意识的。
5# fadotian

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-10-18 20:52:27 |只看该作者
89 Claim: Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system.
Reason: Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds.

I concede that laws and the legal system cannot solve many problems of modern society, and that coming to realize this fact by studying social situations can be beneficial in how to administrate our community. However, it is literally arbitrary to assert the reason of this issue is that laws cannot change what is in people’s hearts and minds. I disagree with this given reason in mainly four respects. First, laws are basically prevention mechanism which always lags behind the matters. Second, besides laws and the legal system, we also need other methods to regulate the society, such as morality and religions. Third, the social problems can rarely be solved without enacting the effective laws. Fourth, a legal system that stipulates all matters in daily life, whether important or trivial, would certainly weaken the creativity of the fellow citizens. I would try to demonstrate my viewpoints below.

I do agree with the claim insofar as modern society’s problem should not solely be solved by laws, yet the reason evidently is not the ineffectiveness of the laws but the social problems, such as inequality and crime, emerge and prevail in some wholly new forms which previously cannot be predicted when the laws was enacted. I believe almost every clause of an act lags behind the actual matters in reality, and that is why, in the case [of] law system, the judges have the right to modify the details of the law through his judgments. We can not account on the laws and regulations to prevent the happening of the problems, therefore, the society needs some other mechanisms to ensure the basic ethics can not be violated.

In consequence, morality and religion, which constitutes the social system with the laws, take the parts of the function. Besides the laws, morality and religion provide the masses with another principle of living to conform [to], thus, effectively avert from scads of problems that should not resort to the laws. As the matter of fact, in some uncivilized regions abounding with illiterates, the strength of morality and religions totally play the key roles of regulating people’s behavior instead of the laws. 【我觉得这里可以加一个Again,提醒一下读者段落内部的结构】The reason why the laws are not fully performed is not that it cannot change people’s minds, but fail to cultivate those uneducated people into the enlightened ones.

Even if 【缺个主语】 consider the situation in the civilized community, the law is always esteemed as the symbol of social ethos and the real performer to carry the thoughts into act. For instance, Abraham Lincoln responds to the demands of abolition of the slavery through his famous Emancipation Proclamation in 1860s. The trend of thoughts should always be executed through the laws that reflect the consensus, or say compromise, of various sections of society. Perhaps we can take the Civil Right Movement in the US as other example as well. Dr. Martin Luther Jr., with all colored- races in the US, strived to demand the equal rights with the white man, and, as a result, the Senate finally passed The Civil Rights Act and The Voting Rights Act as the official ratification. As these two Acts were taken into effect, the rule of political correct and anti-discrimination has already become a common sense among the American people. In short, laws not only serve to practice the solution of social problem, but instill the righteous concepts into the masses gradually.

Admittedly, there definitely should be a boundary to circumscribe the laws, in case the over-expended legal system can impair the normal ethics of society. First, it is not difficult to imagine that a legal system which regulates almost every detail in our daily lives may dramatically increase the social costs, no matter in the enacting stage or in executing stage. Second, were such legal system token into effect, it would obviously muffle the creativity of the masses, like the strict censorship for the press. To sum up, the laws should stay within its effective zone and keep flexible enough not to confine the developing [development] of individuals.

In conclusion, the laws truly can not solve every respect of problems in[problems in every respect of?] the modern society, despite humans made tremendous endeavor to perfect our legal system. Yet, it is not because the laws fail to change what is in people’s hearts or minds, but, for the laws always have some places to which it cannot stretch. Therefore, morality, religions, even the human nature, serves as the rudimentary system to ensure our society’s safety and well-being.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-10-18 20:56:43 |只看该作者
The speaker gave bitter comment on the use of legal systems today, circumscribing a limited scope for it. What lends credibility for the claim is the presumption that laws are meritless in changing people’s thought. For the conclusion of the speaker I fully agree, though the ambiguous term ‘many’ threatens to ruin the sensibleness of the whole proposition and therefore needs clarifying(你的思维真缜密). I nevertheless reject the reason on which the unexceptionable conclusion is deduced, and I dare to search for more solid reason in this essay.

In this essay I would consider both areas not meant to be regulated by legal systems and those where laws are proper to exert power. In both cases, we find numerous examples of my viewpoint. Since modern men often have the illusion that all aspects of life, given the reasonableness of them, should be governed by ‘laws’ as in the physical world, it is advisable to start with pointing out areas outside the clout of laws. My position is that purely private affairs can not be guided by laws. For example, one can decide how to spend a Saturday night, whether by doing something helpful to himself, or by drinking in local bars. In the process he may encounter decisions concerning spending money. And it is his freedom to spend the money in any manner so long as he does not endanger others’ rights. For the rights he owns, at least under some constitutions, he may choose to abandon or part with other people. Laws do form the boundaries of these activities, but they do not fix the problems occurring within. Among sciences, economics, rather than jurisprudence, best solves problems of such kind, because it focuses on the allocation of rare resources like money and free time.
In areas meant to be regulated by laws, being mainly public and interpersonal affairs, we discover problems not solvable through legal means as well. In today’s world, myriad of new things spout into existence every second, bringing even more problems than legislature could possibly respond to swiftly. Consider environment problems. We observe clearly how serious the problems must have been in the face of rising temperature across globe and melting icecaps, but little has been done to guide people’s behavior in the form of legislature. In smaller scale, routine interpersonal activities involve problems unsolvable by laws as well. These include mainly undefined or fuzzy terms, or simply new situations unthought of beforehand. For example, is it right for a photographer to take photos of passers-by without permission, for the sake of creation of art? This became a problem only after photographers began to do so out in the streets, and legal systems today can not determine decisively whether this is an illegal action. Such problems would be better settled by moral education, or by seeking consent, either in a small group of people or among nations(这是法律局限性2,总落后于时代).

Applauding as I may be towards his claim, I strongly oppose to the speaker’s assumption that laws cannot modify people’s minds. To note that a large proportion of moral doctrines formulates under the instillation of past laws, is to substantiate my position(这句话看得好拗口的样子,不理解). Hans Reichenbach, the American philosopher, once commented on Kant’s moral system (and I paraphrase) that the system was an image of Prussian social structures, including the legal structure in the society. What Anglo-Saxon philosophers tend to argue about mores is so disparage from that by German philosophers and both resemble so astoundingly to the individualism and federalism tradition of legislature, that one can hardly think of mores and legislature as unrelated. Laws have also served to modify some of the most ancient habits of human nature, such as the desire to kill, to use violence, or to deceit. The common habits of thinking shared by most modern humans have been shaped, or, in a stronger sense, domesticated by laws.

Here ends my brief essay. In sum, although I cannot agree with the speaker’s reason for my observation contradicts it; I sincerely believe in the claim that many problems in present societies cannot be solved by laws alone. Indeed it would be very undesirable if all problems can be solved by law, for that means the elimination of private space for individuals. Other problems, on the other hand, can be settled by law but today’s legislature simply could not keep in pace with changing circumstances.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-10-18 21:09:25 |只看该作者
The statement claims that in modern society, laws and legal systems can not solve all types of the problems since it is impossible for the laws to change people's minds. I have found that to clarify this issue, other reasons also lead to the finite effect of legislation to address problems of our society. Besides, the speaker's reason for the function of law is too extreme.

Although laws fail to embrace every detail of people's mind to make instructive and restrained function, on some fundamental aspect(aspects), laws could at least assist to establish the basic criteria between the misdeed and legal action. They play the deterrent role to prevent people from put(putting) their own desire on the interest of other people.(这句的意思是说防止人们为了私利损害他人利益吗?put sth on sth 有这个含义吗? ) For example, the legislation could restrain the corruption and appropriating of the public resources by punishing such offenses by judicial authority. Also, by enacting the laws to allow the homosexual people get married, most people would gradually accept the differentiated selection in sex.(没明白,什么是differentiated selection)

However, when it comes to the moral realm, it seems that legislation is quite feeble to address the moral dilemmas which are existing everywhere in society. Since people are brought up and educated in totally different environment, as well as the various cultural and historic(historical) influence, they would cherish the values in a variety ways, sometimes, they are mutually excluded. For example, one living in a wealthy business family of the capitalistic nation would preserve the earning money as the fecility of his life, while in a communistic country, one would more worship the principle if sacrificing themselves to devote into the welfare of others. (这个说法,老美肯定不同意,哈哈!)Although the laws offers the right of marring between lysabines(lesbians), the law could not demand everybody to accept homosexuality sincerely, nor could the legislation convict those who discriminate homosexuality.

Moreover, in other cases, even if the conceptions or minds could be enforced to change by the force of laws, they could not help to solve the problems in an appropriate way. A myriad of factors contribute to the criminal behaviors, for instance, if one's misfortune can not be judged by the courts in a fair way, one would only resort to retaliation by his own hand, even if such action disobey the laws. Further, in some cases, when the legislation attempts to make change of people's mind, in essence, it impairs some of the most significant principles that every individual appreciate, such as justify(justice) and the liberty. The case of house demolition has reflected this claim. When the government is to dismantle the houses in order to improve the transportation condition by widening the roads, the indigenous residents would object to move out because they have adapted to the environment here, how could the laws force the residents to transfer to other place in the circumstance of resisting the justice?

In sum, the law could guide and instruct the basic codes of individuals, yet it wane when it comes to the ethical controversies.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-10-18 21:26:17 |只看该作者

89 Claim: Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system.
Reason laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds
The statement claims that in modern society, laws and legal systems can not solve all types of the problems since it is impossible for the laws to change people's minds. I have found that to clarify this issue, other reasons also lead to the finite effect of legislation to address problems of our society. Besides, the speaker's reason for the function of law is too extreme.

Although laws fail to embrace every detail of people's mind to make instructive and restrained function, on some fundamental aspect, laws could at least assist to establish the basic criteria between the misdeed and legal action. They play the deterrent role to prevent people from put their own desire on the interest of other people. For example, the legislation could restrain the corruption and appropriating of the public resources by punishing such offenses by judicial authority. Also, by enacting the laws to allow the homosexual people [to] get married, most people would gradually accept the differentiated selection in sex.

However, when it comes to the moral realm, it seems that legislation is quite feeble to address the moral dilemmas which are existing everywhere in society. Since people are brought up and educated in totally different environment, as well as the various cultural and historic influence, they would cherish the values in a variety ways, sometimes, they are mutually excluded. For example, one living in a wealthy business family of the capitalistic nation would preserve the earning money as the fecility 【真的有这个词吗?】 of his life, while in a communistic country, one would more worship the principle if sacrificing themselves to devote into the welfare of others. Although the laws offers the right of marring between lysabines [lesbians?], the law could not demand everybody to accept homosexuality sincerely, nor could the legislation convict those who discriminate homosexuality.

Moreover, in other cases, even if the conceptions or minds could be enforced to change by the force of laws, they could not help to solve the problems in an appropriate way. A myriad of factors contribute to the criminal behaviors, for instance, if one's misfortune can not be judged by the courts in a fair way, one would only resort to retaliation by his own hand, even if such action disobey the laws. Further, in some cases, when the legislation attempts to make change of people's mind, in essence, it impairs some of the most significant principles that every individual appreciate, such as justify and the liberty. The case of house demolition has reflected this claim. When the government is to dismantle the houses in order to improve the transportation condition by widening the roads, the indigenous residents would object to move out because they have adapted to the environment here, how could the laws force the residents to transfer to other place in the circumstance of resisting the justice?

In sum, the law could guide and instruct the basic codes of individuals, yet it wane when it comes to the ethical controversies.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-10-18 22:11:33 |只看该作者

89Claim: Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the
legal system.
Reason: Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds.

Legal system of any nations is usually be criticized by the political critics or even citizens in that there is some problems of modern society cannot be completely solved by laws . Nevertheless, the purpose of the legal system and laws is to regulate the public's behaviour and inhibit their exorbitant desires instead of changing what is in people's hearts or minds. Yet it is surprising that when time goes, laws gradually change people's hearts and minds.

The laws which was made as the opposite of what people really want in fact impair people's freedom. In this case, people will not retreat by being deterred by the laws, and they will even circumvent the legal system at the risk of punishment to achieve what they want. The act of forcing oppression inevitably bring about counterproductive effects. The Prohibition was carried out in 1920 by the Volstead Act to hope to solve the problems of domestic violence caused by alcoholism【今天在微经书看到这个例子了……】, which ignored the ordinary need of drink. The prosperity of the black market, the higher rate of violence accidents and the corruption of government officials to drink resulted in the repealing the act later. From this case, some problems cannot be resolved only by laws and the legal systems, especially when they are relevant to people's hearts and minds.

The laws and legal system, however, are not created to change people's hearts or minds. It is just to regulate people's daily behaviours which will not hurt one another or harm the benefits of the whole society. Just like that it is hard to negate that seven deadly sins——lust, gluttony, avarice, sloth, wrath, vanity, covetousness——are people's nature, people are restricted themselves only by gospel. Laws and legal systems have the similar functions, and the only distinction is people who break the laws will have a concrete punishments. Laws are created from the moral rules which to forbid mankind to do damage to others including people and societies. Through the source and reason of creation of laws, it is now clear to us that the goal of enacting laws is to make countries develop on the way in order which is irrelevant to people's hearts and minds.

Although the aim of the goal is not to change people's hearts and minds, when people are told what to do and what not to do for a long time, they will form a system of morality by their own. The process of evolvement is like the formation of culture and customs which is told and passed on from one generation to another, so that people change their hearts and behaviours as traditions. In similar, laws and legal system gradually enable people to formulate a concept what could do and what could not by regulating their behaviours. Abraham Lincoln put forward the Emancipation Proclamation to propose the equity between the slaves and the public. There was still opposition to the laws at that time, but till now, it is nearly that [nearly] no one thinks it is somewhat wrong. Thus, laws and legal system actually affect people's hearts and minds, even if their purpose is not to change  people's hearts but to regulate their behaviours.

In conclusion, laws and legal systems cannot solve all the problems which are opposed to what the most people's needs. Yet it is laws' goal to change people's hearts and minds; so it is unfair to blame laws for their ineffectiveness according to that they cannot change people's ideas sometimes. In fact, laws can gradually affect what in people's mind and hearts by regulating their behaviours to form their own moral standards.


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