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[未归类] [打卡]为积累经济学术语和熟悉学术写作而练习翻译经典 [复制链接]

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发表于 2016-2-22 01:34:51 来自手机 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

经济(economy)这个词来自希腊语 oikonomos,它的意思是“管理家庭的人”。

翻译:The world economy comes from Greek oikonomos which means family manager.

原文:the word economy comes from the Greek word oikonomos, which means “one who manages a household.”

订正:希腊语oikonomos: Greek word oikonomos
管理家庭的人: one who manages a household


The origin seems a little strange at the first sight but actually family is similar to economy.

原文:At first, this origin might seem pecu- liar. But in fact, households and economies have much in common.

有很多相同之处 have much in common


Family needs to face a lot of decisions that what will family members do and what's their returns.

原文:A household faces many decisions. It must decide which members of the household do which tasks and what each member gets in return:

订正: which members of the household do which tasks and what each member gets in return
获得回报: get in return


Who do dinners? Who do laundries? Who deserve more desserts after dinner? Who are in charge of what TV programs to watch?

原文:Who cooks dinner? Who does the laundry? Who gets the extra dessert at dinner? Who gets to choose what TV show to watch?

总之,家庭必 须将它的稀缺资源在各个成员之间进行分配,在分配时它需要考虑每个成员的能力、努力程度和愿望。

In conclusion, a household should assignment its scared resource among every member, during which every member's ability, endeavor level and wish should be taken into account.

In short, the household must allocate its scarce resources among its various members, taking into account each member’s abili- ties, efforts, and desires.

订正: scared是害怕的,scarce才是稀缺的
个人愿景 desire , 分配 allocate


The society faces many decisions as the household and should find certain method to allocate which jobs to which member.

原文:Like a household, a society faces many decisions. A society must find some way to decide what jobs will be done and who will do them.

订正:意思表达不清what jobs should be done and who will do them

会将人(以及土地、建筑和机器)分配给不同的工作,它也必须分配这些工作生产出的商品 和服务。

The society needs someone to plant crops, someone to make clothes, someone to design computer software. Once it allocates workforce ( lands, buildings and machines ) to different jobs, it must allocate goods and service produced by those work.

原文:It needs some people to grow food, other people to make clothing, and still others to design computer software. Once society has allocated people (as well as land, buildings, and machines) to various jobs, it must also allocate the output of goods and services
they produce.

订正:种粮食 grow foods,
学习表达: some.., other.., still others
产出直接用the output of更加简洁
Allocate...to various ...


The society must decide who has caviar and who has potatoes. The society must decide who drives a Ferrari and who takes the bus. To manage scarce social resource is vital for its scarcity.

原文:It must decide who will eat caviar and who will eat potatoes. It must decide who will drive a Ferrari and who will take the bus. The management of society’s resources is important because resources are scarce.

稀缺(scarcity)是说社会的资源 是有限的,从而无法生产出人们想要的所有商品和服务。正如家庭中的每个成员不能想要什 么就有什么一样,社会中的每个个人也不能达到他想要的最高生活标准。

Scarcity means social resource is limited so that it is impossible to produce all the goods and services that people desire to own. Individuals in the society cannot reach the highest living standard they desire just like the household example.

原文:Scarcity means that society has limited resources and therefore cannot produce all the goods and services people wish to have. Just as each member of a household cannot get everything he or she wants, each individual in a society cannot attain the highest standard of living to which he or she might aspire.

订正: aspire 渴望
达到标准 attain standard
To attain the highest standard of living to which he or she might aspire


Economics is the study of how the society manages its scarce resources. In most societies, the allocation is not done by dictators but by tens of thousands of households and enterprises together.

原文:Economics is the study of how society manages its scarce resources. In most societies, resources are allocated not by an all-powerful dictator but through the combined actions of millions of households and firms.

订正: 万能的 all-powerful, 通过...的共同行动完成through the combined actions of...

因此, 经济学家研究人们如何制定决策:他们工作多长时间;购买什么商品;有多少余钱;以及如 何将这些余钱用于投资。经济学家也研究人们如何互动的。

Therefore, economists study how people make decisions: How long they work; what goods they buy; How much is surplus money; How to use the surplus money to invest. Economists also study how people interact with each other.

原文:Economists therefore study how people make decisions: how much they work, what they buy, how much they save, and how they invest their savings. Economists also study how people inter- act with one another.

纠正: How much they save and how they invest their savings; each other= one another

例如,他们研究某种商品的众多 买者和卖者如何一起决定了该商品的销售价格和销售量。最后,经济学家分析影响经济整体 的因素,包括平均收入的增长、失业率和价格上升速度。

For example, they study how the multitude of buyers and sellers of a good  together determine how much is the good and how many goods are sold. Finally, economists analyze the factors that influence the gross economy including increasing average income, unemployment rate, the rising rate of price.

原文:For instance, they examine how the multitude of buyers and sellers of a good together determine the price at which the good is sold and the quantity that is sold. Finally, economists analyze forces and trends that affect the economy as a whole, including the growth in average income, the fraction of the population that cannot find work, and the rate at which prices are rising.

纠正:the price at which the good is sold;the quantity that is sold;
力量(动力)和趋势 forces and trends;
影响总体经济 affect the economy as a whole;
价格上升速度 the rate at which prices are rising(prices are rising at the rate)

经济学十大原理(Ten principles of Economics)。如果你一时理解不了或者不完全相信这些原理,也没关系。我们在后面章节将更全面地分析这些思想。

The study of economy involves various aspects but those aspects can be integrated by some gists. In this chapter we introduce Ten Principles of Economics. It doesn't matter if you cannot understand it for a short while. We will analyze these principles comprehensively in the following chapters.

原文:The study of economics has many facets, but it is unified by several central ideas. In this chapter, we look at Ten Principles of Economics. Don’t worry if you don’t understand them all at first or if you aren’t completely convinced. We will explore these ideas more fully in later chapters.

纠正:方面可以用facets, gist=central ideas, 统一unify,我们在后面章节将更全面地分析这些思想We will explore these ideas more fully in later Chapter.

这里介绍的十大原理只是让你了 解一下经济学是怎么一回事。你可以把本章作为“即将上映电影大片的预告片”。

The introduction of ten principles here is just to let you know of what is going on about Economics. You can take this chapter as trailer of a blockbuster movie.

原文:The ten principles are introduced here to give you an overview of what economics is all about. Consider this chapter a “preview of coming attractions.”

纠正: 了解大概内容: give you an overview of...; 即将上映的电影预告片内容 a preview of coming attractions


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