As exciting as China's Internet scene and opportunities are, it's not exactly simple to build and manage Internet operations here. There are a wide variety of regulatory, legal, infrastructure, connectivity, cultural, language, and other problems that are not common outside of China. In addition, there are many misconceptions about the very nature of how the Internet works and how it is managed or regulated in today's PRC. All of these challenges often trip up or complicate otherwise well-planned projects.
Kevin Yang from ChinaNetCloud will present the impact of Internet in China and the challenges of establishing an Internet presence within China boundaries. Viewers can expect a brief introduction on Data Centers, IDC Connectivity, and Private Cloud systems as well as the rising popularity of Public Cloud and Hybrid systems. He'll also touch upon key security matters and web development in China. This video is relevant to IT Professionals who intend or are considering to build Internet Systems in China.
On 29th, September, Kevin Yang will present:
About China and the Internet
Job Opportunities