Vo: so you have been rejected twice. Why you come again this year?
Me: I have some working experience in a world 500 company and I get the more scholarship this year.
Vo: you are an engineer now, why you come to study communication technology?
Me: I am now a purchasing engineer. My program is a professional training in communication and I will concentration on marketing communication. (explain my major with an example, its application…)
Vo: so let see the money. You have to pay 23000 usd, but your deposit is 24000. why your parents use all their money?
Me: that’s not all the money I have. My dad also has some stocks in the market. You know, it fluctuates. If we sell it now, we may lose some.
Vo: so that doesn’t count. The money is not liquid…
Me: (arguing. Also say the educational investment will be paid off.)
Vo: why your program last year was 24 month and now is 12?
Me: last year, the school made some mistake. Usually master’s is 2 year. So the graduate school wrote 24 month on my I20. but my program is 1 year. If you are not sure, you can check it.
Vo: it’s not my duty. (Impatient)
vo: how much you earn now? what do you think you can earn after graduation?
Vo: why you are sure you can earn that much?
Me: when I was rejected in Aug last year, I found a job in … you know, that’s a very famous company. After I come back with Master’s in the US, I will have more edge in the job market. So I am very confident to find… best education plus working experience in world 500, why you sure I can’t earn that much? (very strong intonation)
Vo: how many schools did you apply for? How many admitted you?
Me: 4. … only one. But the chance is 1/4. Consider if you apply 20 and get 3 offers. I believe my result is good.
Vo: why not work in the US?
Me: market is china…. Plus, my parents, my relationship with other international companies…
Vo: doesn’t hold water. Look at older people beside you.
Me: I will not let my parents wait outside…
Vo: so you mean you will not let your parents visit you? Shall I put that in file?
Me: it’s up to you. Anyway, I will come back after one year and see my parents.
Vo: go to window 11.
听见这句话简直不敢相信,一直以为要拒我的。vo看完我的财力就把I20都仍出来了,后来我给名片,以及很多大公司经理名片的list 都不要。问题感觉对自己很不利,觉得肯定拒了,准备出来就约了。不过一直对自己说要有信心,要坚持到最后,所以今天说话比较坚定,声音比较大,她反驳我的时候也是不停在argue,所以说不到最后千万不要放弃。不过难道我父母以后真的不能来看我吗?vo不会真的在电脑里打什么了吧?
Words to yangyang:
今天特意带了你送的玉,我想有你陪在我身边一定可以有好运的。虽然学校离你那里还很远,至少提早一年实现了我的梦想。我相信很多事情自己去争取,就会有收获。拿到了签证,重考的托福和报的上外在职研究生都没有什么用了,不过每一步都是为来到你身边做准备的。有时候也会有点怪你,特别是前阶段觉得自己过不来,特别难过。现在,我们终于可以圣诞就可以见面了。我希望以后不管发生什么事,都可以像亲人一样在你身边支持你。我也会学着独立的,不可以什么都依赖你,到那里还是要自己照顾自己的。现在可以给你看这个拉,以前郁闷的时候写的,不要笑我哦:) https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=175541